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My Taobao Hme

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Maybe u guys can start a group chat in whatsapp, easier to correspond if not post here very laychey.

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Join 46,923 satisfied homeowners who used renotalk quotation service to find interior designers. Get an estimated quotation

Maybe u guys can start a group chat in whatsapp, easier to correspond if not post here very laychey.

Already PM u guys my number. :lol:


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Suddenly i realised we have been hijacking goodeals87 thread. Sorry goodeals87. :(

Anyway, we have started a group chat on whatsapp. Those wanna join us loot things from Taobao, can PM ahhboi, nyxnhh, songz or me your contact so we can add you.


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Suddenly i realised we have been hijacking goodeals87 thread. Sorry goodeals87. :(

Anyway, we have started a group chat on whatsapp. Those wanna join us loot things from Taobao, can PM ahhboi, nyxnhh, songz or me your contact so we can add you.[/quote

Vct, pls add me for the taobao chat... Would like to bring in carpet and a small coffee table. Thanks

Edited by Newbie234

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compared to nyxnhh's forwarder, peeka seem to be more ex and you need to pay the agent fee. Btw how do you all calculate the dimension of the package? me still noob..

i heard peeka do check the items before shipping to you. is that true?

Edited by sim3

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Is the whatsapp group closed? PM 2 of the ppl but no reply. Please let us know if it's closed. Thanks.

Edited by quarkz

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Hi Quarkz, the whatsapp group is still there. But first batch of TB consolidation is already done..

PM me your number I ask them to add you in?


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Hi all, I just bumped into this thread because I was looking for information on taobao too! Can I join the whatsapp groupchat too?


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Yup being thinking about it for a long time.. haha coz Craft bricks in SG is a hole burner for my pocket and I would love to have a brick wall maybe not a full brick wall but partially random kind. Saw bricks at taobao and not too ex..

u thot about it too?

xiaohuiis, can share with me the taobao link and cost of the Craft bricks? I'm interested to get it too!


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As requested, here's my TB list below. It'll be nice for everyone to share :-)

1. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220o.1000855.0.0.JMAELn&id=21384779382&rn=&acm=03054.1003.1.65401&uuid=UaXRs7pz&abtest=_AB-LR32-PV32_502&scm=1003.1.03054.ITEM_21384779382_65401&pos=1

选择: 我的小洋房 + 送声控+罩+工具胶水。。。

数量: 1

价钱: ¥66

2. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4011-3254103006.304.023gRD&id=20127653345&rn=b1da7dc07389e7dc5ce9701488b2ff7b

选择: B 升级款(带罩)

数量: 1

价钱: ¥135

3. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.1130973605.d4915209.g4GGsC&id=25323068963&_u=21haqah1ba5

选择: 送防尘罩 + 人偶萌宠。。。

赠品选择: 收纳盒

数量: 1

价钱: ¥238

4. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.0.0.GQ4v9Q&id=20281937457&_u=21haqah5e15

选择: 时光之旅 + 工具 + 。。。 + 防尘罩

数量: 1

价钱: ¥195

5. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.1130973605.d4915209.HDtTAy&id=15153600129&_u=21haqah1568

选择: 精品白色国际比赛级用球

数量: 5

价钱: ¥11.98 X 5 = 59.9

6. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.1130973605.d4915205.HDtTAy&id=35463585117&_u=21haqah711d

选择: 350ml

数量: 1

价钱: ¥76.8

7. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.0.0.HDtTAy&id=20558808421&_u=21haqah318a

选择: 53cm 带LED版

数量: 1

价钱: ¥199

8. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.0.0.HDtTAy&id=37334146857&_u=21haqahfad6

选择: 水蓝色

数量: 1

价钱: ¥389.50

9. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5877093-3254085335.21.aaXoHp&id=18607817009


数量: 1

价钱: ¥98

10. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.0.0.HDtTAy&id=2224693749&_u=21haqahd6e7

选择: LED淡蓝色30cm,5月19日发货。如果不行就LED型直径35cm橙

数量: 1

价钱: ¥199蓝(259橙)

11. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.0.0.HDtTAy&id=2224693749&_u=21haqahd6e7

选择: LED型直径35cm紫

数量: 1

价钱: ¥259

12. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.1130973605.d4915205.Ntb2PV&id=13847055606&_u=21haqahb5b1

选择: 中号

数量: 1

价钱: ¥149

13. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5003-6634758069.3.BvSCeJ&id=27107120264&rn=b15830994c385927ffc0fddfff53efc8&scene=taobao_shop

选择: 3577-050 + S16083

数量: 1

价钱: ¥409

14. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w7518956-6443318489.2.HIBgZB&id=14675466405&rn=6dffa665aab23e0a67fdf185b4013c0b&scene=taobao_shop

选择: 配A805MCL05

数量: 1

价钱: ¥689

15. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220o.1000855.w5003-6644571150.9.mvQEGW&id=21093827428&rn=f7588dbc96f60b864ffdaa6be443c02d&acm=03054.1003.1.555&uuid=270a90f7-df5f-4737-aeb7-02a3c30cb871&abtest=_AB-LR32-PR32&scm=1003.1.03054.ITEM_21093827428_555&pos=&scene=taobao_shop

选择: 32106-079

数量: 1

价钱: ¥168

16. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220o.1000855.w5003-6644571150.14.R3iDvI&id=26149512803&rn=ebdb2061f6f330c5684ef89d990da5f3&scene=taobao_shop

选择: 12 + 9 + 7 + 11 + 7019

数量: 1

价钱: ¥739

17. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5003-6634661614.9.bZf3Qf&id=26149512803&rn=ebdb2061f6f330c5684ef89d990da5f3&scene=taobao_shop


数量: 1

价钱: ¥576

18. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.6846101.0.0.D3b01h&id=8301431009&_u=21haqah882e


数量: 2


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