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Posts posted by despair_divorcee

  1. I always believe a failed marriage does not lead to failed family. Fatherly love is equally important as motherly love.

    Unfortunately, not everyone can be rationale when going through divorce. My brother case is one good classic example.

    When the wife cannot get what she demands ($3500 for child support for 2 kids less than 10 years old !), she imposed PPO on him based on alleged violence. Fyi, there were no past history of family violence. This is simply abusing the good intent of woman's charter.

    A divorce proceeding can be a lengthy one when your ex is immature to contest every single item including the reasons for divorce. Every attempt to see the kids will end up police case. So till date, my brother has not seen his children for the past 5 months though he misses them dearly.

    I am a lady and recognise more women are financially capable. They may not be the weaker party. When they become unreasonable and started to manipulate the kids to severe their ties with the fatherhood, what should and can the father do ?

    I am sure there are many men who suffered in silence out there. Should the man give up their fatherhood and be mistaken by their young kids when they grow up ? Does a mother have the rights to make such decision for the young children ?

    We have exhausted all options feel disheartened to see my brother being prohibited to access the kids due to unreasonable behavior.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

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