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Posts posted by starry_83

  1. Hi forumers,

    I'm in the midst of my reno works for my 4-rm HDB, and I had knocked off existing tiles on a wall that is about 2.3m in length. As the wall is still very rough after applying cement, the ID said that I would have to plaster it, and I was quoted $450 for it.

    Does anyone here have experience in this work? Is $450 reasonable for just one wall? Your feedback and help is very much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. hi starry_83, if you want, I can give u that promotional flyer. Haha cos they didnt take it from me.

    The 3D drawing i saw it liao but they don't allow me to take it away. Only quotation can take away. :)

    [/quote ↲

    ha but how are you going to pass me e flyer eh? So are you ok with the quote? I juz gotten my quote! Its really on the high side.muz meet up with my ID to slash e price by alot...not sure how it'll turn out man...

  3. Don't go for ID for hacking.. look for a sub-contractor. Should cost less than $1000 in total for hacking.

    My ID quote me $3500 for whole house hacking and dismantling and disposing of cabinets. So expensive. I am hoping to bring this price down. so bringing it down to $1000 will be reasonable eh.

  4. Any advice or opinion for north-west facing units? I just paid the OTP for a north west unit after 1st viewing it at the nite time. Went for 2nd viewing in the evening at ard 530pm after paying the OTP. Saw that the sun hit a partial of the living room and about diagonally 1/3 of a common room. Wonder how bad can NW units be? is it true that the sun is the worst at 4-6pm? and around Mar-Jul of each year? Not sure if the evening sun's heat will get "trapped" in the walls causing the room to be like an oven? If NW units are not that bad..as in its just warm during that 4-6pm..then its not so much a concern as most of the time..we will be working at that hour...as long as the house dun feel like an oven when we reach home.
