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Posts posted by Umaisarah

  1. if the oven trips the house circuit, its fine. its just that the heating element is damp and needs to be on for some time to "burn' off the moisture. just continue to switch it on and trip maybe 2-3more times then it will be fine.

    Really? We noticed that it trips about 1-2 minutes after it's on, and if the temp is above 75 degrees. Weird. Ok, will try as you suggested. but we hv tried it already a few times and still trip leh....

  2. Moving on to the kitchen first!

    View of the tiny kitchen from the entrance and looking into the yard area. The microwave above the washing machine has been with the family for close to 10 years now. National brand is the best! I dun think they make this type of microwave anymore. Anyway, the cabinets above the microwave was something I added in, that's why the colour is a bit off from the rest. Bargained it down from $500 to $250 with my ID cuz she made it without me agreeing to it first, hah hah. See that trolley next to the washing machine? Got it from Howards, very useful if you hv narrow spaces. Helper put all the detergent, softener, peg holder etc there so it's easy to take when want to use. So now my eldest can also do her own laundry :D


    Btw, yes we're going to do something with the mops, cans of paints hanging out by the window. My hubby has yet to sort out the store. Those things are going in there obviously.

    View of the kitchen from the yard. I love my collection of blue plates tt you see on top of the dish drainer. Collected on my two trips to Turkey.

    Can't find a good place for it except in the kitchen for the time being.


    Close-up of the kitchen. That thing on top of the toaster is actually a fan. Since we can't install a ceiling fan, we got a cute little box fan to provide some relief for my helper when she's slaving over a hot stove :D


    Oh yah, the built-in oven which comes with the condo DOESN'T WORK! :furious: Tried to bake some chicken with the oven on Sunday (helper's day off), and half the house tripped! Not sure if it's to do with the electrical wiring or the oven. And now I can't find the warranty card. Haiz......

  3. Reno Picture Story, Chapter ??? (lost track aredy)

    Okay, finally took pictures yesterday nite, with a proper camera this time, not my crummy iPhone.

    View of the hallway and living room from the main door. That's the Crystal Homes shoe cabinet on the right with some dusty Ikea candles on top.


    Turn to your left and you get a peek of the kitchen from the glass window. That's quite a nice design touch as it brings in light into the kitchen and vice versa. You can also know who's in and out of the house, so you won't get a shock when your hubby comes home and suddenly appear at the kitchen door, heh heh :D


  4. Hi Pink! Heard my name being mentioned, heh heh. Hey, your house is coming along very nicely. Like your choice of tiles for the bathroom. Very classical and Victorian. Your hubby managed to fix the bookcase back or not :D

    If you're looking for that fancy number plate thingy, you can check out the home exhibitions at Expo.

    I got mine there but it was many moons back. Dunno whether those stuff are still in style or not.

  5. hi, for ur materbedroom balcony, can i ask did u install any doors to it? can you show me a pic of it? my new hse hv a balcony in the masterbedroom and im wondering wat doors sld i install to it...

    Er...the doors came with the house. I just need to put in curtains, that's all.

    But surely u need doors to shield the room from the elements, right? and for privacy and security? Is yours a private or HDB flat?

  6. Umaisairah, D has replied my sms. He said, I could collect my sideboard on Sunday. Which is ... slightly difficult because my mover contact doesn't do moving on Sunday :(

    I'll see what I can do. He also mentioned he is in UK now.

    Wah, so good yours is ready! I hvn't check with him again. Each time I chk with him, I kena scolding so now got phobia.

    Anyway, u can collect on Monday, mah....let the sideboard sit there in his shop lah :)

  7. Wow ... D mentioned about you ordered a dining set from him. I would have presumed that he would have delivered it.

    I would have to give him a call about the sideboard. He mentioned the timeline is 3 weeks, which supposed to be this week. But, i think I have to check with him again.

    PS: I didn't get the ps3 (from lightings.com.sg) from u but I got it from someone else who also won it from lightings.com.sg :P :P

    It's actually my old dining set that he's refurbishing. I find D a bit cranky and odd. He seems supernice when I met him at my house and at his shop, but when correspond over SMS, he's sometimes quite nasty in his choice of words and very rude at times. Is this a British quality? Maybe England can comment, hah hah. Anyway, not sure if he's still in the UK or not if u intend to SMS him.

    Wah, how u track down the other person who won the PS3? Got any game to recommend or lobang for cheap games? I find them quite ex leh.....

  8. Hi! Hi! Wah, din realize been almost a mth since my last post! Been superbz with move and work.

    House is still messy but not as bad as last week. All the TV and electronic stuff are hooked up last weekend, so we finally get to try out our new, free PS3. With a very tame Lego Indiana Jones game :D

    My dining set is STILL NOT DELIVERED yet. Very upset about that. Apparently got miscommunication btw the shop and me (meaning the shop owner MISINFORMED me). Said it will take 10 days (2 weeks to be safe) but now its been almost five weeks already. Grrr.....Now he's in the UK cuz his mom is sick. and I hv no idea when my dining set will be ready. So we're eating off the coffee table.

    Ngunadi, if you're reading this, better check and re-check with D when the sideboard will be ready in case he 'misinformed' you also.

    Also upset that the main contractor for the condo didn't want to repair my store door. It came off the hinges on a paticularly windy afternoon abt a week before I even moved in. But when they checked, they said it's due to the fault of the reno, and since warranty period over, they are not responsible for repairing it. Grrr.....but the developer person was nice enough to offer to fix the hinges if I bought the hinges myself. In the end, my hubby said he will do it himself.

    Dunno whether it's just my place, but is it superhot these days??? There's hardly any breeze or wind, and my place is very warm even in the evenings. I miss my windy and breezy Strathmore flat (ok, stop reminiscing and whining!)

    Was planning to post the final pictures when the dining set comes home, but since I dunno wen that'll be, I'll post some pictures later tonight.

    Till later!

  9. Tiring day at the new place. My mom, sis and aunt came over so they took all of the chairs available :P

    Problem with curtains and blinds at my living room cuz the pelmet depth is not enuff.

    So now, even though blinds and curtains are installed, I can't open the windows! And blinds can go up, but not down!


    So need to do a bit of mod for my curtains. Most likely it has to be hung outside of the pelmet. Aiyah, it's gonna spoil the 'concealed' look :(

    Carpenter was there and I witness with my own eyes when he made a big ugly scratch on the brand new parquet floor! Haiz! :furious:


    Complained to my ID, she assured me they will rectify it. Well, we'll see abt that... I still hanging on to the last 5% payment .....

  10. Hey, hey, am at my new place right now, coming to you all live using my M1 Mobile Broadband :)

    Citygas man came and went. Now waiting for curtain guy to come at 1 pm to put up the curtains.

    Hubby put up the TV but then we realised we didn't bring any TV cable with us so no chance to watch TV :(

    3-4 pm waiting delivery of my bed and coffee table.

    Carpenter supposed to come down and do final touch-ups and outstanding work, but it's now 12 noon and there's neither hide nor hair of them :(

    Will update with pics once those things are done!

  11. Any suggestions?

    Go to Howard's Storage World at Harbour Front for some ideas. I bought their resin shelving which you can put on top of the vanity table. Then you can buy nice weave baskets (Ikea has some nice, cheap ones in various sizes) to store and organise your barang2.

    That's how I'm doing mine, but my vanity top is inside the bathroom. I dun hv dressing table in my MBR. Here's a pic of shelf on top of the vanity (but without the baskets).


    Otherwise, if you're asking your ID to custom make the vanity table, ask him/her to include shelving underneath the table or at the sides for your stuff.

    You can visit Ikea for ideas.

  12. Bamboo? Ok I haven't really considered that as I always had the impression it was the priciest among all the hardwoods. Do put up pictures of yours when its done!

    I agree with you that WPC will feel fake, but the upside is it will not degrade like wood & is more manageable than hardwood

    Here are some pictures of my bamboo deck

    @ living room


    @ Master Bedroom


  13. Wow you're all done! Jealous, jealous :P . Mine supposed to handover last Saturday, but still got a few outstanding work and touch-ups.

    Happy for you that your reno went smoothly :) Everything looks good. Like the bamboo caddy in your spa bathroom. I didn't buy but now like v tempted :)

    Your bamboo deck looks darker, could be becoz it's taken during night-time?

    Do put in more pics once you're done unpacking.

    Btw - who's the little girl in your avatar who I see also takes centrestage in your living room? (sorry for being so kaypoh :P ) very cute! that's not you when you were young isit??


    Low slanted ledge in master bedroom. We're not cutting the edge here cuz there's a gap already and it's quite low so can just let the curtains pool at the bottom. You see, we are not unreasonable ppl :)


    Study table for me to pay bills and surf Renotalk while DH sleeps :D


    Bifold door at bathroom.



    Study table and cabinet in eldest daughter room. Very basic and simple compared to her sis' bedroom.


    Remember this Google sketchup I did for one of the bedroom?


    Well, it's finally going to be a reality, albeit with a few modifications. Below photo just shows the bay bed and the pigeon holes. Loft bed and study table not up yet. Quite excited to see final result :)


    Workers had tuff time trying to bring the loft bed (which was in the living room) into the bedroom. In the end they had to take down my common bathroom door to get some space.

    Sorry for all the shadows in the photos. Taken with my iPhone so no flash, and it was late afternoon so not enough light. Will bring better camera next time :)

  16. Either ways it will be dirty and dusty! They're installing mine now and now my whole place (including all the built in carpentry) have a layer of fine dust!! Seems no matter what we have to CLEAN!!

    like the way the veneer L box looks like!

    Been so busy unpacking/accepting deliveries/recitfying stuff no time to post pics in my blog, hopefully tonight will have more time!!

    Yah, I really like the way it turned out. Got the idea from a magazine. Though I thought the joint was quite visible. But my ID assured me it will not be so once the carpenter has done the touch-ups. I hope so.


    On to the bedrooms.

    Worker gluing the ledge for the laminate. Right picture shows the slanted ledge.


    What is wrong with this picture? Any guesses? Give up??

    Two things wrong:

    1. The ID and carpenter did not leave a gap btw the ledge and window for the curtain

    2. The ledge before the slant is unlaminated.

    This was the same situation for the other bedrooms with the slanted ledge.

    Me and DH not happy. I called up curtain guy and he also not happy.

    DH insisted that the carpenter cut off 2 inches from the edge for the curtains.

    And I insisted that the whole ledge be laminated.

    Argue2 a bit but DH and I held our ground. ID request that the additional laminate be done later, but the edge has to come off now as curtains will be up next week.

    Will check tonite if its done already.


    The major part of the reno has finally started. Just a recap of the carpentry work I had done:

    1. Bay window ledge for 4 bedrooms, with slanted ends for lounging and reading books

    2. TV feature wall and console for living room

    3. Veneer L Box for living room

    4. Bay bed and Loft Bed for Kids Bedroom 1

    5. Study table and cabinets for Kids Bedroom 2

    6. Study table and TV console for Master Bedroom

    Work was in full swing when I dropped by yesterday afternoon, contractor assigned 3 workers since they were late already (supposed to be delivered and installed last week). One was gluing the laminate on the window ledge. The other was hard at work on the TV console and feature wall, and another was fixing the beds and study table. Some in-progress pictures below:

    Feature wall and TV console. That big thing leaning against the wall nxt to the console is the loft bed.


    Veneer L box, with the stucco wall and bling-bling dining light in the background.


    Close up of the stucco wall. Still need to paint and lacquer to give it a little shine.


  19. Yesterday was a chaotic day. Decided last minute to take the afternoon off, and good thing I did cuz had to make a few quick decisions on the spot.

    What was done yesterday (and u can see why it was chaotic!)

    1. Stucco wall for the dining room

    2. Carpentry installation (bay window ledge, TV feature wall and console, study table at master bedroom, study table, bay and loft beds in the kids bedrooms)

    3. Final round of electrical works, including switches and sockets

    I got tired just writing all that down :P

    On to the picture story!


    Decking of balcony took place yesterday. The men took only 1 day to finish, even though they came late (12 nn instead of the agreed 10 am).

    Job done was pretty good, the varnish or oil used for the bamboo planks were darker than what I expected, and which I preferred, so am happy abt how it turned out.

    But let the pictures tell the story :)

    Living Room Balcony


    Close up 4564779375_0864b655fc.jpg

    These are strand woven bamboo planks on a chengal base (which u can't see).

    Doesn't require regular re-staining like chengal, but would need oiling for good maintenance.

    It has a matt, non-slip surface.

    Master Bedroom Balcony


    Pictures of some more lights which were installed last week.

    My MBR Hanging Light - personally chosen by Dear Hubby who wanted a moon in the bedroom. This was the cheapest of this type of light in the size that we wanted (abt 35 inches diameter). A shop at Balestier was selling a slightly bigger one for $290. We got this for $190 at a shop at Jln Besar.


    And finally my Ice Cube light in the passageway. It's supposed to be in a pair but the 2nd one didn't get installed cuz the guards chased the workers out at 2 pm last Saturday! :angry:

    There's also an Ice Cube in the Entrance Foyer.

