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Posts posted by pepperlime

  1. Yes I agree with you. It's a big NO NO to rent very old houses with very old furnishings. If the landlord is unreasonable type, he/she will find chance to accuse tenants of spoiling their old furnishing in order to force tenants to compensate them with brand new ones.

    My previous rented room had water leaking from pipes in toilet and water leaking from ceilings. It had moulds growing on the walls and wardrobe as a result.

    My landlady had been using an antique, manual washing machine that could only do spinning. She was the last one who used the washing machine and saw electric sparks from it. But she accused my hubby of spoiling her washing machine. To preserve harmony, I actually compensated her a new auto washing machine. Guess what? Instead of feeling happy about it, she knocked at my door a few times to complain that the new washing machine wasted her electricity argh...

    There're always horrible landlords and horrible tenants around. It really depends on luck.

    You are still living that place? better move out already. You are right that it is pretty much depends on your luck. sad to say that. I don't like those landlord rented out their place to earn money but they behave unreasonable as if people owe them BIG lumpsum of money! even some tenants seldom stay there, just a half day usage of aircon, they still can complain about you and take advantage of it. I believe in Karma.

  2. I meant I can't imagine living under the same situation. Not that I am in the same situation.

    I don't think tenants are ALWAYS on the losing side, but having said so I have had experience with an unreasonable landlord who tried to overcharge me in terms of the utilities bill and always wanted to do ad-hoc spot check at their own timing even though i'm renting the whole unit, amongst other complaints like don't want to repair the aircon, and said we damanged the ancient unit and wanted compensation etc and that we mess up the place bla bla.. frankly, I was really relieved when the lease ended.

    I wanted to deposit the money into the account but they always wanted to collect in person, sheesh.. the horror of always waiting for them as they were always late.

    But of course, it pales in comparison to your stated case.

    Mostly people are siding owner in many ways. The owner will claim that the property is theirs, 2nd their neighbour will siding them without knowing the truth. Tenants being ill treated are not defended until they move out successfuly. How's your current stay?

  3. Z currently working in Singapore. Z's fiance and Z had rented a room. Before signing the agreement, they had verbal agreement that on the laundry and aircond usage. The owner promise the flexibility of the laundry day. The tenant have informed them that mostly they will be coming late and afternoon may use the aircon if it is hot but promising not over used it by proving in their utilities bill. The owner promise that the toilet will be used by the tenant only and will not hang their clothes all over the toilet which are not hygiene and caused inconveniency.

    However, things gone bad started with the laundry. The lady owner claimed that she needs to do laundry everyday and unwillingly to give up one of the day weekend. Her selfishness leaving the tenant, Z, a day of laundry on weekdays. Supposingly she deserve 2 days laundry. They kept using the toilet and leaving her to wait for their finished usage. They bathe their children there instead of their own bathroom. The lady owner washed her under garments and children' uniforms, and hang it inside the toilet to dry. Leaving the inconveniency for Z to bath and unpleasant use of the toilet. Sometimes, the children did not flush the toilet after used.

    The tenant were allowed to do light cooking in the house such as cooking omellette and instant noodles as per agreement. they had always clean well after use and handle all the utensils with care. She loves to fried fish and do heavy cooking. She frame them by complaining to the husband that they scratch her pan ( which already exist before their use ) and dirty the kitchen ( caused by her frying oil ). Ended up, they stop their cooking to avoid arguement.

    In the afternoon, they switch on the air-con for cooling purpose, but, the husband switch off the main switch to stop their usage. they did not want to argue, therefore, they left the house. The second afternoon, she bang their door hard and yelled at them in front of the children claiming they are too much and she showed them disrespect behaviour. The children insulted them as well. To avoid arguement, they asked her what is the time they allowed to use the aircon, she claim 8-8. Sound nice. She understands their usage and spending time in the house. They will be in the house after 10 to 11pm and early morning 6am, need to get up for work and the air con will be switched off. Sometimes, they are not staying there during weekend as away for outings or friend house. The husband tried to persuade them not to use the air con as well but no reduction on the rental. Both occassion, they turn on not even 5 minutes!

    Supposingly the rental included 2 person staying as stated in the contract. Most of the time Z fiance will not stay over but his own place except weekend. The owner tried to limit his stay as well. On their off day (weekend), early morning they heard the noises from the children or scolding from the lady owner to the children. Almost everyday, Z witness her beating her children with cane or scolding them badly. It's unpleasant to see this situation everyday

    On deposit day, she checked the room by slamming the table, the cupboard and yelled at us and insist us to return the key to her first before handling the deposit to us. She gives them the cross cheque and said that she will hold the cheque for the damage. She has no intention returning the deposit to them and asked them to leave the house. they insist on the explaination. She yelled at them fiercely, rudely and threatening to call the police. they glad she called and they can't wait for the policemen to come. She has nothing to say what they have done that they don't deserve the deposit and keep yelling by framing Z that Z slammed the door and wake her children up. She went to the neighbour and in front of the children insulted them badly.

    When the policemen came, they talked to the policemen and explained what had happened. She change her explaination that they will still received the cheque in few days time and she just want to protect her family which sound like they are terrorist. They told the policemen what she have told that leading them not to accept the cheque anymore but cash. She insisted not to give the cash but the cheque. Policemen said they can't be witness and they can't do anything at all except the cheque invalid or she hold the cheque. She was mad because Z leaving good condition of the room and she unable to forfeit their deposit.

    They are waiting for the day whether the cheque is through or not.

    If they didn't receive the deposit, yes they can sue her. My question is, all those insulting words, threatening words, despicable behavior, framing and defaming them to the neighbours, there is nothing they can do about it? All this incidents caused Z discomfort and emotionally disturbed. Pity those who will be renting the same place and facing the same fate like Z.
