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Posts posted by bk888

  1. Try Race Course Road......there're quite a lot of fengshui objects there on sale by many shops there (probably ~10 at a quick recall).

    Just don't try asking them how to place etc as they're just selling and not verse in these stuff. :)


    Just compare a golden 5 Element pagoda.

    HOFS sells for $168

    Online selling for US$68

    Bencoolen retailing at $28

    Seng Li [Race Course] ???

    Only $22 nett.

  2. bk888, sorry to hear that. As parents myself, i understood your pain.

    I thought all parents "automatic" buy hosptial and accident insurance immediately after child born ?

    Personal accident plan - get from Safra will do. No need fanciful policy.

    Supposed to be 'automatic'. But my no. 3 had a hole in her heart [VSD].

    No insurer wants her. Thus the delay.

    Now that the hole has patched back, I bought her the hospitalisation plan but missed out on her PA.

    Hence the regret.

  3. My wedding photographs are placed all over the wall on the right hand side of our bed in our MBR...

    Maybe it's really a fengshui issue...

    And all individuals react differently to their environments. Maybe your wife has a relatively sensitive disposition? But nothing to be exceptionally concerned about...

    My wife's portrait on canvas [roughly the size 75x50cm] was hung on the wall

    on the left side of the bed a few months back. Nothing adverse happened.

    The impact came when I placed the 4 pictures on the wall at the foot of the bed.

    Tried and tested - no pictures should be on the wall where your foot points when you rest, or else.......

  4. Hi Ivy1981,

    Can i have the list too?

    Thanks alot.

    P.S Btw, a friend of mine this morning recommended me a fengshui master called "Mr Ng", "Hong Seng Geomancy Centre" at beauty world, does any one seek his advise before?

    Thanks alot.

    Not sure if it's the same person. But if he's the FSM located at 3rd floor near the escalator, forget it.

    Will ask you to buy tons of accessories..

  5. It is a fact & common sense that sharp corners everywhere and these pose bodily danger when get in touch with high impact of force, esp toddlers start learning walking tend to knock here & there unintended, so...doesn't mean "round" is good too.

    Talking of that, my No. 3 (1.5 years old) banged her head onto the glass edge of the coffee table.

    There was a 1cm gash just under her right eyebrow.

    Was rushed to Hospital's A&E for open cut treatment and stop the bleeding.

    Final Bill = $214, for putting gel and tape over the wound. I was like :jawdrop:

    Lesson learnt: Better buy Personal Accident plan!

  6. Hmm I think it has no link with fs, must feel comfortable as u are sleeping on it for 8 hours a day

    If you toss and turn endlessly throughout the night , then it's actually a good idea to have two mattresses joined as a king size bed.

    This way you don't disturb your partner.

    The best mattress should be one with spinal support and extra layer of memory foam at the top.

    Oops. Got carried away..

  7. Hi bk888,

    where did u position those family photos in your MBR?

    I placed 4 studio shots, each A4 in size, on the left side of the wall at the foot of my king size bed.

    They all have black frames, bought from Ikea.

    My wife complained of stuffiness, suffocation, bla bla.

    The worse part was, she told me she felt like dying [after so many sleepless nights]

    I thought I had to bring her to Buangkok Resort for psychiatric assessment. :P

    Just joking.

  8. Hi just for sharing.

    I recently put up some studio shots of my family in the Master bedroom.

    The very night, my wife woke me up at three to tell me that she had been staring at the ceiling for hours.

    For the next three nights, same old story.

    We tried cough syrup, flu med, DOM, liquor except sleeping pills cuz we don't have them.

    Nothing works. When she's stressed up, I got doubly stressed.I stayed up with her.

    Counting back the days she could not sleep, I realized the coincidence. I tried taking down the photos.

    Voilà ! That did the trick. No more sleepless nights.

    Fengshui is not hocus pocus. Every consequence has a reason.

  9. The original East-West MRT line would kill off the auspicious Qi brought in from our ports. Ven Hong Chuan was strongly against it. When the "you know who" was adamant, Hong Chuan severed all ties with him.

    This info is definitely reliable. PM me if you want to know the source.

    It is no wonder why he commissioned the sealing of the Qi mouthpiece at Marina Barrage. He didn't even take Ven HC's advice back in the 80s not to build the MRT.

    For him, rationality and functionality rules. We have a wise leader.

    It was then through the collective recommendation of a reputable pool of FSMs that the bagua $1 coins came into being. When the MRT was operational and nothing untowards happened, he trashed FS.

    I concur that this part is probably kopitiam talk. Rumour has it that the FSMs wanted as many ppl to carry the bagua as possible to tame the dragon [MRT]. The $1 coin was minted in 1986 before the SMRT was incorporated in 1987 for the exact reason.

  10. is those mediums that goes into trances considered as tong ling? or isit pple who can communicate to the spirits/deities directly themselves?

    Sorry, I don't know about mediums. All I know, from experience, is: you have to be chosen to be able to communicate with spirits.

    Have you seen the hit series Ghost Whisperer? My uncle's friend, now in his late 40s, is one such person.

    He used to work at the crematorium, helping relatives of the deceased to collect back the ashes. Occasionally, he "passes messages".

    At first I was sceptical. It defies scientific logic.

    He proved me wrong at my grandfather's wake. My father and uncles were quite at peace with my grandfather's demise cuz he had suffered for 9 years before passing on.

    This uncle's friend (call him Jeff) summoned my father and uncles, one by one, to the casket and all emerged later with their faces awashed with tears. Further probing revealed that my dead grandfather had chided them with the help of Jeff. My father told me that it was indeed my grandfather's words cuz it would be impossible for Jeff to know something so personal (not even my father's siblings knew).

    Jeff can hear them and pass on the message to the target audience. It's up to the recipient whether to take action to settle their dead kin's unfinished business.

  11. Can smell gun powder over at this thread...

    Let's just all keep to the contents of Fengshui & Geomency as stated under this section of the RT forum. And avoid religious contents which r ultra-sensitive.

    Agreed. Peace.

  12. So, naturally out of the belief, these 3 religions have strong sense of "opposition" to other religions. Christianity & Islam are actually developed from Judaism, over time.

    Your explanation goes down better for man/woman on the streets.

    Thanks for your analyses.

  13. "Tong Ling" refers to human being who possesses ability to communicate with spiritual beings. Spiritual beings has 2 kinds. "God"(holy spirit) & "devil"(evil spirits). Both have super natural power. However, evil spirits can take control of one's soul but not his life.

    Christianity believes that evil spirits always "transform" themselves into something nice - "deities" which mankinds worship out of personal worldly gains/motives/desires.

    Medium is one who has this power to communicate with "devil".

    Unless one is holy, he can't expect to "hear" God.

    Since I'm a free thinker, I don't take sides.

    I find it a bit extreme - to denounce holy beings from other faiths as Spirits who feed on human greed.

    Not nice at all.

  14. There was even a story as to how the $1 coin which took the shape of "ba-gua" (the 8 trigram) came into use in view of the MRT. That was said to be Ven. Hong-Chuan's recommendation & it was being implemented.

    Don't quote me, but I heard another version.

    The original East-West MRT line would kill off the auspicious Qi brought in from our ports.

    Ven Hong Chuan was strongly against it. When the "you know who" was adamant,

    Hong Chuan severed all ties with him.

    It was then through the collective recommendation of a reputable pool of FSMs that the

    bagua $1 coins came into being. When the MRT was operational and nothing untowards

    happened, he trashed FS.

  15. ok for the discussion it should be 通灵?- Clever, communication with spiritual beings.

    So must it be underworld, why cannot be with heaven beings ?

    You can communicate with the heavenly beings if you are the chosen one, meaning you must have 仙骨.

    If you have what it takes even if you try to fight it, the higher beings will still look for you.

    My friend's sister has seen cupids/little angels.

    My brother has seen 大伯公.

    Some more examples but too lengthy to type.

    BTW, what has this to do with FS?

  16. Hi, bk888

    I guess you are referring to Sickness Star 2 Black. From Dec 7 to Jan 5 2011, monthly flying star 2 resides at NW sector of the house. Place some metals (pewter ware, medals, dumbbell, etc) in that location (either macro & micro level) to suppress the negative star 2.

    If it is serious, then cure also monthly star 5 Yellow, the same method. 5 Yellow resides at South sector in December.

    Thanks Mae. Problem solved. I'm the last person to recover yesterday.

  17. I'm not good at mathermatic, but still able to differential numbering systems, able to do differentiation & integration equations, know how to interpolate a series of scattered numbers to their "centre"....

    Wahh.. I have to take my hat off and salute you.

    You can still remember your Secondary A.Maths.

    I've returned those to my teacher long time ago.
