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Posts posted by HanJin

  1. I googled and found this, is this the one?

    100E Pasir Panjang Road

    #01-03 Century Warehouse

    Singapore 118521

    Tel : +65 6377 1796

    Fax : +65 6276 7988

    Btw hor.. if u dun mind, can i know how much did u pay for it?

    Hi..yes this is the address..gought at 250SGD...

  2. I googled and found this, is this the one?

    100E Pasir Panjang Road

    #01-03 Century Warehouse

    Singapore 118521

    Tel : +65 6377 1796

    Fax : +65 6276 7988

    Btw hor.. if u dun mind, can i know how much did u pay for it?

    i think price was 250 ( not very sure..)

    adress got to confirm with hubby.

    let u know tonite k?

  3. Hi HanJin mind sharing how much you paid for the tank & set up? Thanks!

    Cost was $1600 for a 5ft. included set up n fishes. they will place the coral pcs nicely in the tank. like a arch/ bridge.. so fish can play hide n seek..haha installation took abt 1 hr or so.

    mine was marine.

    included some dead coral ( cannot use live coral unless u have a cooler very expensive n a large fish tank/ not wall mount)

    5 clownfish, 4 blue fish n 4 white/greenie fish. dunno wat fish r they excatly.lolx.they oso give u a small bottle of fish food n a new pk of filter. u ask either choose marine or fresh water fishes.

    there are 2 lights abt the tank/ blue n white so if u on the light/s at nite, very pretty!

    website : http://www.atlantis-lifestyle.com

    say crystine from toa payoh rcmd one la!

  4. nice aquarium, is it high maintenance?


    the 2.2K is for wall feature/tv console in living room only?

    feature wall is $2200 suspended console is $1050.

    yup..for living room only.

    not sure abt maintenance. apparently a daily pinch of fish food is enuff for the fishes. and to change filter every 2 weeks. just throw and fit in new piece. they provide the filter ( those white sponge filter) but u must cut to size. something like 2" by 3" only. they provided 1 pack which i think can last for at least a yr. charcoal filter change every 6 months.

    thats about it...

    ooh..nearly forgot.. have to top up water when necessary. no need to change whole fishtank water. juz top up. tat day i topped up 500ml. i think its due to evaporation. there's a marking beside the pump and if the water level drops below, need to top up.

  5. very nice! :good: ur lighting gives that complete modern touch to the black/red house combi.

    I like ur digital clock too, found the wall mount one but i wanted a desktop version. Can i know where u got it?

    we bought it from Lorgan's.

    shop address i dunno where.

    must ask hubby cos he was the one that found the shop. mark lee like to go there... for the "bai jia le" show.

  6. Wife's entertainment room? Not hubby's? Most of the time we see it's the husband's room. hehe :) One of the pictures if upside down...or is that on purpose. It happens to show a very interesting standing lamp. mm

    Hhaha..share la..

    one of the pics duno y upside down...haha..lazy to rectify it la...

  7. hiya folks

    been busy cleaning up the place cos moving in soon...

    got our sofa n HTS set up in living room.

    got a small sofa-bed from ikea for the entertainment room. ( my fren commented my room looked like K-box wahaha..wait til u see the pics :) )

    bought those metal shelvings from ikea for storeroom. ( think i need more of those..)

    still missing the dining table n some stuff. delivery dates in may... lolx

    when i first reserved those items, and they asked me for delivery date.. i gave them may 2... tat was in jan. Now its MAY soon!! YAY! after all that loooooong wait..hee hee

    pictures will be up soon! will nag on hubby to load. got tons of pics to show. juz tat most of the time we are toooo tired after cleaning, packing n more cleaning... :)

  8. hi andywee

    i was cleaning my new house toilet and saw tat it has a flap trap cover, so water can flow down n nothing comes up cos its one-way. good n effective. prevents cockroaches..etc from climbing up.

    Chan Huat ( the lighting shop at balestier- the 2-storey unit) is selling one tat is white in color , plastic material.

    was there yday shopping for more lights when i saw this cover-thing. same logic too n its cheap too.

    u should chk it out.

  9. hi hanjin, nice feature walls and tv hehe.....

    who did the wall mounting of the TV? the contractor can do it? no need to have the TV guy right?

    Hi there..

    The contractors mounted the TVs same as the ones who did up the TV feature walls..

    No nit bah..unless contractors duno how to do it..


  10. the only thing that spoils the house... Like haiz cover cover with curtains! :P

    haha! agreed! i din even notice that it was so rusty until my fren pointed out.. :(

    din do curtains... doing blinds but cover top half windows. the other half maybe i get those frosted window film or something. still haven figure out how to cover those unslightly grilles.
