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Hoon Hoe Brothers (eagle Design)?

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this is the hole for the water pipe from the basin. look at that. the guy didn't even bother to at least make it smooth



notice that the pipe is slanted? notice that i didn't complain about it? that's because after all the other glaring workmanship, the pipe is nothing at all.

while i'm at it, attached is the picture of the cultured marble area between the basin and the cabinet.


notice how the cabinet is pasted to the marble? notice the white cement that's supposed to seal the gap?

oh, if you see really closely, you will see a white line across the cultured marble itself. this is because the cultured marble was too short. wrong measurement, so they cut too much, and so the basin can't sit on it. they have to paste a small piece to increase the height of the marble itself by 1 inch, just so the basin can be installed. they were going to paste a pink marble (notice that the colour of my marble is coffee) when my wife noticed it and asked them to paste the same colour. the fact that we have to tell them to do so, what does that tell you?

we really have lots and lots and lots of pictures of other defects. we're not showing them here yet as we're still hoping that it will be rectified. if they are not rectified, i will post them here. i'm still giving him a chance.


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hi summerholiday, i'll take your painter anytime :D

i'm attaching the pictures of my master toilet's vanity top/cabinet. look at them, looks nice isn't it?



now, after the nice external, we open the cabinet door, and we see this!! how pissed off would you be?




see what i mean about he can, but he doesn't want to? or maybe, can't be bothered at all?


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hi sk and iltheas, hope that soon your reno will be complete soon with all defects rectify..

my poor thai painter had been re paint my wall again and again cos we keep dirty it and my smart husband go and use a wet rough cloth trying to remove a black mark cos my his charlie angles chair.. :<


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Anyone used Mr Tan's service before? Any advice/comment? We went to a few contractors, and his seems to be the cheapest. Not sure about the quality/workmanship though. His name card states "Eagle Design, subsidiary of Hoon Hoe Brothers". Hoon Hoe is listed in hdb website and radac, but Eagle Design is NOT listed. He said that Eagle Design is created so the customers can avoid paying GST. If I were to engage him, should I insist on getting the contract done by Hoon Hoe instead of Eagle Design? Thanks.

Hi, not too sure if this post is kinda late, I just joined this forum in Sep.

My mum's hse was done up by Mr Tan ard 8 yrs ago. I think he's workmanship @ tt time isn't too good. By the 2nd year, the varnish on the wooden cupboards were already peeling.... And the aircon was installed at the wrong angle, causing it to leak very often (this is what the various aircon servicemen have told me)

I sure hope after 8 yrs their work is much better...


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Hi SK, if you feel satisfied with Mr Tan's work, then good for you. Either Mr Tan really make 'nice nice' for you or you're not picky like us and can tolerate mistakes more than we do. But for the amount of money I'm paying him, he should have done a much better job!!

Don't get me wrong, as I said, the carpenter did do the external part well. It's only the internal part that he doesn't care. He CAN do, but he DOESN'T WANT to. That's what I'm trying to say. I will try to post some more pics later to show you what I mean, and then, maybe, you'll understand why I said that. And before you say about touching up or Mr Tan doing something about it, he implied to me on the phone that he's NOT gonna do anything about it. That's how Mr Tan is to us. I dunno whether we can argue with him to change his mind, we'll see and will keep you updated.

Again, he treats you nicely us normally, or he treats you normally us badly. I need other ppl who's using Mr Tan to comment before I can decide.

Edited by iltheas

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I guess my renovation is almost finished. To anyone who even consider of engaging Mr Tan, I would advise you NOT to. The only workmanship that I find good is the tilings.

There was once Mr Tan brought us to visit his factory, to show us our carpentry works. Hubby checked on some of the finished works and mentioned that they were good. I saw a couple of the half-dones and got a feel of it...the laminating (or dunno how to call that...joining parts?) was really good. Saw his team of carpenters, 3 out of 6 managed our carpentry project then. My hubby also saw them installing the works when they came to fix the built-in items. I rem there were not much or rather nil complaints then. No hiccups for tiling works too. I must say that their electrical and plumbing workers also good.


1) Delay delay and delay. Even the carpenter made a remark that all the reno is being delayed. Means he's delaying EVERYONE, not just ours. Probably we're supposed to feel better as we're not the only sucker out there.

Absolutely agree on this. Really atrocious. I have been posting my comments of the delayed house moving due to the painting works. One of the workers told my hubby that this Mr Tan...”no big head dun wear a big hat”...implying that there is not enough manpower still wanna take in more projects. Hubby told me that Mr Tan’s carpenter complained him recently of their situation and maybe other workers too, dun wan to work OT often cos they practically have been working like a bull, too much work and under stress. I feel empathize them for working with Mr. Tan. Currently, was told that they are handling 10 projects.

2) Their work is not systematic at all. It's like, whichever worker is free, they'll come and do something. It doesn't matter if the step is illogical (such as flooring before painting). Now my laminated floor is done, and the workers have to walk in and out to enter the bathroom to do the cabinet, shower screen, etc.

Partially agree on this, for my situation I saw the sequence seem alright except for the painting. This is the biggest problem we have encountered with Mr Tan insofar.

3) Carpentry looks ok from outside, but inside is crappy like ****. It's like, the carpenter feels that since the outside is good, inside doesn't matter at all.

We do not have such problem. However, not sure currently as we got his carpenter to open a hole to let our MBR’s TV to sit on within one of the WIWs. It’s a recent change which we want Mr Tan to do. Hubby is still monitoring.

4) Dunno whether the painter is his own painter. At first he seems to paint carefully. The end part though, he can't seem to be bothered, and anyhow paint. Sometimes the painter paints, sometimes the general workers paint, which is worse. Time to go back? They just go back. Didn't even bother to close the tin. The worker even lied to my wife, saying that the door has been painted 2 coat eventhough my wife notice that they've only painted one coat. My wife actually took the tin and did the touch up herself.

Initially, we were told that the lightings to be installed once painting works has completed. Then after buying all our lightings, his workers came and installed them already. We were like....ah? Called Mr Tan to query then he said can “un-install” them before painting. This was not true. When first team of painters came, the lightings were still at the ceilings and I spotted some parts of the lights were “stained” with paint. I called Mr Tan again. This time, he said he will get his workers to clean up the stains....keeps telling me very easy one...no issue. I rem he saying that lights fixtures is the last thing to install cos not to break/mis handle the lights’ condition.

We have been chasing him to complete the paint works since mid of Sep. Guess no paint professionals would reckon one paint job to take them 3-4 weeks to finish, not to mention, it’s only single coat of paint. Mr Tan just engaged a driver who also knows about painting. This newcomer also told my hubby that our house definitely needs another coat cos the Burmese painters did not do a good job.

We have thought the paint works are done by his own painters but it is NOT! If only he told us early, we would have given others this job. Team 1’s painting was done by his sub-con. That was really lousy job done by those Burmese lads. Team 2 – his own workers. Suppose we could move in 2 weeks earlier if not for this delayed job. So fed up with Mr Tan. Have told him straight that if the painting is not going to complete by tomorrow, we would engage someone else to do it and deduct from the amount of money agreed upon previously for the painting to the painter we are getting (for touch ups). We shall see how it goes today. Hubby is monitoring at home currently.

5) Our toilet's brand is Baron. Supplied by him of course. The button is often stuck in the flushing mode. It happens often enough that it's getting annoying. SK, you said you have to change the toilet bowl, what's wrong with yours?

The change of toilet bowls had nothing got to do with Mr Tan. Just that we want to change the bowls to match the colour theme of the 2 toilets. Found one of them had rust sediments at the bottom of the bowls after cleaning up. The HDB contractors had that done cos we brought that “wish list” (defect list) to the HDB. Ours is a new flat.

6) His materials is EXPENSIVE!! 1-gang light switch, he's charging us $15, and the quality is much much lousier compared to those we can get in HomeFix, and HomeFix is only $5! I admit, this one is my own fault. This is additional stuff, not in the contract originally. Therefore, by the time we know that he's charging so much, it was too late. We wouldn't mind if the quality is the same or maybe better, but with such crappy quality??

We have added quite a number of items that are not mentioned in the contract. However, I would seek a price from Mr Tan before deciding to let him do or not. Plus, I would check with Mr. Tan’s lady assistant on the price to pay for the final bill once in a while. Added items are done by Mr Tan as we find the price is still within our budget.

I definitely regret signing up with this guy... Let me say this again, there isn't any perfect contractor. There's bound to be problems here and there. But with the speed he's going (or lack of), I expected a perfect job, not this kind of shabby job. Workmanship is bad, speed is bad, material is bad as well. So NOT recommended.

We also reckon with the amount of work and time, we seek a more justified quality and commitment in finishing the work to somehow a satisfactorily condition. We din fail them at first stage. I would still recommend them of their reasonable pricing and good workmanship (but definitely NOT painting job). A total nightmare.


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wow... that's really surprise.. jus dropping in..

oh if i not wrong, sk flat is new one, so hers is it supplied by hdb?

my contractor also give me baron, using for 14th day.. so far ok, or becos i seldom use it? hope it's not product prob..

from the pics, hav to admit tat carpentry was not done well..

hope that mr tan is able to do something about those..


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I guess my renovation is almost finished. To anyone who even consider of engaging Mr Tan, I would advise you NOT to. The only workmanship that I find good is the tilings.


1) Delay delay and delay. Even the carpenter made a remark that all the reno is being delayed. Means he's delaying EVERYONE, not just ours. Probably we're supposed to feel better as we're not the only sucker out there.

2) Their work is not systematic at all. It's like, whichever worker is free, they'll come and do something. It doesn't matter if the step is illogical (such as flooring before painting). Now my laminated floor is done, and the workers have to walk in and out to enter the bathroom to do the cabinet, shower screen, etc.

3) Carpentry looks ok from outside, but inside is crappy like ****. It's like, the carpenter feels that since the outside is good, inside doesn't matter at all.

4) Dunno whether the painter is his own painter. At first he seems to paint carefully. The end part though, he can't seem to be bothered, and anyhow paint. Sometimes the painter paints, sometimes the general workers paint, which is worse. Time to go back? They just go back. Didn't even bother to close the tin. The worker even lied to my wife, saying that the door has been painted 2 coat eventhough my wife notice that they've only painted one coat. My wife actually took the tin and did the touch up herself.

5) Our toilet's brand is Baron. Supplied by him of course. The button is often stuck in the flushing mode. It happens often enough that it's getting annoying. SK, you said you have to change the toilet bowl, what's wrong with yours?

6) His materials is EXPENSIVE!! 1-gang light switch, he's charging us $15, and the quality is much much lousier compared to those we can get in HomeFix, and HomeFix is only $5! I admit, this one is my own fault. This is additional stuff, not in the contract originally. Therefore, by the time we know that he's charging so much, it was too late. We wouldn't mind if the quality is the same or maybe better, but with such crappy quality??

Attached are the pics:




Above is our toilet cabinet. Notice how rough the edges are near the pipe? I think I can do a much better job myself.



This one is interesting. We did a shoe rack at the entrance. The shoe rack covers that main electrical point (whatever you call it). The carpenter had to cut a hole to accomodate the box, and just like the cabinet in our toilet, the carpenter didn't bother using proper tools. Probably just saw it on the spot. As we can see the rough edges, we asked him to do something about it. What did he do? He screwed a brown piece of wood to cover it. The shoe rack is white!!

I definitely regret signing up with this guy... Let me say this again, there isn't any perfect contractor. There's bound to be problems here and there. But with the speed he's going (or lack of), I expected a perfect job, not this kind of shabby job. Workmanship is bad, speed is bad, material is bad as well. So NOT recommended.


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my painter is a funny guy from thailand, he always cum dress in shirt and pants, n change to his painting clothes before start work, but quite patient and friendly.. but not sure is it my condition of door frame and doors bad so painting not so smooth but far cant see so we jus take it..

sk so your painting haven finished yet?


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So envious of you to stay into lovenest now.

Really sucks alot for Mr Tan to engage paint works to his sub con...drag so long.

Note to those who are considering Mr Tan to reno ya house. Try to source painting to someone. They delay way too much for our house.


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my house also no sunlight, tat's why i tell edmund i wan bright bright.. btw he rectify my pipes prob :yamseng: today the final touch up for paint.. :blink: all so good, next month my birthday, so prob see if can house warming next month.. need a bit time to do house cleaning, suddenly realise hous etoo big alreadyy... :lol:


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Im going down to see the changes made to my house. My hubby went today cos Mr Tan's workers were there to touch up & paint.

See if I can take some pics to upload or not.

When house-warming ah? I like the brightness of ya kitchen. My kitchen not bright cos of the layout. Sunlight cant come in much.


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me already move in.. found some slight problem.. but luckily edmund able to help to solve, so tomo he will send ppl to help us.. so far still ok..


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Hi Hi Summer, my contractor has the entire unit's flooring polished already. Went to visit last night and v v clean. Abit disappointed that no painting work has been carried out.

I told Mr Tan that if there's still nothing happening for the paint works Im going to get someone else the job to do it. Thought we could move in tomorrow but then we decided to postpone it to find better date loh.

Meanwhile, we are shopping for kitchenware, crockery, cutlery etc to make the entire house more complete. Then after house cleaning then we will move in. No hurry now I guess.


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