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Posts posted by Silversurf1980

  1. YES, This is 1 of the best thread. Ok, here goes my advice.

    1. Yes, I think it is good to have it. I did not install one, not that my ceiling is stained from the simple cooking but I still worry whenever steam goes up.

    2. Non-sliding, :) we can still pick clothes together in the morning when rushing for work, I can't imagine if I have to wait for my wife to finish before I can slide the door to her end. We were concerned about space but anyway, the space for opening is a must when we are there.

    4. Hmmm, my nose is sensitive to dust, 3 mths passed, still feel fresh! Maybe just have 1 in the living room. it's really cooling vs standing fan.

    I LOVE this thread!

    Need advice or tips

    1. Hood - Do I still need it if I only cook once a day and typically simple meals?

    2. Sliding vs non-sliding (cheaper) wardrobe?

    3. Bay window for awkward shape corner. Any tips?

    4. Ceiling fan - not sure about maintenance and kept imagining circulation of dust if not cleaned ;-<

  2. Thanks for providing your observation and advice, it's very information and interesting.

    Initially I was thinking of using softclose toilet seat, but your comment makes me think twice. It would be frustrated to wait for the seat to close softly when in hurry.

    Another thing is the build-in oven, i really dont bake, so it's waste of money buying a build-in one just for looking good.

    Np! Glad that I helped.

    Yes, think of maintenance first... These few months I realized things that looks good and easy to maintain is the best... Happy Renoing & Enjoy the process!!

  3. Substandard shoe rack

    - Bad > Not easy to vacumn and mop, need to bend down to make sure its cleaned

    Black tempered glass coffee table and console

    - Bad > Dusty and leave water marks

    Faux leather wardrobe

    - Bad > Nice but not easy to maintain

    Kitchen black granite top

    - Best > No comments, so far no regrets and love it

    Kitchen black glass panel

    - Good > Easy to maintain and stains are not obvious.

    Note: remember to check the cabinet surface before putting up the glass panel, any writings will be visible once you wiped it with a wet cloth =(

    Box Up Trunking

    - Good/Bad > Nice but Make sure the aircon is working and not leaking before boxing, will regret if need to repair


    - Good/Bad > Great to dry towels and cotton clothes (especially kid's clothings) instantly (1-2 hr), but high consumption of electric

    Softclose toilet seat

    - Bad > Useless, do not spluge on this... the soft close takes forever to close, you will have force the inner seat to close when you need the seat urgently


    - Do not build-in for kids room, your kid is growing and the furnitures grow as well

    - Do not buy build-in oven if you do not bake, buy a microwave oven with grill... you still can grill a chicken

    - Do not install hood if you cook occasionally, less 1 item to clean, more space for storage

    - Install the sliding door track on top

    - Bedframe without legs, less area to clean, no hiding area for xiaoqiang or good bros

    - Love my Happycall pan

  4. <!--quoteo(post=573722:date=Sep 14 2010, 10:03 AM:name=Always Happy)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Always Happy @ Sep 14 2010, 10:03 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=573722"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Avoid glass panels, good to see but maintenance is high esp in bathroom, kitchen.

    Cleaning glass stain with oils/grease in kitchen is a nightmare!!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    hw often do you clean?

    if u clean only after a long long time, den yes, oil and grease buildup on glass is difficult to clean off.

    but if u clean regularly, like once a week or even once a fortnight if u dun cook daily, den glass is super easy to clean. easier than a lot of other surfaces tt also gives tt expensive, upmarket look, eg. stainless steel. Stainless steel is difficult to clean in that it is easily scratch by a lot of cleaning products.

    For glass, u just need to spray some cleaning solution tt breaks down built-up oil/grease, leave it on for a short while, den wipe it off with paper towel. rinse off the cleaning solution using a damp paper towel. if u clean off any oil/dirt immediately, it's even easier as u only need water and paper towel.

    Mine is black glass, very easy to maintain cos stain is not obvious and I only use wet cloth and paper towel to wipe dry

  5. I asked liowz. India granite i think he say $120psf. Solid surface i think is $75psf. So if i do solid surface can save about $500-$700.

    As for throwing in granite top think difficult lah cos mine is contractor not ID and prices he quoted already abt 25% cheaper than the ID firms i went to.

    Ic, then decide on that later... haha, maybe you stike 4d tomorrow! enjoy the reno process!

  6. My living wont be so spacious as i am going to do up another storeroom base on my floorplan on the 1st post. Btw ur kitchen top is granite or solid surface? :)

    Oops... I see, 2 storeroom? or 1 converting to WIW? mine is granite... easier to maintain and can withstand high temp

  7. I like ur layout :) looks more spacious but i going to erect a kitchen wall back so effect wont be so good as ur open concept kitchen.

    By the way thats the color combination i looking at! Black n white kitchen cabinets and also for my living tv console

    I think as long as you pull back the kitchen, the living room will look long and spacious.

    Careful: black top not easy to maintain, very dusty.. especially black tempered glass like my tv console & dining table =D

  8. One problem with not changing the flooring is I am hacking the kitchen wall and bringing the wall back by 1metre. If I use different flooring for that 1m then it will look quite odd and not blend in with living area?

    Hi! I had the same problem, was also debating whether to change my 3NG flooring due to my low budget. My advice to you, change if you are thinking twice, I changed and no regrets. If you already have a theme in your mind, the old flooring will be a challenge, or leave the job to your ID.

    I pulled back my kitchen as well.


  9. Hi,

    I am new here. I am thinking of renovating my place. We have lived here for a while. Definitley need to do up the kitchen and bathroom. I also want to do up the tiling. But depends on how much the total cost comes up to. Can you give me contact of your ID? I liked the pictures you posted of your place. Have you finished doing it up recently? what all did you do? how much diit cost?



    Yes, finished it recently. Reno the whole 3NG unit including rewiring, spent around 40k.

  10. I ordered a L-shape fabric sofa from Wynn as well, very good sales experience and most request are negotiable.

    Reasonable price with no GST (expo promo) 2 rect pillow and 1 small pillow free. Might not be branded but my wife love it at first sight.

    The manager even cut out 4 different pieces for us to think about the combination back home.

    Overall 8/10
