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Posts posted by weiwei

  1. Anybody here mounted their 42" or bigger Plasma TV on the feature wall? Can the feature wall take the weight of large TV (21kg). Anybody put the plasma TV "in" the feature wall such that the surface of the panel is flush with the feature wall? If yes how you cool the TV "in" the feature wall as plasma generate much heat compare to other TV types. ;)

    yes, i hang my 42" plasma **** hall feature wall. so far so gd, hang there oredy 1yr+ no prob.. hmmm... haha i dunno need to cool down the plasma wo.. so i didn't do anything =P

    check out my blog for photos..


    enjoy ur day

  2. Long time never post in RT

    Saw the recent posts on mixers.

    If anyone wants to get a good, heavy duty mixer - I will recommend Buffalo Product as it is cheaper than kitchenaid or kenwood by a few hundred.

    The bowl volume is 4.1L (Kitchenaid/Kenwood's about 4.8L I think) & according to my mum who's been using buffalo products for as long as 5-10 years, they are definitely lasting and good, in addition to a few other's good comments on buffalo products.

    I remember that I promised a few forumers in here to put up pictures of the buffalo mixer if I got it, so here are the promised pictures.



    Hi Bunbun, mind sharing how much u bought this mixer? does this buffalo mixer come with bowl cover? **bcos dun see any cover on the photo.. i keen to hav a gd mixer which u mention "kitchenaid".. but i know buffalo product also quite gd bcos my mum using it too =p




  3. The more I browsing Weiwei's blog, the more I like white.. Don't mind if I 'copycat' :P

    I've shared it with my hubby..

    Oh yes, btw, weiwei, do you know where to get the toilet bowl cover? The previous owner's toilet bowl is the same as yours, I just can't find the cover in some of the shops. Can share how much total you have spent for the 'transformer' from Ginseng?

    haha no prob la.. good thing should share wit others ma.. hahahaha

    i will send u my reno cost by pm later =P

    hmmm... for toilet bowl cover.. is actually include in my reno package leh.. maybe i ask my contractor then let u know ok? =)

  4. Hi weiwei,

    Thanks so much for your reply!!! :)

    i really like White!!! think am trying to gather support for me to go ahead...heehee u r rite, i may regret if i dun do want i like now....but im also very lazy to cleanup la...haaa

    cant view pics in office pc, will check out ur reno blog tonight... do u also use white solid top for kitchen? any other tips like certain materials for white items for easier maintainance? any others things u would have done differently?

    thanks sooooo much for your sharing...:)

    hmm.. i use grey for solid top n kitchen floor tiles.. so grey n white for my kitchen =) n i bought black sofa n dining set... so black n white for my living hall =) i painted part of living wall in sandstone grey colour n my curtain in similar colour too =P i got all my hse photos in the reno blog.. :D

    *** i agree wit merydith lo... White will definitely not outdated n easy match but maybe look plain n bored after sometime ba.. so maybe u can try match a colour instead do all in white =) ..

    hmm my advice again.. haha dun do white for floor tiles ba.. no matter matt or glossy.. it will get dirty easily n obviously see even only a hair!! just like my living hall tiles :(

  5. hi, i had done my hse in white theme =) my whole kitchen cabinet in pearl white & my living hall tv feature wall & console, even the shoe cabinet too!

    i ever worried about the same problem too.. but i like white =P so i go for what i prefer.. ***maybe i just need to work hard on maintainance lo... or maybe can change the laminate after sometime when it turn yellowish lo.. :D hehe this is what i trying to convince myself =P

    hmmm... hav lived for nearly 9mths.. so far so good, ***maybe only 9mths!?? hahaha honestly.. i dun clean it often maybe once a week only..

    ^o^ --- my advice ... go for what u prefer.. ** since maybe u will regret if u didn't try.. haha I assume that =P

    feel free to check out my reno blog lo...=)


    hav a nice day

  6. Dairy contains butterfat (usually indicated on pack as 36-40% fat), and non-dairy contains vegetable oil. Actually both can be used for filling and covering cakes, just that non-dairy will hold up better.

    I keep my unused whipping cream in airtight containers or in a few layers of sandwich bags tied tightly. I had no problem with them keeping up to 2 months. If you are not using a lot, can get those smaller 200ml packs.

    Be careful it will splatter! So start on slow speed, or cover briefly with a cloth. If you do choose to use dairy one, do not overwhip otherwise it will curdle and you will get butter liao. ;)

    hi, thanks u so much for the detail explanation.. =) had trying out last nite ^_^

    post some photos for sharing =P


  7. No leh, I forgot to take picture of the inside. But it looks similar to the picture from the book...

    You can leave the coconut if you don't like it. I have eaten some carrot cakes that don't have this. I like it though.



    you can do a simple one, cover the cake with fresh cream.

    Buy non-dairy whipping cream (can get from Phoon Huat).

    Chill your mixing bowl and beaters in the fridge till they are cold. Then beat the whipping cream till they are double in volume and are spreadable on the cake (preferably place your mixing bowl over a bowl of ice while beating).

    A little goes a long way e.g. 200g is more than enough to cover a 6" cake and also fill the layers.

    Do note that cakes covered in fresh cream must be refrigerated.

    Alternatively, you can use buttercream. I use swiss meringue or italian meringue buttercream for my cakes.

    Swiss meringue buttercream recipe

    Hope this helps! :)

    thanks xaleysan!! will try tonite =) Btw, can know wat the different between no-dairy n dairy whipping cream? can i keep in fridge the additional whipped cream? if can, how long can last?

    enjoy ur day



  8. was busy recently n no time to bake :(

    seem more n more baking queens n kings here =) think i hav missup many nice recipes...

    Btw,can anyone teach me how to make nice topped cream for birthday cake? any recipe to share? thanks for helping

    hav a nice weekend!!



  9. hi welcome join me at tpy :)

    i staying tpy almost half yr, so far so good, convenience location:) i bought a 3room at tpy too, a very old hdb n super jia lak condition as the previous owner is a 80+ old yrs ah ma :P maybe urs just similar wit mine.. hahaha

    i renovated whole hse n enjoy the whole renovation process.. i think u too :)

    feel free to check out my blog at


    anything u can just ask me maybe i not that experienced but at least i gone thru :P

  10. wont chow tar meh!?last time i put raisin on top and it got burnt ah!!!!!!!!! :bangwall:

    must use those 'raw' almond flake lo... u can put after 10mins baking also lo..:) for raisin, i think it cant bake longer unless u mix up with batter ba =P

  11. Here is the sponge cake recipe=P


    ** Before entering the oven.....


    **Freshly baked sponge cup cake out of the oven :)


    4 eggs

    100 gm cake flour

    100 gm castor sugar

    12 gm spongecake stabliser

    25 gm milk

    90 gm melted butter

    ** Almond flake (optional)

    *** i add in some baked almond flake in batter too


    Put all the ingredients except the melted butter into a mixing bowl.

    Beat everything on high for at least 7 mins until ribbon stage. This means that if you use your whisk with batter to write an "8" on the batter won't sink in but will appear visible for a while. This will be the right constitency for your batter. Add in melted butter at this stage and mix in thoroughly.

    Line some muffin cups & pour batter into the lined cups abt 3/4 full and bake it in a preheated oven at 190C for about 20 mins.

    Enjoy baking!!

  12. Oh!! :jawdrop: My god!!!looks sooo nice,and from the look of it,it looks so soft!!!

    Hmm...must be a lot of whipping lor.

    The paper u use very familiar,i think some cake shop also using!

    wow!!!u can side line and sell lah!!!! :yamseng:

    hahaha... thanks!! but not so kua zhang la..=P i bought the paper cup from phoon huat.. i think i visit them almost every week:)kiasu

    actually quite easy step for this cupcake..poul everything n whip for 7mins!! everybody can do it:) i will post the recipe n baking method tonite..:):yamseng:
