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Posts posted by teamktm250

  1. hi TeamKTM,

    Nice and lots of carpentery you have there, your reno must have cost a bomb. how big was the bomb?Hehe

    I saw that you had a storage platform in your MBR and also a ceiling fan too. Wont it be too low when let say you are staying on the bed and you can touch the blades?

    How high is your platform btw? May i ask the cost of the platform bed, is it those hydralics one the pull up kind? and the storage platform by the side?


    hihi, the bomb is about 30k.

    The ceiling fan is kinda low but my family is quite short.. Haha.. Guess have to compromise abit here n there because we dont wan any 'ugly' wall mount fans..

    The platform height should be about 40cm. The storage platform by the side can be opened by too! Done up with antislam features

  2. Been really busy with the reno works.. Especially the entertainment room. Purchasing the speaker cables etc..

    Did some changes to the initial drawings when we saw the actual product isnt as appealing as we have seen in the 3d drawings.

    But still manage to find some time to take some pics. :P

    Coming.. :)


    Display rack cum shoe rack beside the bomb shelter.


    Extra Big Tv console in the living room for more storage!! :D


    Dinning area


    Master room platform cum storage bed carpentry works in progress..


  3. hi, thanks for ur pics! can i ask so whr is the opening ar? izit at the side or in the centre?

    btw, r u gg to hv a shoe cabinet at the bomb shelter thr? is the passayway veri cramp if i were to build a shoe cabinet thr?

    Notice there is a chrome ring handle at the side. Take a close look at the pic with the door fully open u understand what I mean.

    The passageway should be too small for a shoe cabinet. Instead I have the shoe rack under the glass shelf at the front wall of the bomb shelter. Not very convenient but we will place those more expensive shoes inside, and those slippers outside the maingate. Haha.

  4. woow, just saw your 3d design and its nice!

    your carpentry makes up quite a fair bulk of the whole reno especially the platform bed in your MBR

    how much you spend on the feature wall in your MBR?

    did you come up with all the design yourself? not much changes from the inital 3d to final 3d. if all designs proposed by your id, that is not bad in her design aspect

    Yes, carpentry costs make up a chuck of our reno costs. I think the feature wall cost around $700?

    Most of the ideas was given by our ID. However we tell her what we have in mind. haha.

  5. Ah i see... haha, having kids really change the way people think. I guess I never really thought about that. But nice place still... I like the full length windows! But ya i think need to put window film for the heat. my place also got sun. i think in sg it's bobian. I quite like having sunlight anyways.

    Ya, solar film + curtains will make a good n powerful heat/light reduction combination!! :P

  6. hehe your layout is the same as my prospective flat. :)

    and I love the living room.

    can't wait to see your end result!

    By the way, the wardrobe space seems very small.

    Ya, its quite small. We r surprised by the size of the master room when we 1st saw it. Disappointed.

    We saw a few units in punggol area , the master room is larger compared to punggol lodge units . Theirs easier to accommodate a larger wardrobe, thus we opt for storage platform to be built. Need more space!! Haha.

  7. I'm thinking of installing window film too...what brand of film are you using???

    I dont know about the brand. Was told it was from US, 5 years warranty was given. I choose the ones i felt was good n within our budget, I applied my limited knowledge from my car solar film. haha.

    Tested a few under the sunlight... Get a feel of the heat reduction on my hand and etc..

  8. hi there neighbour! i'm from 603A, got my keys but haven't even started my renovations yet.

    Hello ..

    Welcome to the world of renovation.. haha. Better start planing and read up more on this forum...

  9. nice! congrats... seems like **** a lot of people just got keys from HDB from many different estates huh... no wonder i find it so hard to get contracting work done too! the contractors must be earning like mad!

    i like your floorplan! why don't you do an open concept kitchen? that space behind the kitchen looks wasted... :)

    Initially wanted to do an open concept , but due to the fact that we wanted to install aircon for the living room and most importantly we have a small kid at home.. Wont want her to run around in the kitchen. Its the place most accidents occurs.. haha


  10. hi, r u able to put a sliding door to ur kitchen? i hv the same floor plan as you but according to other punggol residents, they claim we r unable to put a sliding door leh...

    My kitchen sliding door come in 2 pieces instead of 1 big piece. It 'flushes' nicely with the wall.

    Will take some pics n post in the next few days.

  11. We cant stand the morn sun!! :dunno: The morning sun direction suppose not to enter our unit at such an angle.. The HDB booklet shows us otheriwse.. Haha. If u guys take a look at the photo of the living room. It was taken at about 1100Hrs ++

    Have no choice but decide its a MUST to install solar films on all the windows facing the morning sun. I have not much knowledge on solar films but some experience on car salon film. They are more or less the same...

    We search around and end up using a contractor recommended by our friend. I must say the contractor is **** efficient.

    We choose a medium end solar film that is not too dark or reflective ,most importantly not too expensive is able to block out 70% of the heat for the masterroom, baby room and the living room. For the entertainment room, i choose fully darkened black as I will be using a projector.

    We called him in the morning , he went down to take the measurements of our flat in the afternoon. Meet us in the morn the very next day, at night i received a SMS that the masterroom n Bedroom 3 was done. Haha.

    He even paste a note on the windows asking the other contracters to be careful as the solar film was newly installed when i went down to check the following day..

    Highly recommended... :yamseng:

  12. Hi!

    I am looking for a TV console for my entertainment room. Some of the requirements:

    - 1.8m to 2.0m

    - need to hold a 55'' LED TV, standard AV amplifier, xbox360, PS3, Starhub HDhubstation +/- bluray player

    - IR remote signal are not blocked

    - good access for thick/stiff cables at the rear of console


    Hi there,

    I got some of the stuff u mention from sanus.

    Take a look at http://www.sanus.com/us/en/.

    Everjoint will able to bring most of the items in.

  13. Been searching high and low for my memory card reader.. Couldnt find it to upload photos from my camera... grrr

    Will probably get a new 1 this weekend.


    The floorings have been completed.

    Electrical point n lightings wirings done.

  14. hi teamktm

    welcome and congrats for the start of yr reno! 30k for such alot of work seems really attractive!

    I like yr choice of kitchen colours too!

    Hehe. Thanks!

    30k is only the renovation. Lightings , electrical stuff not included.

  15. Classic is the first ID we approached! wow didn know their 3d drawings can be so good, look really realistic!

    Hmmm... but too bad the ID that we met at Classic is the worse among all the IDs we met.. :rolleyes:

    Hehe. U went Classic Designs or Classic IDXXS?

    Haha. Some of my frens got confused too!

    Mine is Classic Designs @ Showroom: 201, Henderson Rd,

    Henderson Industrial Building,

    #02-03, S(159 545).

  16. Finally have time to to log in, been busying recently purchasing electrical products, lighting, choosing of tiles.. etc

    One word of advice to those getting their keys! Do your homework before hand. Haha. If not, its gonna be very tiring.

    The final 3d drawings before renovation.







  17. I like hotel style.. go home like check in hotel everyday.. Where is your new place & care to share how much your reno cost? the 3D looks good.

    Our new place is @punggol lodge. Beside punggol secondary school. Our reno cost is about $30k.
