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How To Resolve Wall Cracks In New Paint Job?

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It has been 3 months since my renovation works are completed.

We had hacked a rectangular opening of about 3 ft long by 1 foot height between the kitchen wall and the dining. Now some cracks in the paint have been spotted around the hacked area.

We had also removed a door between the toilet and a bedroom and re-constructed with wall. Now, long cracks in the paint are spotted all over the "new wall" .

We voiced our complaints to the contractor and he said he will paint over it.

May I seek the advice of more experienced forummers:

1) Could the cracks be due to more serious underlining reasons?

2) If he just re-paint, won't the problems recur in a few months time?

3) How can this problem be best solved? replaster and repaint?

Will be grateful for any advice


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It has been 3 months since my renovation works are completed.

We had hacked a rectangular opening of about 3 ft long by 1 foot height between the kitchen wall and the dining. Now some cracks in the paint have been spotted around the hacked area.

We had also removed a door between the toilet and a bedroom and re-constructed with wall. Now, long cracks in the paint are spotted all over the "new wall" .

We voiced our complaints to the contractor and he said he will paint over it.

May I seek the advice of more experienced forummers:

1) Could the cracks be due to more serious underlining reasons?

2) If he just re-paint, won't the problems recur in a few months time?

3) How can this problem be best solved? replaster and repaint?

Will be grateful for any advice

If you see hairline cracks, it is quite normal. When you install a new wall, very often you get hairline cracks due to temperature and painting over it before the cement completely dry up. The cement may appear dry on the outside but it is still a little wet internally. You will need to leave the wall without painting as it is over quite some time before the cement completely dry up. Usually, contractors will paint over the wall fairly quickly once the wall is dry externally.

In general, re-painting over the wall using high quality paint would solve the problem. :)


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If you see hairline cracks, it is quite normal. When you install a new wall, very often you get hairline cracks due to temperature and painting over it before the cement completely dry up. The cement may appear dry on the outside but it is still a little wet internally. You will need to leave the wall without painting as it is over quite some time before the cement completely dry up. Usually, contractors will paint over the wall fairly quickly once the wall is dry externally.

In general, re-painting over the wall using high quality paint would solve the problem. :)

Thank you very much, Mr CR Lee, for your reply. By the way, hope you are happy with the Bali painting?


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I have this problem also after my reno finished, abt 3 mths, like yrs...

I called uo my ID and was explained these will happened for new walls, I have a few new walls in hse.

He arranged for the painter to come, they will put putty over the hairline cracks and paint over the lines.

Some short lines still appears but I decided to close 1 eye...


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Thank you very much, Mr CR Lee, for your reply. By the way, hope you are happy with the Bali painting?

Hi, you are welcome. I like the painting. When you plan to repaint your wall, use the SKK paint. See the website: www.skk.com

There should not be anymore hairline cracks.



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i've those hairline cracks on my new walls too. if you have some left over paint, and those paint after a while will harden into a paste like consistency. do not throw them away. they are good to fill the cracks.


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It has been 3 months since my renovation works are completed.

We had hacked a rectangular opening of about 3 ft long by 1 foot height between the kitchen wall and the dining. Now some cracks in the paint have been spotted around the hacked area.

We had also removed a door between the toilet and a bedroom and re-constructed with wall. Now, long cracks in the paint are spotted all over the "new wall" .

We voiced our complaints to the contractor and he said he will paint over it.

May I seek the advice of more experienced forummers:

1) Could the cracks be due to more serious underlining reasons?

2) If he just re-paint, won't the problems recur in a few months time?

3) How can this problem be best solved? replaster and repaint?

Will be grateful for any advice

Observed the cracks whether is "top down", "bottom up", or "left right, right left". "Top down" or "Bottom up" cracks easlier to handle.

- "verticle" cracks - Best way is to "enlarge" the crack, make surrounding wall (say 1 ft from crack) rought using punch, "enlarged cracks" filled with hard cement, wait dry, whole area (1 ft from crack) apply plaster, wait dry, sand surface to same as other walls. Paint over the whole wall.

If just fill cracks with plaster & paint over - you will see the "repair marking" obviously. By doing this, or just paint over the cracks, the cracks will surface within months.

-"Horizontal" cracks - more serious, the "contraction force" is great. Make sure the "upper" part of wall drops down not! Same method as above for repair, MUST wait dry before re-painting. Give them time, if not, you will spend more time.

Do not tell me HOW to repair, an insult to their professionalism!, let them do, not to your satisfactory, ask them back again until one day..hold their money...my story:

- observed both V & H crack, similar to yr situations, after reno. I let cracks further till the ceramic tiles(on wall) also cracks.

-They came, fill up, repainted & go. Cracks comes again. Calls again.

- Told repair man my idea as above kena answered back like insulting to them.

- They came 3 times already, cracks still there.

- Wait until one day, I get work up get other party to repair & backcharged them. Anyway, I'm holding back $10K+

Note: I repaired the cracks myself previously(now old already & don't feel like to hand on), the above method work, I have tried many method in facts.

Edited by bepgof

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Observed the cracks whether is "top down", "bottom up", or "left right, right left". "Top down" or "Bottom up" cracks easlier to handle.

- "verticle" cracks - Best way is to "enlarge" the crack, make surrounding wall (say 1 ft from crack) rought using punch, "enlarged cracks" filled with hard cement, wait dry, whole area (1 ft from crack) apply plaster, wait dry, sand surface to same as other walls. Paint over the whole wall.

If just fill cracks with plaster & paint over - you will see the "repair marking" obviously. By doing this, or just paint over the cracks, the cracks will surface within months.

-"Horizontal" cracks - more serious, the "contraction force" is great. Make sure the "upper" part of wall drops down not! Same method as above for repair, MUST wait dry before re-painting. Give them time, if not, you will spend more time.

Do not tell me HOW to repair, an insult to their professionalism!, let them do, not to your satisfactory, ask them back again until one day..hold their money...my story:

- observed both V & H crack, similar to yr situations, after reno. I let cracks further till the ceramic tiles(on wall) also cracks.

-They came, fill up, repainted & go. Cracks comes again. Calls again.

- Told repair man my idea as above kena answered back like insulting to them.

- They came 3 times already, cracks still there.

- Wait until one day, I get work up get other party to repair & backcharged them. Anyway, I'm holding back $10K+

Note: I repaired the cracks myself previously(now old already & don't feel like to hand on), the above method work, I have tried many method in facts.

Hi Bepgof,

Obvioulsy you are very experienced. After reading your post, I am very worried. I have already fully paid upon completion of renovation works about 2 months ago. However, ID has arranged for repair works FOC, I think, cos there is no mention of costs. She had previously told us will guarantee rectifications within a year, and so far has not reneged on this verbal agreement.

But if this "cracking business" is going to recur every few months, then I doubt she will keep getting her contractors to come down to do free works.


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Hi Bepgof,

Obvioulsy you are very experienced. After reading your post, I am very worried. I have already fully paid upon completion of renovation works about 2 months ago. However, ID has arranged for repair works FOC, I think, cos there is no mention of costs. She had previously told us will guarantee rectifications within a year, and so far has not reneged on this verbal agreement.

But if this "cracking business" is going to recur every few months, then I doubt she will keep getting her contractors to come down to do free works.

Nowadays, ppl like "quick fix", keep mentioning "efficiency" and provide lots of "lip service" and not "effectiveness". These ppls like to do things first & correct later, without realising the truth of doing the "right thing right at first try".

Edited by bepgof

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