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Where And What To Invest If You Have 100k?

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As above, what would you do if you have the above $?

Need serious advice, thank you.

Edited by vios07

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1. Stock mkt - dump 80%, 20% as "float" to breakeven. Aim those counters with dividend declared.

2. Timed foreign currency deposit, 3 month or 6 month, auto renew. Aust$ now the best.

As above, what would you do if you have the above $?

Need serious advice, thank you.

Edited by bepgof

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1. Stock mkt - dump 80%, 20% as "float" to breakeven. Aim those counters with dividend declared.

2. Timed foreign currency deposit, 3 month or 6 month, auto renew. Aust$ now the best.

I have never tried before all these.

Where can I start this currency deposit?

can share more details as in how to play, earn etc?


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Foreign currency time deposit:

- Example, UOB,

- Put SGD in saving account.

- Down to bank counter, tell you want to open timed deposit account for foreign currency (eg Australian dollar)

- Teller will tell yo the buy/sell rate and interest rates at different interval (3,6, 9, 12 months)

- Decide the amount you want to invest. Decide the interval. Decide auto renew or manual renew. Teller will transfer SGD to AUD and account alive.

- You gain interest + currency appreciation.


Stock market:

-Example UOB Kayhian

- Have saving account with UOB.

- Open CDP account. Open a trading account with UOB Kayhian. Sign up internet trading.

- Once everything done, can "play" liao.

I have never tried before all these.

Where can I start this currency deposit?

can share more details as in how to play, earn etc?


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IF i have 100k, i would put some into unit trust and also in running a business which i have interest and am capable of running.

Planning is really important :)


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Let me qualify - be careful what you invest. As in any investment, timing is key - not what you invest.

You have heard the saying: buy low, sell high? Stocks, properties, like any investment class, go up and down. Timing is the key today bcoz we live in a globalized world. What happens in USA or Japan now hugely impacts Singapore. Unlike the 80s or 90s. Today external events and shocks impact investment prices greatly, so prices become more volatile. Will expand on that in future on my blog. But for now, a brief primer: All investments go up and down. If you invest when the investment has reached a peak, your investment may become a disaster. Likewise for stocks and shares. Ppl have lost their shirts (and pants) when they bought at the wrong time. Or gold for that matter - Sun Hung Kai founder nearly went bankrupt in the 80s when his gold investments went bad.

OK - on Timing issue - how do you know if what you wish to invest is at a peak? Well, we can only be guided by the historical past - i.e. if the price now, adjusted for inflation, is higher than the last peak, then it is at a new peak. Obviously you won't want to risk yr money buying at the peak. Similarly for the other investment classes.

It is less risky to buy low. Again, to know when it is at a low you compare with the past. Problem is, how do we know it will not go down further *grin*? We don't! No one can tell the future. But if it is a low compared to the last 10-15 yrs i.e. not at a historical low, you may invest knowing well it is much much harder to reach a new all-time low. Unless there is a major world event like World War 3, for instance. Then all bets are off. By contrast, it is easier to reach new all-time peaks.

Now, assuming you had invested in property in 2004 and sold it by-mid 2007, you would have laughed all the way to the bank after cashing in your investment. Likewise, had you bought stocks and shares in Jan-Mar 2009 you would be several hundred % richer had you sold in Jan 2011. You also probably heard many heart-landers had bought properties in the mid-90s. They had a very hard time for the ensuing 8-10 yrs when prices went down sharply, banks asked for top-up's, and the govt cut CPF contribution rates due to the recession. And then, just when they thought of (finally) unloading in 2008 the Lehman crisis struck and the entire world was engulfed in a near financial meltdown. Therefore you should consider timing carefully.

Timing is key for a 2nd reason: when you lose due to wrong timing, you did not lose once but twice. Will stop here - long posts are boring. Unless someone else cares to elaborate. :P


Edited by BlueFly

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Timing, what,skills, knowledge, etc etc are equally important.

Timing more or less can be traced from past historical trend, eg past 5 yrs Aust dollar curve vs SGD.

- Property price curves, almost abt 7 yr a cycle......

WHAT- Business, stock exchange, currency,..Quick return with "less" risk, got such thing meh? Only heard high risk high gain

- Business, take long time to establish, entry/exit/competition/life cycle/rental/breakeven/legislation....so many areas to take care of.

- Stock, comparatively easy, of course, must know the risks. Take time to understand mkt behaviour and counters performance. Anyway, zoom into certain industries will do, eg finance, property, TSC...."too big the net catches no fish". Always reserve 20% spare to "breakeven" if mkt down.

Skills/knowledge take time to gain/polish. Only after burn, then understand how to prevent not to be burnt.

- Existing hdb resale 5rm is my "3rd" house.

- Abt 250K cash "stuck" in stk mkt

- Have ever converted 72KSGD into 50KUSD in UOB. Wrong timing, USD then down down down. At a loss, converted USD to NZD(8% int), for every 3 month auto renew with priciple add on, quit( convert to sgd and close account) after abt a year when NZD shoot up vs SGD. Must understand bank's conversion rates hor, opening/closing account for UOB is free. Premature withindrawal(before 3/6/9/12 month is up) need to pay abt $27.

Let me qualify - be careful what you invest. As in any investment, timing is key - not what you invest.

You have heard the saying: buy low, sell high? Stocks, properties, like any investment class, go up and down. Timing is the key today bcoz we live in a globalized world. What happens in USA or Japan now hugely impacts Singapore. Unlike the 80s or 90s. Today external events and shocks impact investment prices greatly, so prices become more volatile. Will expand on that in future on my blog. But for now, a brief primer: All investments go up and down. If you invest when the investment has reached a peak, your investment may become a disaster. Likewise for stocks and shares. Ppl have lost their shirts (and pants) when they bought at the wrong time. Or gold for that matter - Sun Hung Kai founder nearly went bankrupt in the 80s when his gold investments went bad.

OK - on Timing issue - how do you know if what you wish to invest is at a peak? Well, we can only be guided by the historical past - i.e. if the price now, adjusted for inflation, is higher than the last peak, then it is at a new peak. Obviously you won't want to risk yr money buying at the peak. Similarly for the other investment classes.

It is less risky to buy low. Again, to know when it is at a low you compare with the past. Problem is, how do we know it will not go down further *grin*? We don't! No one can tell the future. But if it is a low compared to the last 10-15 yrs i.e. not at a historical low, you may invest knowing well it is much much harder to reach a new all-time low. Unless there is a major world event like World War 3, for instance. Then all bets are off. By contrast, it is easier to reach new all-time peaks.

Now, assuming you had invested in property in 2004 and sold it by-mid 2007, you would have laughed all the way to the bank after cashing in your investment. Likewise, had you bought stocks and shares in Jan-Mar 2009 you would be several hundred % richer had you sold in Jan 2011. You also probably heard many heart-landers had bought properties in the mid-90s. They had a very hard time for the ensuing 8-10 yrs when prices went down sharply, banks asked for top-up's, and the govt cut CPF contribution rates due to the recession. And then, just when they thought of (finally) unloading in 2008 the Lehman crisis struck and the entire world was engulfed in a near financial meltdown. Therefore you should consider timing carefully.

Timing is key for a 2nd reason: when you lose due to wrong timing, you did not lose once but twice. Will stop here - long posts are boring. Unless someone else cares to elaborate. :P



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Agreed business is too much time and things involved. I ever get into partnership with my friend so its really not easy and tiring.

Stock is too risky for me.

I was thinking of unit trust by insurance companies which might be much more safer?

Which is more risky and higher return? Foreign currency time deposit or unit trust?

Recently saw this F&N Bond offer to public? What is this about?


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Agreed business is too much time and things involved. I ever get into partnership with my friend so its really not easy and tiring.

Stock is too risky for me.

I was thinking of unit trust by insurance companies which might be much more safer?

Which is more risky and higher return? Foreign currency time deposit or unit trust?

Recently saw this F&N Bond offer to public? What is this about?

Bond is secure but trust/fund sucks. technically ur fund needs to make more than wat u pay the fund mgr team to enjoy any net gain.


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Forget abt unit trust, some with uncertain return, those with certain returns but low, cash get stuck for a few yr. Why give $ to others to play?

Bonds are for institional players, retailers' fund not enough, return slightly better than saving account.

Foreign currency time deposit has to "catch the boat", example, aust $, see below 5-yr curve. Best enter in Jan 09 and quit Nov 09. Now interest for 6 months at 3.67% for aust $50,000-99,999 deposit. Got int + appreciation, why not? But must monitor global economy.



Aim only NZD & Aust, RMB not worth as long as it tie to USD.

Stock so far I find is the best return. Of course one needs skills. Skills is gained from bottom, then slowly built up...Some strategies:

- buy only those with high transaction vol.

- Check dividend history of counters. Aim those constant yet give high enough divident. Some counters declare div a few time within a fiscal yr. Of course must compare with the mkt val.

- Understand each sector(tpt,agr,tsc,fin,mfg,serv,prop....)s' near future prospect

- I traded stock/shares since 1992, still learning.

- Good to have such experience when one is young.

- Now still holding abt $250k worth of stocks, with paper loss.

Do homework, wait, monitor then strike at "right time". Opportunity waits for no ppl.


Agreed business is too much time and things involved. I ever get into partnership with my friend so its really not easy and tiring.

Stock is too risky for me.

I was thinking of unit trust by insurance companies which might be much more safer?

Which is more risky and higher return? Foreign currency time deposit or unit trust?

Recently saw this F&N Bond offer to public? What is this about?

Edited by bepgof

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Forget abt unit trust, some with uncertain return, those with certain returns but low, cash get stuck for a few yr. Why give $ to others to play?

Bonds are for institional players, retailers' fund not enough, return slightly better than saving account.

Foreign currency time deposit has to "catch the boat", example, aust $, see below 5-yr curve. Best enter in Jan 09 and quit Nov 09. Now interest for 6 months at 3.67% for aust $50,000-99,999 deposit. Got int + appreciation, why not? But must monitor global economy.



Aim only NZD & Aust, RMB not worth as long as it tie to USD.

Stock so far I find is the best return. Of course one needs skills. Skills is gained from bottom, then slowly built up...Some strategies:

- buy only those with high transaction vol.

- Check dividend history of counters. Aim those constant yet give high enough divident. Some counters declare div a few time within a fiscal yr. Of course must compare with the mkt val.

- Understand each sector(tpt,agr,tsc,fin,mfg,serv,prop....)s' near future prospect

- I traded stock/shares since 1992, still learning.

- Good to have such experience when one is young.

- Now still holding abt $250k worth of stocks, with paper loss.

Do homework, wait, monitor then strike at "right time". Opportunity waits for no ppl.

I choose unit trust because I dont even know how to start playing Foreign currency time deposit or shares. Even when I read through, I dont really understand it fully.

Maybe I should go down to UOB branches to ask more about Foreign currency time deposit.


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Does it mean that Foreign currency time deposit interest is sure earn, its just whether the interest rate will appreciate or maintain? Will there be chances that we lose $? is it a good time to buy Aust now?

Edited by vios07

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1. Check history, enter at low.

2. Interest is much more batter than saving/FD here.

3. Make sure you have holding power, able to hold.

4. Nothing in this world is "sure".

5. No good to buy Aust $ now, on high side liao.

6. But can consider NZD.



Does it mean that Foreign currency time deposit interest is sure earn, its just whether the interest rate will appreciate or maintain? Will there be chances that we lose $? is it a good time to buy Aust now?
Edited by bepgof

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frankly 100k, i would go do biz. our sgd is strong, go walk ard our neighbour countries see if can bring things back to sell. aft working 10yrs, i kinda burnt out and sick of corporate life. in fact, im prob going to do it myself aft getting bonus.


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