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Posts posted by ah_dun

  1. Me and my wife don't know which brand is the best or famous. We only know some of the brand is expensive. We first tried this Lotus at EXPO. We felt the price is within our budget and is the type of mattress we looking for so we bought it on the spot. We slept on it for almost 10 months and we're very satisfied. If you're looking for firm mattress you can try it.

  2. For more info about conservancy fee. Before you apply for GIRO to pay for your conservancy fee. You'll never receive any bill only reminder. You can pay your conservancy fee through SAM or AXS machine. You can go down to Town Council nearby to pay for extra 2 months of your conservancy fee because GIRO application might take 2 months time to activate. They'll deduct conservancy fee from your account every 28th of the month. System will try to deduct again on 10th of following month if process unsuccessful.

  3. Anyway the house will never be urs. When they're going to en-bloc. U need to move out. Even they not en-bloc but after ur unit 99 year old they'll also collect back to rebuild. Hahaha.... We're just rent the house from gov.

    YES! Finally, the house is officially MINE!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA.......

    But then, how come there is no any documents/certificates stated that unit is yours? The completion documents seem so lousy!! Just 2 letters and the house is mine?!!!! Sigh....My wife keep complaining we are using SGD300k to get this 3 pieces of paper only!!! lol.....

    Anyway, from the letter itself, seems like I need to pay a lot of things. Anyone mind to enlighten me what kind of things that I need to pay and how to do it? The first thing I want to get it done is the utilities!!! lol....

  4. Thks for ur compliment. My reno cost abt 34k excluded wiring and laminated flooring. If include both of it is ard 40k.

    Hi Ah dun,

    Your house looks pretty and well done, can i know how much you are quoted on the reno, i am thinking of engaging Ideal house but price a bit high.

    So i am looking how much have renovated and around how much, 30k, 40k?


    Fyi, my refrigerator not position inside the kitchen. Is just outside of the kitchen and behind of my bar counter display cabinet. =)

    wow..congratz of ur new homeee!!! but oh..the position of ur fidge i think will break your whole kitchen feel leh...

  5. Don't worry la. She and her bf planning to get a BTO flat soon. She just purely love my house don't think too much. She said she want to make her house cozy like mine. Actually I don't mind to design or planning for them once they really buy their house. =)

    wah she sounds dangerous and exciting! :D

  6. She said my house very cozy and she hope she can move in to stay. Hahaha... Anyway she not a close fren of mine or my wife. We knew her from Wholivesnearyou.com and we went out and met up few times only.

    i think a lot of friends would rather stay together than stay with parents bah. lol. :D

  7. Sure I enjoy my own house design by myself. Wife love it. Even a lot of fren love it and would like to move in to my house or want to bath at my house. LOL... I'm very proud of my house. I think I can design house for others liao. Hahaha... "thick skin me" =p

    i am hoping for world cup champions to emerge faster, so it will be nearer to move in date. :D

    are you enjoying your new home? :rolleyes:

  8. LOL... Yah~!

    haha the waiting process is sooooo unbearable! :P

    I bought it at a fren's fren shop at Jalan Besar. Price $288 package basin + toilet bowl + rinse spray but I changed basin to this one so need to top up a bit.

    I like your MBR bathroom basin and your Toilet bowl with anti-slam seat cover, Care to share how much you pay for these two and where did you get these?

    Thank you!

  9. yup... HO soon. I Reno my house early den u mah so no need to envy. =) Just wait for ppl envy u like me. =p

    my initial budget is 30k, not bursting far away liao. i no have more budget lah. now trying to push some not-so-necessary furnitures to buy after move-in. haiz.

    we same same lor. i put all my entertainment electricals on hold liao. important is move in first. :(

    at least you going to HO soon liao. i so envy lor :D
