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Posts posted by Kellvin

  1. First of all, a good agent will go thru the entire clause in the OTP in front of the seller and buyer. In this case, I suspect both seller and buyer's agent just allow both party to sign and very brief explanation. I always brief them especially the consequences of withdrawing sales from seller and buyer before the signing of the OTP.

    The seller's agent should advice the seller to obtain the HLE from HDB or to obtain the In Principal Approval (IPA) from the bank first in order to proceed the marketing of the unit. A good seller's agent will assist the seller to check on the eligibility to sell, financially advice after the sales and buying another unit making sure that seller is fully understand with the process before marketing. Buyer agent only mistake for this was during the signing the OTP, he should add those important clause that miss out by the other agent that present the signing of OTP. But when seller withdrawer of the sales, he might not fully understand the losing ground. What i mean the seller's agent is fully responsible.

    During this kind of situation, there is no need to pay any comm to buyer at all.

  2. i dont know why the agent make my dad sign the otp. maybe he was thinking not to make so many trip down, make the process faster or had other plan in mind, i dont know. My dad is around in singapore. We are first time seller thus alot of thing also not too sure. $0 COV, selling at valuation price (thank god that it is still at valuation price and not less)

    COV $0 at current market?

    yup OTP already granted. got to LL suck thumb liao...if can get a 20k to 30 k cov alot better...can use on renovation and furnishing bah...

    Blacklist this agent, tell us which company he is from?

  3. My dad is gg to sell our flat. We got the service of an real estate agent who is our friend's friend to sell our existing flat. There is one day when I am not around, the agent had let my dad signed on a blank OTP and my dad who does not know english and blur blur sign it. The agent helped us to find some buyer. The agent already granted the option (the agent accepted the $1000 cash) and by the time i know it, the option is already execised on the day itself (my dad already bank in the $4000 cheque and taken the $1000 cash). that time we were like since that buyer had already execise the option then we cant do much also.

    I had been thinking it for days and feeling very uneasy about it...

    Since the option is already execised, is there a way to revoke the sales? What can we do? Someone please advise.

    Any reason why the agent make your dad sign a blank OTP? (Is the seller going oversea?)If not, it is best both seller and buyer sit down, face to face signing the OTP.

    If the seller will not be around for oversea work, the seller must trust the agent and agree with the agent meet the selling price.

    Is the selling price acceptable to you and your dad? What is the COV? Location, is it well reno and floor? Since the OTP is already granted and exercise, you cant do anything due to the seller already sign the OTP and cash in the cheque. Like said are you please with the selling price?

  4. I met up with 2 agents from KTA. (Presumably a new agency with not more than 5 agents).

    After our 2nd viewing at the lobby, we were asked to make an offer. We like the flat, and knows the asking is 10k abv COV.

    We made an offer of 5k COV.

    1 woman, who presumably entering menopause turned crazy and said rudely "Sorry bye".

    Worst, when turning and walk away, she said loudly to her partner "Waste time, why u ask someone here to waste our time".

    Crazy agents, instead of advicing and giving counter offer to convince us more........

    Such agents simply cannot make it.

    Pity the seller.

    Actually I feels like writing to the seller directly to tell them about their agents. But in any case, I saw and bought another unit already.

    Hi marvin, relax. After reading what had happened to you, makes me feel very demoralised as a agent myself. This kind of attitute make my job into difficult position in future. But let me reassure you that not all agent are like that. We tried hard and are sincere to provide more than 100% service to our client, their gain is our gain too. Because of some bad attitute agent, people dont trust agent anymore. You can complain this to her agency and i encourage you to inform the seller if you can. You should. She should advice you and even your offer is low. Take care and have a Blessed 2010.


    Kellvin Lim
