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Posts posted by Umaisarah

  1. Living room TV console


    cove lights and fan in the living room


    Dining light


    Coming along very nicely :) . Not too long now for everything to be over.

    Everything looks nice and very luxurious! Congratulations!

  2. I think the Caspian and the table do not really match as caspian is more modern looking. The lights and the table gives me a feel of classical elegance, I would try to retain this elegance.

    What kind of chairs would you recommend?

    Do you think I shd stick to wooden chairs?

    3 items, not matching at all.

    Ack! you mean the lights don't go with the table either? :~:~

  3. my suggestion is get something light...mine are so heavy, it becomes a chore during mopping and dining time haha

    Both are actually quite light. The Zanzibar is lighter cuz it's made of wicker.

    hmm... i prefer the shape of the Zanzibar chair/bench, but not sure if the weave will go with the lights... the Caspian looks slightly too casual for the lgihts??

    Hmm...you think? The Caspian we saw at XZQT looked to be quite solid. But strangely I can't find it in XZQT or Calligaris (the original Italian furniture maker) website!

  4. Beloved RT forummers

    I have this solid wood dining table (am getting rid of the chairs)


    which will go under this dining room cyrstal light


    My DH and I are looking for dining chairs to match this combination.

    I like the Caspian chairs from XZQT in white laser-cut polypropylene.

    I can't find the design on the web but here's a close look-alike from Comfort Furniture.

    (the cuts are more flowery-like, and the legs are those sled type)


    Hubby likes the Zanzibar chair and bench in white from Teak and Mahagony.


    Both options cost abt the same.

    I think the Caspian will give a modern, urban look and match the lights but I'm also ok with the Zanzibar but fear that it will clash with the crystal light.

    In your honest opinion, which dining chair will suit the table+light combination better?

    Will I be committing major ID faux pas if I go with the Zanzibar option?


  5. It's an Elmark VIP 99, I think. Need to chk on the invoice which has the price also. Will post later tonite, can?

    Okay, got the prices here for the fans

    Elmark VIP 99 52" (for the bedrooms): $170 without light kit, $220 with light kit

    Elmark VIP 9 56" (for living room): $175

    Bought at lighting.com @ 515 Balestier Road

  6. Life changes means I have to do reno again (2 years after I did the last one!)

    Been reading renotalk for ages and have found so many ideas from everyone one here.. hope for suggestions!

    Here's the floor plan....(taken from a property site website, will only get the key to the apartment on the 22nd)


    Was just looking at your floor plan again and noticed that the balcony at the back seems to be accessible from the master bedroom, via the WIW. Is this so? Isn't this 'dangerous', ie someone might mistakenly walk in to your bedroom while you're changing???? and do u hv a door to the master bathroom?

  7. Finally found the camera cable, so some pre-reno pics!

    Guest bathroom showerhead.... the water pressure not very impressive!


    Hvn't tried at my place yet, so dunno how's the water pressure like.

    We have a rainshower set at our current place and love it so much that we're going to install one at our new place, but only for the master bathroom. My DH has already figured out how to install it, so hopefully we won't get the house flooded when the time comes to fix it! :P

  8. Wah, u got so much done already! Very impressed :)

    Your place is somewhere in the West, right? Cuz I thot I saw a view of the sea from your Master Bedroom? Very nice....:D

    Really like your nice, airy kitchen. Mine is teensy, winsy, but becuz it's glossy white, it doesn't look too cramp.

    Can't wait to see all your carpentry once it's done. My ID says mine will be ready by end next week.

    When are you doing your bamboo deck? I'm doing mine next week. Kent came down yest to do final measurement. If I'd known you had contacted him alr,

    I wld hv asked him to give me further discount :P

    You have many things crossed out already from your to-do list. Mine just keeps on growing :P

  9. coming along nicely liao!!!! when is the handover date??

    have updated some pics in my blog finally too!!

    Thanks, thanks, handover eta is 8 May, moving in 20 May, in a month's time! :dancingqueen:

    Eh, u nvr put yr blog link in your signature issit? Put lah, so easy for us to visit :)


    Save the best for last :D (drum roll)...the Dining Room!

    Left: Worker installing the bracket. Right: Bracket + Frame


    Installed lights, switched off.


    Installed lights, switched on, tada!





    Master Bedroom

    Also a 52" fan, but in Silver. DH didn't like the colour, I thought it looked like 'transparent' grey. Already bot, hv to live with it lah, but if I can rewind, wld hv bot in gunmetal like in the living room. Btw, all the fans hv acrylic blades which is supposed to be lighter, and thus more windy.

    The white patch on the ceiling is to remind the painter to repaint that part of the ceiling in white.


    Kids Bedroom

    The bright yellow room. 52" fan in White. This one, plus the Maid's room and the other Kids Bedroom has the light kit fitted in. Pretty good illumination, even w just two lights on. Altho' both DH and I think it looks ugly :P but bo pian, the normal light one gives v weak lighting, good for romantic moments but not for kids and maid bedroom!


    At last we have lights in the house so can stay back later if we want to :)


    All the lightings and fans were delivered yesterday, including my free PSP 3 :sport-smiley-018:

    Had arranged for lighting.com to instal the dining lights and fans coz its more leceh. I expected an uncle to come, but it was actually two young men, M'sians I think. Did an inventory count and discovered they missed out one item. This was delivered by someone from lighting.com at the end of the day itself. So fairly efficient service, I suppose.

    The painting works was in progress when DH and I came by yest afternoon. One Myanmar painter who has been here (in Singapore, not in my house!) for 8 years and speaks a smattering of English.

    Finally get to see what is the actual colour we picked.

    For Living Room - Misty which looked greyish in the catalog but turned out to beige-ish. This colour will flow throughout the house and connect the rooms together (TM by ID).

    For Kids Bedroom 1 - Yellow (forgot exact name) and it turned out to be a very bright yellow. Too bright, I thought but my hubby seems to like it. Hopefully, with all the furniture in it, it will help to tone down the yellowness.

    For Kids Bedroom 2 and Master Bedroom - hvn't painted the accent wall so can't comment yet. Supposed to be purple and bronze-green respectively.

    Ok, ok, without further ado, here are the pictures.....

    (One point to note - the colours is more muted in the photos. The actual colour is brighter).

    Living Room

    Left: Wall showing the Misty colour Right: Elmark 56" fan in Gunmetal. Very nice :) You can also the contrast btw the white ceiling and the Misty wall.


    Maid's Room

    When the fan was up, we discovered to our horror that it was almost touching the wadrobe door, but upon closer inspection realised that there's abt a 1" gap, whew! This is a 52" fan, so I think we bought too big, but nvr mind, shd keep her cool throughout the night :)


  13. I think Fergie dun like any prima donna attitude bah, everytime there is someone being like tat no matter how good he is, sooner or later will be sold. But that is my pt of view ah.

    Ya lor....he doesn't anyone to talk back to him or show him any attitude cuz he's the supreme boss :)

    He expect all his players to toe the line. No wonder grown men like Becks and Rinaldo left :)

  14. Oh and please post pictures when the lightings and fans are in place. Seems to me that you got quite an exquisite taste in decorating your house.

    Congrats to you that Man Utd won again but I hate to say this and I need to get it off my chest- Man Utd are still trailing behind Chelsea if I remember the table correctly. This result means that the 2 teams will fight all the way to the wire and by a point! What a great start to the week!

    The race to the title is not won until the fat lady sings :D

    Talking abt Chelsea, I find it ironical that Mourinho was fired from Chelsea coz he failed to bring the team to Champions League victory, and just a few days ago Inter Milan beat title holders Barcelona in the semis. I just find it hysterical. Hope rumours that he will take over from Ferguson is true. I admire the man (Mourinho, that is) and he's good-looking to boot. As for Fergie, I've never forgiven him for driving Beckham out of Man U, leading him to do all that crazy stuff in LA. He's a caricature of his old great self and his wife is not helping :(

    Anyway, back to reno updates. Lightings will be delivered today instead of Friday. Haven't been to the house for nearly a week already, and am missing it :P

    Will post pictures of the dining lights and fans later tonite.

  15. You must be kidding, right? Where are you guys going to sit at the meantime?

    Aiyah, we use the old one first mah....:D

    I have a good fren who did exactly this when she had her 1st house.

    but then she wasn't staying in her hse tt much so still ok.

  16. My first time doing renovation and I requested to do a study table.

    The laminate went OOS and the carpenter used a few pieces to overlay the table top.

    The bottom he used another inferior laminate.

    The edges of the table not smooth out; its sharp and can cut into your skin when you

    rest your wrists on it and the contractor insist this is market practice.

    Quote him :"No one will rest their arms on the table edge"

    Correct me if I'm wrong .. who will custom make a $1500 table that you cant rest your arms on the edge for?

    Not only the table, I entrusted them a working toilet and they give me back a leaking one after the renov and insist

    the old internal pipes burst; not their fault plus a whole array of renov cut-corners.

    Sad to hear abt your problems.

    What is OOS?

    I'm sourcing for a carpenter. Hope it's not the one you hired :unsure:

  17. well, considering it's inclusive of 6 chairs it is still slightly cheaper than the John Erdos ones....

    Oh yah, forgot it doesn't include the chairs. The dining chairs can set you back quite a lot too :(

    The dining chairs I want for my table cost $519 per piece from XZQT. After discount, the saleslady was quoting me abt $400+, that's $2400 for 6 chairs :jawdrop: I told my hubby, mbe we can buy one per month :D

  18. Reno Picture Story: Chap 2 - Ceiling Works (cont'd)

    @ Master Bedroom. No before pictures cuz it wasn't done when I came on Thurs.


    Also discovered that the electrical workers left a mess on my WIW floor when they put in a socket there. Hope it can be cleaned up :(


    This week it's first coat of painting, then on Friday the lightings will be delivered and my dining lights and 5 ceiling fans will be installed. :yeah:

    And in other good news, Man U beat Man City 1-0 and Chelsea lost. What a great start to the week! :D
