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Everything posted by HOME2BE

  1. I'd prefer NTUC for quality. Else, Giant can replace Sheng Siong for really cheap stuff. Sheng Siong has things that are of the same brand but taste differently at times.
  2. the entrance to the mscp may need some improvement. I've seen people crossing the path at the entrance as short-cut to the mrt station. also, our dear parking attendants like to embush cars without coupon.
  3. Great view! mustbe a 5rm from above 30th floor. I've collected mine this afternoon too.
  4. finally! letter is here for key collection! Yeepeee... Hi, I'm facing sentosa side & it's very WINDYYYYYY. We are worried about road & MRT noise so we only look at that particular facing.
  5. Me! I've call up HDB yesterday and apparently they are processing requests from those home owners who wish to get their keys early. In fact I'm not very pleased with this arrangement & keep me waiting & puzzled when will I get my appointment letter. So afterall, there's no such thing as first come first serve system during keys collection. Amy from HBD has been very nice to explain everything to me and I've gave a little to get my letter out soon. Thump Ups for the Forumers giving tips & guides to keep me in the loop!
  6. how many still waiting for letter? I've been very excited to open my letterbox the past 3days.