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Posts posted by Vecheron

  1. Really live the dining wallpaper. Make the space POP. Which company did your renovation? How was the experience?

    Yea my wife and i also love the wallpaper alot. Makes ALOT of difference for our dining area.

    I did my reno with A.Home.Story i.d Vin Lee

    Eh...some small hipcups here and there but the service of Vin was gd and he was there to solve my problems. He even help wash my kitchen floor til 4am!

  2. Waterproofing? Nope its our floor tiles :D. We chose black tiles to go along with our black cabinets and cement screed walls.. Quite a daring move as we are afraid it might be too dark and we even contemplated to change the cabinet laminates to white..


    We thought that the toilet wall tiles were ok so we kept them..only the floor tiles were changed..



    Common Toilet


  3. Hi,

    Like the most of the guys here, i'm a lurker since Aug I have engaged Vin from A.Home.Story to do up my place. Bought this unit at the peak of the property market and paid a big amount of COV for it but me and my wife like this unit so we went ahead. Even before we attended the 1st appointment, we struck lottery from our unit number! hehe..Claimed some $ back from garment :P. We wanted to hack the store to make it more spacious but one of the walls cannot be hacked cuz it was the support pillar...duh... We also planned to move our mbr door slightly but guess wat? that piece of wall to the right of our door also cannot be hacked...ZzZZzzz...So we had some slight changes to our plans and off the renovation starts...

    Before reno...





    MBR Toilet


    Common Toilet




  4. I bought a joven JH25 from Zero as well and just after 1wk of usage it broke down....heating element not working...called up service centre and it takes them 1week to come n fix..now have to endure cold showers at nite..i used to use joven storage heaters but no problems but now i tink QC dropped. My contractors oso say 2 of the flats they doing now oso got problems with joven storage heaters...so i guess joven isnt really that good.. just my 2cents

  5. I have also bought my furniture from Rozel but the service given to me by this salesperson called Chris is tiptop. Not pushy at all and has the patience to walk with us and explain to us for the 2-3hrs we were there. Quite responsive even after we purchased from him. Items delivered to me were on time and were of the exact ones i ordered.

  6. Credits to PoppyLove for the store's address. Bought a total of RM935 worth of lights at Starworld and also another RM420 from another shop further down the street. (coincidently i got the same MBR lights as PoppyLove and dining lights as Angelbutterfly)

    Its really cheap. But please remember to declare goods at custom. Per person per day for goods from JB is SGD50, after that they will tax. But after some "magic", i believe you dont really need to pay alot :D
