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Posts posted by lilithfiend

  1. Haha..dont curse me lah...its liverpool cursed to begin with. And thats the fun abt soccer also mah.

    I think even if u replace with ferguson, also same. haha

    Poor gerrard, he should change club to win epl if england dont win this yr world cup.

    If not i think he only got 1 Champion league trophy?

    your electrician is ah keong right? you already gave me his number, iirc.

    and if you don't mind, gerrard has won more than just 1 CL trophy!! :curse: the fa cup, league cup, uefa cup, super cup. the only thing missing from his trophy cabinet is the PL cup. :huh:

  2. glad for u! so one burden going down soon. and next will be the buying of lights and accessories!

    I also sort of decided one contractor but still need to see his quote. hubby keep saying he still like him best. good thing is we both agree on this. :D

    you're referring to edmund from dx? i met with him before CNY..went down to his shop. he told me he'd give us his quote after CNY..but then we still haven't received his quote till now. maybe our budget is too small for him to work with.. :P

  3. Lilith! how was the malacca trip? add some kilos yet? :lol::P

    we put in a fantastic performance over the weekend...so.........next year is definitely Liverpool's year then after an almighty result against Sunderland at anfield?? ahahaha... :D

    the malacca trip was good! er....yes i think definitely added some kilos. :wacko: A&W is still so good..worth the calories..lol.

    yep read about the performance over the weekend, unforunately didn't manage to watch it. it was apparently their performance of the season so far. i'm just thinking they might have put in their performance of the season one game too late. :(

    Oops ... I hope she has sent it to you.

    I know that she was sick last week (apparently, I called her in morning when she was still asleep)

    yep, i received it but only on sunday..there was abit of disappointment as she promised to send it by friday and i was hoping to get it before we went off to malacca. after seeing her quote, i think if we were to hire her, we would have to outsource alot of the parts (like plastering, carpentry, electrical, windows/doors etc) as those areas are costly in her quote and she did tell us before she was more of a wetworks contractor. oh well..

    i like these windows!! sg contractors or windows ppl tend to be more conservative.. difficult to find someone to share the same ideas. i wanted to use round black casing for the electrical.. the electrician keep telling me will be ugly.. i hear liao oso sian..


    yea i agree..i find it funny when i tell these people what i want and they try hard (or not so hard) to conceal their shock and amazement. Like " :huh: Are you sure you want to do it like that?" the black conduit - i also wanted to use it, but hb say like void deck. so we'll just do normal trunking. have you found your electrician yet?

    you saw how well they played w/o lucas? hopefully he is out of the squad next season and i quite like their lineup for the match with stevie in central midfield and kuyt supporting torres upfront.

    can't believe lucas was youth player of the year or something like that in brazil. he's so frustrating!!

    Guys, dont be overjoyed! Dont forget they cant keep consistent performance. keke :bleah:

    hey ang. our season already very pathetic. can just let us enjoy one game not?? 8|

    Reno Hunt Update

    We have shortlisted our top 3 contestants. oops i mean contractors..haha didn't i tell u i feel like an AI judge. will be calling them up today to get them to come down for one more site visit. Just 3 more weeks till we start reno!! :sport-smiley-004:

  4. If i rem correctly, abt $230, the brand is pozzi.

    The thingy is cool, but my corner is stuck already. 1 side with drawer, the other with long inner shelf. Thinking if doing yoga thru the hole better or install a pull out shelf. Will be dropping by ikea after final reno to take a look. Thanks!!

    ok then forget about the carousel, ain't gonna work for you. try this maybe:


    RATIONELL corner base cabinet

    pull-out fitting $249 Adjustable shelves; adapt spacing according to your personal storage needs.

    Melamine foil finish and steel. L105×W52cm. Grey. $249

  5. Just spent my lunch hour calling up individual contractors and managed to get hold of the guy who did Mace's scissors gate. He quoted me $580 for my gate, cheaper than Mace's probably cos its smaller..still considering if it's worth it... He also quoted me for custom wrought iron gates for $12/sq ft.

    Also spoke to Jack from J&S about our kitchen cabinets. Very happy to hear that they can do natural wood doors. Hb likes the natural wood thing. Just emailed him our floorplan, now waiting for his quote.

    Also spoke to another window guy. Told him we might want to do this kind of windows:


    But the barrage of restrictions/rules he brought up put me off abit. We really like these windows and haven't seen them anywhere in SG. dont' see why HDB would have problems with it since they don't obstruct traffic along the corridor! have to try to speak to more window installers about this.

  6. forgot urs is SOHO so must be all in one the space right? haha :D

    got 2 ways:

    1) from floorplan if the lines separating ur rooms are thick bold lines, then cannot hack ler..

    2) if eyesight fail to differentiate thick and skinny lines, call ur hdb technical officer lor.

    i did the 2nd one since my eyesight failed me. the fella told me on th spot.

    i also called citygas and they also confirmed the bad news i couldnt have PUB piping...

    talk abt double whammy in a day sia back then! :bangwall:

    haha ya we try to stick to the soho concept as much as a hdb flat allows us to.

    those walls i wanna hack are not bold in my floorplan. i also called citygas a while back about gas piping, they checked up my address and told me how much it would cost. so meaning no problem in having govt gas. heng ah. you must have felt so frustrated on that day!

    Wah..today everyone so free ah...so many update until i cant catch up..wahaha :bangwall:

    The permit are send by my ID, dont need the owner signature or approval leh.

    On my 2nd appt, I received a letter from HDB which it stated that need that letter to apply for reno permit, but at the point of time, my permit already approve and ready for reno. Funny. Dont know how CLC did it. :dunno:

    hmm ok never mind, i think we'll still stick to the "wait until completion date to start reno" plan. good for you that you managed to start reno earlier! :D

  7. Yeah, she's doing my place. Should finish by end of next week.

    Both my wife and I quite like her. There was a hiccup due to miscomm (on her tiler part and our part of not able to speak Chinese) regarding the toilet tiles arrangement. But this could happen to anyone.

    However, her work is on schedule and could be even faster. I also notice that she's not picky and reasonable.

    Few notable instances:

    - Some cornices in our MBR dropped and some are missing (previously a bedroom fixture). This might be because we did some hacking on a bedroom fixture. She helped us to do the same cornices FOC.

    - After we hacked the half-height kitchen wall, we forgot to quote this to be part of work. She helped to find the similar one and put it back for us. Although this area is very small but it's still nice.

    - She helped to talk to the PD Door and negotiate a package with guardian lock for us. She might/might not get any profit for that. I suspect, she didn't.

    reviews of her have been pretty consistent so far..i'm looking forward to receiving her quote! :) thanks for sharing..

    haha...sure...but u'd rather go all the way there for a meal and shopping... :P

    thats more clearer then...yah, heard u gotta pay like $400 or so for them to come down, knock knock against the wall etc etc...Yikes!

    Lets hope u get the approval to tear down that wall! :good:

    else will get ur hopes high for nothing like how i wanted to have open concept kitchen but cant coz mine is a toopid pre-fab unit.. argh! :(

    yes, i would go all the way for food + shopping. lol!

    we're also going to hack the wall separating kitchen + hall as well. that one should not be a prob. the sensitive one is the bathroom. is there any way to know if the unit is pre-fab or not? i mean before applying for permit lah.

  8. hmmm did the contractors visit your place or you just phone/email them?

    carpentary is often times the most expensive items on a renovation quote. so do watch out for these..you don't intend to hack/tile your place right?

    on a side note, i suggest you drop Ossify a PM. he might be able to help you but he's travelling now..

  9. alamak lilith...! paiseh paiseh...i thot u really wna go malacca source for contractor since we were on that topic mah.. :bangwall: who knows maybe u also got Angteko's 'malaysia boleh' spirit...haha.. :P

    think if hacking adjoining walls they will send someone down to inspect right?

    some PE fella (not physical educator...professor of engineering if im not wrong... :unsure: )

    important behind the walls must have no pipes and urs is not a pre-fab unit like mine... :thumbs up:

    hahaha..actually, i did consider contacting jb contractors/carpenters. cheaper mah..we're very realistic..haha..but we won't go all the way to malacca to find for contractor la. so far..aiyo.

    from HDB website:

    Demolition of non-load bearing reinforced concrete (RC) elements such as stiffeners, lintols and hangers etc.

    Flat owner needs to engage a Professional Engineer (PE) for Civil or Structural works to inspect and supervise the demolition works

    er, i think mine doesn't fall under that category la. its just a wall, not a stiffener, not a lintol nor a hanger. *prays hard* hire PE must pay money wan leh... :(

  10. My CFO is paying for the reno and he had gave me the budget of 20K for reno, furnishing, appliances. :(:bangwall:

    can la, $20k. as long as you don't hack, don't tile, don't do too much carpentary. your list looks pretty alright..have you spoken to any contractors yet?

  11. It would be a red flag for me.

    We only confirmed our contractor few days (less than 1 week) prior to start of the reno.

    When a contractor/ID (or even anyone) is telling me something like this, I know he's desperate. Maybe you can nego for better price with him.

    hey ngunadi, lina's doing your house right? i met her on tuesday, together with her tiler. she promised to send me her quote by tmr. i like her, she made a good impression..how's she doing for you?
