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Posts posted by MoreOrLess007

  1. Hi wakzool, may I know what did they do to rectify the situation?

    Hi! It's been quite a while since I was last here. Anyway, if i could still recall, i think they hack the tile area where the leakage was, cement it again and re-tiled.

  2. Hi wakzool, how many downlights u installed for the whole living room inclusive of dining area. Noticed ur dining area seems a bit cramp(near to room door), so far has it posted any inconvenience?

    Would it be possible for u to take pix of the downlights and kitchen? Thinking if we should do cabinets for both side.. :) thanks in advance

    Hi cootie,

    I've a total of 16(x2 bulbs) downlights. So far, my dining area is not cramp, easy for adults and kids to move around, not blocking the door as well. :)

  3. Hi Wakzool, i just bought a resale flat and had the same layout as yours! i had a had time looking for same layout for inspiration, glad i found yours! And i really love how you did up your home..

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and your family :)

    Thanks! Quite difficult to find those with the same layout as ours here. Hope you will have a smooth reno experience. Show us your progress here :)

  4. Wow, it's been nearly 3 years now, since my last post. Very much a work in progress still all these years. With the twins growing up, changes are made here and there as some things got spoilt along the way hehe..and also due to my fickle-mindedness. Currently, this is how my home looks like, ready for Hari Raya.


    Keeping the place clean and neat is a hassle haha, but loving my home.

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Muslims! :)

  5. Hey wakzool! :)

    hehe thanks! i think ure one of the earlier ones i read who also had Impress21.. hows ur twin girls? :D

    twinnies growing up fine..5 mths old already..very fast...cuter everyday..i've been re-arranging my furnitures to accomodate the twinnies once they start to crawl....haha

  6. It has been confirmed......CANNOT HACK!!!

    Was very disappointed when received the news....oh well....we are changing the design. looking into either having a bar counter against the wall or make a breakfast counter within the kitchen....

    Looking forward for the new design!

  7. Mine is near Tampines east CC. :)

    I see. Great location. Anyway, do you have a concept or design/theme in mind for your new place? If so, maybe you can engage contractor instead of ID? Maybe can save a little of your money if you know exactly how you want your house to be like.

  8. Very nice wallpaper you have :good: , I'm also considering getting from Golden City to do wallpaper for my dining area.

    Did they come and take measurement before giving you a quote? or just from floor plan?

    I just gave them my measurements..i think it's best if u bring your floor plan along..

  9. It's been awhile since I last posted here. Been busy with my twinnies and Hari Raya. Anyway, I've applied wallpaper on my black wall. Purchased the wallpaper at Golden City Joo Chiat Complex. I was quoted about 500+ (including labour cost), about S$300 less than Goodrich. Overall, the wallpaper looks nice and suits my house theme. :)


  10. hi all. first post here. =D

    bought a resale 3A flat in Tampines in June with my mum. Will be going for a total overhaul.

    heres the floorplan:


    already confirmed ID and it will be Roy from Inzen.

    yet to receive 3D drawings but today just went to choose tiles for living/dining rm, bedrooms, kitchen and toilets.

    forgot to take pics of the house in its current situation. but i can tell u its BAD. haha.

    price quoted by ID is $39500.

    HI welcome! Another Tampines Resident.. I used to stay in the same 3A layout when I was younger. Anyway, which block are you at?

  11. Hihi Wakzool,

    Great to know that Henry is fast with your rectification. Very efficient and responsible fellow. :good:

    We are currently doing our reno with Henry as well. Hope everything will run smoothly.

    How's your twins? Enjoying your fatherhood?

    Hope your reno will run smoothly too. My twins doing fine. Getting cuter each day. Yup enjoying every bit of fatherhood, an experience where all emotions are bundled into one, happy, angry, sad, frustration, excitemexcitement, worry and etc. Now, most of my family members got the flu bug, so trying my best to prevent my babies from getting the bug..

  12. Some time last week, HDB officer came to my unit in the morning and informed that my neighbour below had complained of leakage in her MBR Toilet Ceiling. The HDB Officer had made a check and confirmed the leakage and advised me to contact my contractor for rectifications. I then called Henry, and he sent his men to check on my MBR toilet and my neighbour's that very day. After confirmation that the leakage was due to my toilet, Henry's men came again the next day to fix the problem. However, while fixing the problem, they accidentally broke the toilet bowl :blink: . They managed to get the same toilet bowl to replace the broken one. Now toilet is fixed.

    I'll like to applaud Henry and his men for the fast response and rectification. :good:
