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Posts posted by Warrior88

  1. No difference in terms of illumination..... only need to consider the other lights, how are they orientated

    Try to follow the rest for homogenious layout. Also it is rectangular ... should lay parallel to the lenght.

    Just a question.... just choose the round type....solve the problem

  2. Never see any design like that before ... look at the window...its besically divided into half.

    Nobody is gonna open that window on top ... Looks like it meant to be a split floor.

    You may consider spliting at the window joint. ( only some floor areas )

    This floor area may be used for your lighting for your lower area.

    Make use of the area above as it provide sunlight & ventilation.

    I own chandlier ... - dusty, need to clean every 6 mths ... especially dust are visible on the crystal

    as they are very need the lights. Try dusting & vacuum, dust the whole place. Gotta bring it down

    Also, if your are fixing ceiling fan, make sure they are higher that the lights.

    I still recommend split level. As to what goes on top. depends on your lifestyle.

    As you need to climb up or slide down often.

  3. Don't worry, I am not selling charcoal product. But there are some of these products in the market

    lately. Actually, I wanna sole agent some of these products, but didnt take off.

    Em... lets see, I assume you wanna get rid of any pungent smell that may arise. Try not to use

    air freshener, some ppl are allergic to it. For any job, always think of maintenence free and try to

    keep things simple. Simple to beautify. Have you thought of cleaning the ventilator ?

    What if it break down and you could not get the right size again ?

    Too much electicity stuff is bad for our health.

    Anyway, charcoal are " CARBON " products, they have a tendency to absorb all bad smell near them.

    u could also put a small piece in you fridge if it gets too fishy. Maybe also your shoerack
