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Posts posted by chixchix

  1. Meridan : you try to ask ur frd can..where he bought from ..i saw one shop,2nd floor at IFC ..very nice ..the china lady charging me,, $900 for 2m by 3m shaggy rig..but I dunno if it was worth to pay that much.

    Smartfool : where is OM ??

  2. Have you ever tried popping in suddenly into the child care to check on your son. I usually do that. Since there is a abusive teacher there ,why dont you consider changing your son to another school ? I will never tolerate my child being hit by someone else, whether he is naughty or not.

    This is the age for kids to be naughty ,if they dont enjoy themselves now,when will they do so ? boys are always boys.

  3. hii all those of you who have or are intending to buy a shaggy rug... how much do you think is reasonable to pay for one ... I am at a lost, I need to get one fast.

    Red Apple IMM it was selling at $ 699 ,,,at IFC .. they were selling at $1299 for super shaggy ..thats 2m by 3m..... at Lorenzo in IFC ,they were being sold at $499... i liked the one that was going at $ 1299 ,..wch I managed to bargain till $ 900 but still I walked out of the shop cos I dont know whether it was worth to pay $ 900 for a super shaggy rug.

    Please help..i hope to get some replies here ! :bangwall:

  4. I just went there yesterday...so waste time ,nothing much also,3rd floor barang barang also closed. Only got 1 shop open .At the 2nd floor, once you are out of the escalator, there is a shop selling rugs and carpets, the assistant is a China lady, she quoted me $ 1299 for a royal shaggy rug and we bargain till $ 900..

    can anyone help me.. I am confused...is a shaggy rug really worth $900????

    Also, when I came out of the building,directly across the road, got 1 building, selling furniture as well. I liked the way they customised bedding for you. I think prices are reasonable as well.

  5. My home previous owner fixed this Fan Cum Lights from AMASCO... When you need the fan ,the blades open up like flower patterns, but you can also use the light.initially when you look at the wall mounted light, you will not know its a fan. Why not look at the website, I find it hard to describe.

  6. Hii i havent been there but I was told by my ID, that I can shop for lots of furniture there.. thing is that I saw a nice shaggy rug at Red Apple IMM ,selling at $ 699...is it possible to get a cheaper shaggy rug at IFC ??

    Also, is there any eateries in the building ?

  7. Are you asking for Red Apple ? If this is the one, do a search,.there are complaints about the store. Anyways, I just ordered my coffee table which has 4 stools tucked under it and 1 bean bag.

    2 of the stools were tight when they arrived and couldnt go under the table smoothly..so we wrote in the feedback. Without our asking, they delivered to us 2 new stools.

    As for the bean bag,its ok but I felt that it was expensive at $ 160 for a PVC bag.

  8. I just got my coffee table and a PVC bean bag from IMM branch.All was ok just that I wasnt happy about the delivery. They delivered on the told date but they had separate timings for the coffee table and the bean bag ,,and I found that strange. Anyways ,I paid $160 for the PVC bean bag ,I really dont know if a PVC bean bag is really worth that much ...

    I wanted to get the shaggy rug from them, but they quoted me $699 ..wch I found so expensive.

  9. Hi all ,anyone of you has installed Wallpaper in your home ? Please give me some advise.. I would like to put up wallpaper, for my dining wall which is 126 inches in length.

    Some Interior designers I asked, they charged me about $800 at least and asked me to plaster my wall since my wall is a patchy.

    ..well today 1 guy from Lamis Interior Decoration came over, he showed me lovely designs and quoted me $300 including installation. He said he offered direct factory price.

    Now I am confused ,should I go for interior designers to do up the wall paper and pay more, or should I just go with the cheaper price.


  10. Foreigners are the main catalyst to the booming property market in Singapore, hence I am sure that foreigners will be quick to snap up apartment at floravale because they are priced at about 450psf as compared to lakeshore which is goign for above 800 psf.

    In terms of noise, I actualy find living next to the MRT track noisier than living around floravale because F16 doesnt fly by everyday and if they do, it is only for that 5mins.

    The time gap between estate painting has to be determind by the condition of the estate, which is greatly dependent on the building design and type of paint use as well, hence it will not make economical sense for the management to set a time line for repainting. plus lets not forget that the reason why floravale was given the BCA Construction Excellence Award.

    I just bought my apartment here in Flora..2 months ago..I like the condo,for me its value for money.However, I was told some days ago by an agent that since its a 99 year property, the price will not go up too much in time to come.

  11. I just bought this squarish wood table,which has 4 square stools tucked under the table from IMM,Red Apple. However,,i dont want my kids to spoil the table top, i was thinking of buying those mats,I dunno if they call it Jude Mats..

    anyways anyone knows what kind of mat I can put on it..looking for something stylish.


    The picture of the table here is something like what I have but mine under got 4 stools.

  12. The unit that I just bought.... its a wet toilet and the wooden door is getting a bit damp and if I dont do something about it ..its going to get chipped off...is there any thing we can use to spray or paint over te make sure the door stays in good condition ?

    Also, there is a wooden cabinet below the wash basin in the bathroom too...when I just moved into the EC, I opened the cabinet and saw some greenish stuff in the cabinet..i dunno ..it looks like algae or mildew..we wiped it up and later when we open the cabinet ..more of the greenish stuff appear.. does anyone have an idea what it is ..wnd what can I do ?? its just been 2 months we are staying here.. I dont want it to get destroyed within a year.
