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Posts posted by HDBOwner2011

  1. New to renotalk but just sharing my take on l1ght1ngs.c0m. Its indeed cheap but variety are super limited. However i confirmed my order last week for all my lights and on monday, was called to change my lights as they had no more stock! Very surprised why would they sell if they had no stock. Anyway went down and changed the selection.

    Today another call was made to say they had no more stock on their lights AGAIN and prompted me to go down to reselect or refund. Now i am thinking if i will get another call that next week require another change of lights!! Agree that l1ght1ngs.c0m has a good price but they are really not very dependable and now they sound like they are clearing leftover stock!!

    L1ght1ngs.c0m has a good price but to keep going back and having to pay more for replacements sounds like i would have been better off if i went to a dependable shop in the first place. Perhaps only buy from them if they truly have alot of stock meaning their shops are fully equipped or you will end up like me having to have additional worries and overheads amounting to frustration and potentially more frustration.

    Sometimes, dependability is still the best deal.
