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Posts posted by 666

  1. Hi 666! Sorry my memory failing! U r? :)

    Lucky u to have EM at such low COV! Top floor Somemore and corner with recess! I'm jealous man! Lol

    We just got an EM at bishan.. Sold our 5i at 50k COV

    From MCF, i tink u got urs direct from HDB rite...think u made quite a handsome profit. which you can use for your next property. For me COV paid through my own savings..juz imagine the subsequent renovation cost....sibeh siong.

    So how much COV u paid for your EM?

    Well yours is a better location, my aunt stay there..nice neighbourhood.

  2. Hee, here come a friendly neighbour in the estate!!

    Kudos for your enthu!! Maybe u can approached them..

    Everytime walk past is they talking to contractor or workers..dont wish to interrupt them.

    Will approach them if they're alone. Anyway so far met them 2-3x..hehe.

    The contractor fixed up the new windows already...thot its too fast as only hacking is done.

  3. Very nice sis...

    I would have made minor reno works if i had a house as good condition as you bought..

    but wat i have is a house almost original condition & is in a bad stage, with kopi tiam kinda toilets, rusted grilles, the works.. :unsure: ..end up did a complete reno 2.

  4. Hi adi..

    I know ur using the same exact tv as mine samsung 55 inch led tv D7000.

    Do you have similar problem?

    1 month after installation, tv broke down, keep auto on & off...

    kpkb, bang table, samsung replace a new one for me..

    less than 2 weeks, same thing happen.

    Called them juz nw, they say will replace panel tomorrow.

    According to them is the LED panel spoil..i dunno isit coz i misuse or juz the fcukin product is a big lemon.

    TV lightly use, weekday evening - 1 to 2 hours, wkends - 3-4hours per day. Really dunno why. Im so getting extended warranty.

  5. I dealt with Vincent, alex bro..he oso not bad...

    Ur whole Jumbo only 4k? Mine was 4.4k & dun even have LAN points.. :(

    My contractor is famous here in renotalk..

    U more hardcore than me, practically deal direct...

    I outsource my windows,grilles,flooring & few other miscellaneous works..main works done by superstar contractor.

  6. forgot add, taobao sellers they are very concerned with their reputation.

    It will affect their sales if customer complain defective or inferior products.

    Usually they will test it b4 shipping and I've heard cases they give refunds or exchange.

    I only had 1 defective LED light, so didnt bother to change.

  7. so hows the quality, have u installed and used it already?

    it is huge saving compared to buying locally.

    Did u buy the full stainless steel of half or cast iron?

    how about warranty? what if ship here find some spoil?

    im not sure isit cast iron or stainless steel or alu or wat...

    if its up there in the ceiling, i tink unlikely to rust.

    no warranty, i ordered close to 100 LED downlights for friend & myself, only 1 LED light (6w) found dat 3 LED blown, rest ok. been using for 2 month+ liao, all working. bright & nice.

  8. I was quoted $140 for full stainless steel LED downlights. Half stainless steel is $120 and cast iron is $90.

    Is it necessary to get full stainless steel for LED?

    hello MCF bro..

    simi SS LED downlight? 1 downlight so expensive ah.

    How big is the downlight? wattage?

    FYI my 5 inch 12w led downlight cost $23 only..
