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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hello guys, After patiently waiting for 3 years, I've just finally collected keys to my 4 room premium BTO!! Decided to start this t-blog to share my scandinavian renovation works with everyone as I'll like to contribute back to homeowners since I've been a quiet reader for the past one year. T-blog has been really 'educational' to me in terms of tips and tricks as well as contacts thus I'd hope what I will be sharing would contribute to those who are renovating their home or getting keys to their new place! Anyway, here's my floor plan for reference: My scandinavian design which I will be having are inspired during my stay in Denmark. During my stay there, I was influenced by the danish way of life, how their designs were clean and timeless as well as functional. I love everything scandinavian and my place would only be made of four colour scheme - which is white, brown, grey and black.
  2. 1 point
    Coz i m poor!! Thks for sharing
  3. 1 point
    Impending purchases Either of these 1 seater sofa Dining set Coffee Table
  4. 1 point
    Welcome neighbour... we are frm strathmore too.. since 2011... at blk 52 , good idea to have a FB grp
  5. 1 point
    Thanks, what kind of pricing should I expect? $200? $300? $400? By the way this ministry of door seems to have some very bad reviews here...
  6. 1 point
    Part 1, my family of 3 person with story cut short, - did flakes coating in 2009 from contractor met during roadshows that specialize in such flakes coatings, for both toilets, kitchen and service balcony, using Imported flakes - main toilet only use for bathing and weekly changing of water in pail for house mopping - discoloring appears more vividly over the shower standing area - many cracks appear in early 2013, warranty is over - water starts to sip through the cracks and under the flake coats, causing many hollow gaps between floor tiles and flake coats leading to peeling off - place non slip mat over the crack areas - finally one big piece came off during weekly toilet cleaning - service balcony, kitchen toilet and master toilet that is use less and has much less contact with water, still ok so far judge the condition on how i maintain the toilet for yourself
  7. 1 point
    What block are you at?
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