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Posts posted by red11devil

  1. i don't quite agree with you, based on my view, the IDs firm were not grabbing money by selling you a product such as insurance, house or car by after sharing their service & prices, once you are convinced you buy it, they get their commission and will leave you to their after-sales-service.

    The IDs firm have a long way to go after convincing you, they need to build what ever that have discussed accordingly, they need to made sure your additional request to be well taking care of before you are happy to clear their payment so that is when they can get their commission. Renovation is a tough job compare to the rest that i have mentioned, i hope i did not scare away those that in mid of deciding which jobs to go for.

    i am sure any of the new ID when they first renovating a house, they will surely pay lot of attention to ensure the house are well taken care of just like their own baby, but after getting more & more projects, the way of view started to change that we call them human. Nevertheless, by gathering more experience, i'm sure they will learn to care how to handle a house better than the first one that we don't denied, even if he has lost his initiate prospect but he will not loose his experience.

    If you are so care about the IDs firm earning your money, then you should not go shopping ever, cause they price to earn your money, They will not care if you do not want to buy their products, and again... they are called as human.

    "5) Don't over-trust your ID, even if he is from a big, reputable firm. Remember this: the truly good people who happen to step into the industry will sooner or later come to know all the evils in the industry. And most of the time, the truly good people quit because they cannot bear to continue fleecing unsuspecting customers. Most of the experienced people in the industry are those who have a way with words, those who know how to sweet-talk customers into paying more, and those who know how to get away with giving the cheapest/poorest quality work while making customers pay high prices."

    i'm not sure how you get this information from, but sorry, there is NO evils in this industry, but if there is a evils here, there are lot more in any others trade, i am taking about your work place too Yes Thank you.

    Please not all IDs firm fleecing unsuspecting customers, you may list out a few you had in mind but NOT ALL IDs firm are like that, atlease only very minimum IDs firm will fleecing customes, most of us- WILL NOT, yes sorry if you met one yourself you count yourself unlucky, but not everyone are unlucky.

    i am one of the experience one in the industry who have a way with words, joke with customers but i do not know how to sweet talk to made my customer pay more, pardon me we are not cosmetic sales girl, we are not BMW salesman, we are not Club member salesman, we are one that is willing to spend afford to ensure the house are well taking care of according to agreeable contract, that's who we are. i hoped there is no easy way out to write you a L box but give a cornice that kind of situation, you will have to check every single item listed in your quotation, ask your ID to explain to you in detail, take out the items that you don't feel comfortable and source for other player, Sign your name only when you are very satisfy with the contract you are signing, otherwise please DO NOT DO SO, same there otherwise, don't buy taiwan pearl mike if you think it is poison!

    Hope the above helps to clear IDs pants.

    A view from the "other" side.. interesting read!!

    I tend to agree though. Whoever we met in our journey for anything, largely depends on luck...karma, perhaps? LOL!!
