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Posts posted by kenllh

  1. hi neubi & chiyank,

    tnks for your answers! appreciate your replies...

    i have done a little browsing tru and so far i tink ideal house give gd reviews/comments and their reno price is really very reasonable...

    hi chiyank,

    for item 4) the package here >> http://idealhouse.com.sg/promotion_premium.html does include cabinet/fridge/washing machine base right? Also the package states for bedrooms : will be 6ftL casement wardrobe in laminate finish. It means all bedroomsright?

    can anyone roughly tell me an estimated avg figure for the following works to be done if i choose the package as per above plus the following as per below:

    1) Laminated flooring for one bedroom x 2 ( about 700 per bedroom? )

    2) Air-con system 3 -about 2k plus installation?

    3) Typical 4 room flat with labour and wiring of existing lighting point including a rough cost of all the lightings? Maybe around 1k?

    4) Hob n Hoob - about 500?

    5) kitchen sink on the kitchen cabinet.

    6) Tempered glass shower screen for one toilet x 2?

    7) Does a standatd BTO flat include toilet basin & sink in the master bedroom toilet? if not how much does it cost to install one on avg?

    8) Price of avg cost of 2 instant heater for two toilet

    I tink all these should be just nice ( bare minimum ) for my family just based on reno only.. anyone here care to advise if i have missed out any other import things that should also be included?

    Thanks & Best Rgds

  2. Dear All,

    I am awaiting my 4-rm BTO house in Fernvale, looking at the progress, i estimate that it would be ready around 2 yrs time.

    I was surfing on this forum, and realised that Ideal House does has a lot of reviews and comments on the threads here..

    Therefore i wish to know the following on the package in the website stated: http://idealhouse.com.sg/promotion_premium.html

    1) 4 room at $8988 sgd? With or without gst?

    2) Does the FOC includes the kitchen cabinet and sys 3 air-con too?

    3) Any other hidden cost that was not displayed / any forumers here kind to give more advise ?

    4) I assumed that if i were to add in other miscellenous cost like additonal wardrode for 1 bed-room, kitchen hob/hood, instant heater, "probably top-up on a solid kitchen top", toilet accessories, lightings, glass sliding door in 2 toilet, laminated flooring in 2 bedrooms, kitchen sinks, toilet accessories, most i would only spend about 15k for the entire renovation?

    I have already opt for the wall and flooring done by HDB. Can anyone here advise if my budget of 15k is enough to include all these that i spoke? Or if i have left out some other major things that should also be included?

    Thanks guys!
