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Posts posted by fireman231

  1. hi fireman231,

    it depends. Those came with storage will cost more...most cost above $1000. If you have not gotten the mattress yet, i will strongly recommend u to buy mattress that comes with bedframe.the bundle price is v attractive.


    Hi Oinkoink1999,

    I have already purchased the mattress. The bedframe was not on promotion, so didnt buy at that time. I still browsing around.. maybe i shd go sungei kadut around...

  2. ya based on design n u can choose two tone leather for headboard n frame..comes with storage also...10yrs warranty for german hydraulic pumps..

    my budget for the bedframe is about $800.. =( for designer feel kinda bedframe, definitely more than $1000?

  3. Hihi,

    I just purchased a King Size mattress with a good price, without bedframe. I didnt buy the bedframe cuz none of them looks nice to me.

    Anyone can share with me what is the normal price range for king size bed frame (with head board)?? =)

    Can anyone share with me any good carpentry contacts for this?


  4. Basically i paid $400 for the PE to get his endorsement. The rest was done by my contractor and I insisted that i want that useless kitchen wall down. Apparently i knew from him that if there is nobody in the same unit above or below me hack the same wall before as me than my chance is secured. Well, the approval came and there was a dimension which was given by HDB and on the day of the demolition the HDB officer was present to get my contractor to do the marking and he witness the "opening" of the demolition works. :D

    Well... $400 is a big gamble...

  5. yes i paid for the PE, lucky for me as my contractor get it settled for me. He got to run a few places and he knew i wanted that wall down so he actually took the trouble to get it done for me. At the end of the day i paid him a small token to do the leg work for me. I am just glad that i got what i wanted

    Hi Christopher,

    I heard from one of the ID told me that if I were to engage a PE to check on the portion of the wall to be hacked, the consultation fees is about $400-600. Whether the PE approved or not approved, this amt will be paid to get his advice and consultation. If based on floorplan and paper resources, the PE might be able to tell if the wall can be hacked. If the PE cannot ascertain, he will need to go down to your unit to confirm. So, at the end of the day if the PE says cannoot hack, you still need to pay the fees...

    Is that free for your case? Maybe u can share abit more on this....

    Thanks.... =)

  6. Hi to all,

    New to this forum and I just a quote from one of the ID from Ideal House ID recently. Just want to check on something, is the purchase of sand included inside the pricing for tiling works or exclusive. The ID I talked to said I must purchase sand separately from the appointed contractor at my block. Is this true?

    Hi Mooz,

    Can pm the quotation as reference? tks!

    From what i understand, the sand is included inside the cost of tiling works....

  7. Has been reading the forum for quite some time and knew abt ppl do a self advertise.

    Anyway, i and my wife had just bought our love nest. Currently, i have come out with a rough idea of how it should look like and did a simple design using the interior design free software.

    By the way, I did went to 3 id firm and the quotation for the whole hse reno will cost likely 40k. So thinking whether if i go thru using contractor, will it be much more cheaper, maybe 1/2 of the price quote from id firm???

    If so, any of you have contractor contact, do post in the thread.


    Hi knightskid,

    I am in the same situation as you. Just purchased a 5room hdb unit, went to 3 ID firms... their quotation is quite high... about 50k (without gst). Are you doing a full scale reno? or you retaining some part of the unit like tiles, bedroom cabinet etc? Your 40k seems like a good range for us... do you mind share how is the quotation like?

    Tks!! :)

  8. Just wanted to share that had a bad experience with Linewerkz. Workmanship for most items were quite poor, or at least not per what the ID has promised. And there were so many areas and faults to rectify after the house was handed over. In the end, my wife and I had to keep taking leave to ensure the work was done up.

    Hi Dean,

    so sorry to hear such a bad experience that you went through... can share with us some photos of the reno work? my wtb and i are considering linewerkz for our renovation...

  9. Ancient chinese emperors :bow: declared themselves "Sons of Heaven", ruled the earth, use DRAGON as icon and registered trade mark(he approved himself !) for this animal - only he could use, all commoners were banned from using. Over time, "Dragon" symbolised 天子.Legend put Yellow Emperor(黄帝) as father of all chinese. 黄帝 was dragon (龙), so nowsdays all chinese are called 龙的传人。 :curse:

    Who dared to put "son of heaven" within residential place? :dunno:

    Since dragon has been reserved by emperors, the court officials, no choice, have to choose 2nd fierce animal as icon. You can see those court officials' residence, put pair of stoned lion to tell commoners that " I am ah kong's ppl" don't play play, better pay due respect when passing by.....

    Time flies but genes remains, those ppls like to put stone lions outside their residence, regarded themselves as "ah kong's ppl".

    Dragon dance & lion dance = today's meeting in parliament! Watchers = commoners. :D

    very interesting comments... maybe watch more of those ancient drama helps to understand better...

    tks for the sharing... know more about the history behind the dragons and lion

  10. Dear all,

    I just received my house key early this month and currently very occupied with renovation ideas/design and fengshui consideration of the layout plan. There are too many things to worry about. I guess it would be good to have such a topic for other new couples like myself who just own a new house and has yet to do anything concrete. Research on new areas is very important before you make a decision that you regret...

    Any useful or common Fengshui tips that can shared on this thread? Pls share freely ya... =)

  11. Hi Ivy,

    Pls pm me or send the list of 'good' and 'bad' FSM to my email. pointcreation@hotmail.com.

    Thanks alot in advance. I will be renovating my hse in the by mid Nov. Pls help.b

    If any of other forummers have received the list, can kindly send me as well? I guess Ivy don't mind.... =p
