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Blackboard by NID

Troublesome Renovation ... Big headache !

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After your marriage, the things that we will need to consider next is to bid for BTO, or even better if we could afford a resales or Condo. 
Renovation always comes in a second thought. You will soon bounce about finding the right ID and contractors or so. 
We are also in this line for more than 10 years, having different ideas with out homeowners and bringing negotiation to the table so that we will get a win win situation 
during the discussion. 



Singapore have small houses, and always we do meet up with problems from the homeowners complaining that the difficulty to build enough space for them in the tiny space they have. 
That's why one of our expertise is also in doing carpentry works to make it into walls/ bed frames and in the mean time could turn it up into storage for you guys. 
Will soon be uploading more pictures when the house is almost done !



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i feel the lift-up storage place to be under the bed is not well designed. if want to take out things have to remove the mattress to gain access. then everytime if want to take things have to repeat this process. very troublesome and not so practical.

Edited by sunnyscandi
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For the underbed design I think, still not bad. Cause if you have more valueable item or things that you rarely take out like mattress cover or guest room bed sheet and blanket can keep under there. Cause also rarely use. 


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On 5/4/2018 at 12:31 PM, AndreaLee said:

For the underbed design I think, still not bad. Cause if you have more valueable item or things that you rarely take out like mattress cover or guest room bed sheet and blanket can keep under there. Cause also rarely use. 

hehehe.. valuable stuff like goldbars.


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The platform idea looks pretty nice, but removing the mattress to take things from the storage below is a hassle. I guess end of the day is whether you want to sacrifice the aesthetics or the practicality...


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We are a group of entrepreneurs conducting research on homeowners and their home renovation experience.

Appreciate if any Singapore homeowners in this space can help us by completing this screening survey which will take about 5 minutes to complete: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-Go3J_JUOYa6YJ7c-aSi8kjlHnHT1TTW1rva4DR3rs0VKNw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

If your profile matches the type of research participant we are looking for, we will extend an invitation to you to take part in a research session (and if selected, you will be given a token of appreciation worth $30 to thank you for your time).

Thank you for your support. 


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