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Posts posted by dolcevita

  1. i wld say ID..

    1. to take the headache of running after and coordinating amongst the various contractors off your hands.

    2. if there are any problems or rectifications later on, u just go to one person.

    3. more imptly, u dont need to have the headache of this taiji game where contractors will say they did their job properly but becos theother contractor came in to install this and that, they didnt take care and spoilt the this and that.

    and since u already have an idea of what you want... an ID will be able to handle the rest of your queries and give u some advice.

    a good and real ID is not cheap...

    but generally what we call ID loosely are probably bigger contractor companies repackaged anyway

  2. a good way to decide which mattress u like is to try them out at the various sleep clinics.

    and make sure u bounce and roll around them (so good to go early in themorning when no one is up yet)... and lie onthem completely.

    i've seen pple sit on them.... or use their hands to press.... which doesnt work.

    And must lie for at least 10 mins to decide which one u really like.

    i tried the courts sleep clinic...and decided on which one i want...then went to look direct at the dealer's shop in IMM... hee hee.

  3. hiya,

    am shopping ard for ceiling fans... so many brands...

    if i'm looking at a usa-made or european made, is the price diff huge?

    didnt know KDK had ceiling fans...where can I find them?...and also, does Mistral sell ceiling fans too?

    thanks a lot... :yamseng:

  4. hi, just wanted to add that all this info has been very useful.

    esp for pple like me who are first time home owners.

    after scouting ard for so many quotes, i am beginning to take the same line of thinking - ie that i better have a good idea of what i want and just get the ID/contractor to translate them into reality.

    becos the really good IDs who can design are few and the price is quite expensive.

    the run of the mill IDs all are decent but average.

  5. i agree...it's quite challenging to narrow them down.

    esp since during the 7th month, it was not easy for them to bring us to see the units in their portfolio.

    for me, it was the following factors:

    1. length of time the company has been in business

    2. comfort factor with whoever is handling my unit

    3. budget and quality - this one more challenging becos we are not in the industry and they cld just con me and i wont be any wiser. for eg, i cant tell whether a piece of wood is good quality or not.

    4. workmanship - this was where going to see current units were useful

    5. if they can listen to what i want, as opposed to giving me some standard package.... which is so fast food like...and i dont see why i wnat to pay so much for my unit to look like another units'

  6. Oh man... so sorry to hear that... but think they had a lot of projects on hand now... too good biz :drunk: ... who did you approached?

    What i did was to go down to their office and look for Steven directly. Lucky he was around that first meeting i went. Weekends usually very packed for them bah... cos they got a lot of things to settle i believe,... today, Steven met us at our new place to discuss about the colors and other stuff. then last weekend he accompanied us to buy lightings ( well... very few IDs will do that.. mebbe they will just ask you to go get the stuff yourself.. so i was quite satisfied with his service .. ) ... Then after discussing at our new hse this morning, he gt to rush to accompany another couple to select tiles liaos.. think their weekends are burnt liddat lor.. he say he dun even have time for his own family sometimes..

    Have you decided your ID already? mebbe you can contact Steven.. so far, i think he is the most responsible ID i have approached.. I have done my research on IDs, approached countless IDs since last November till now, but he is the one who can really let me have the kinda trust and assurance that my hse will be in good hands. :good:

    Not sure if you have already confirmed ur ID.. but if not, u might want to contact Steven... I can PM you his contact no.. .

    i guess so...they must be really busy now since the 7mth is over.

    i took the name card of the chap who attended to me... i think he had 2 very lovely twin girls.... will go check the name on the card. if it's not steven, will ask you for his contact.

    thanks a lot. =)

  7. i asked them for a quote about 2 weeks ago due to the reviews i read here about them.

    they took the longest amongst the IDs to get back to me...subsequently when i wanted to meet up with them to see the quotes and designs, the 3 dates i gave them, they could not make it (and it was like weekend dates with no time specified)

    so we asked them to email it to us....

    they emailed the quotes and designs...and i was a tad disappointed.

    it seems like whoever did our design did not listen to what we said we wanted and did what they wanted or how they conceptualise a house to be.

    so in the end, short listed others.
