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Posts posted by MsBunny

  1. On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 11:01 AM, yingzy said:

    hi mmoh,

    you mean to say actually that bay window/bed/storage you did is not allowed?  Well I think I read something about height above floor restriction... if like that then alot of things cannot be done and what 2rm-ers need is space and we don't really have alot of that lol. :huh:  then again I recall few years back, bay window storage cabinets were also in the display showroom at TPY hub.

    According to my ID, there should be a minimum height of 1m from bottom edge of window opening to top of platform. That was what I was told during my reno back in 2015... Not sure if this rule still stands now tho. :)

    1 hour ago, zacksq said:

    Hi all. I'm current waiting for my 2rm bto at west plains. Was thinking to hack the wall between the bedroom and living room. I wanna put a wall with turnable tv console. Does anyone have any idea how much it would cost? Something like the attached image. I just felt like i don't need a living room. just a bedroom and a dining room would suffice.

    Another questions. Do i call contractor to install the lighting and electrical points first? Or do i get my ceiling fans and aircon to come in first?  Main concern is the tubing for the aircon.


    Thanks in advance


    Annex A.jpg

    That swivel TV wall should be at least 2.5k and up.

    Wiring first to determine electrical points. Then comes lights, fans and AC.

    • Like 1

  2. Costly but money well spent, imo! :)

    Echoing mmoh, thank you so much for letting us come by! :D Jenny was great to talk to and you guys have a lovely home!

    You are most welcome and thanks for the compliment. Spend a lot of time to design my bathroom due to those weird plastic cover, also very hard to make the ID understand what I want to achieve like cannot same frequency with me. I am happy with the final product although it is quite costly. The rattan chair you can get from Chun Mee Lee. Should you have further question related to my renovation you can ask in my tblog. I hope this visit helps you in your upcoming renovation. Oh must change the shower head from HDB to rainshower, you won't regret it.

  3. LOL @ Wild ginger. Actually there is 1 more, from MsBunny. Link to her blog can be found on page 1 of this thread. But she hasnt been updating since Sep 7...

    LOL @mmoh. You made me feel so guilty for slacking! :D

    Is your kitty better now?

    Well, there is a good and bad thing about having oversized furniture in our tiny nests lor.

    Sigh, I was hoping to get more 'experience' from you, our quick hand quick leg 2roomer. Not like we got a lot of other references lor. If I didn't remember wrongly, MsBunny's unit shaped very different from the conventional 2-room layout. So I was hoping to get more photos from you, mmoh. :D

    Thanks for remembering Bailey @kyooko! :)

    Her condition fluctuates. It improves when she gets a steroids jab but it only lasts for 2-3 weeks and is not an ideal long-term solution. Still hoping she can do without that but we've already given her the jab twice so far... :( I'm a little worried for her which is why I'm on leave half of next week to keep her company at our new home.

    I bought way too much furniture and now I'm trying to get rid of it haha. Should have listened to my mum (but don't tell her I said that! Lol)

    MsBunny. What color is your sofa may i ask? If it's in an off white pastel, neutral shade to your wall color, then i doubt it will be a visual issue. Or is it the physical shape of the sofa that's eating up your space?

    @Wild Ginger, it's a bit hard to describe my sofa... It's a sofa bed and it's kinda colourful lol. There's green, blues and greys. It's a solid sofa bed so it's pretty chunky. I need to get rid of ALL the other seating I got cuz I underestimated the physical size.

    My favourite area in the house (besides the kitchen) is the foyer aka the cat suite cuz it's the least cluttered haha!


    And other random things I've been sticking on my walls...



    Sneak preview lol. :D

  4. I certainly hope so too. I kept reading those 4-roomers and 5-roomers complaining about how small their place is, and I want to laugh. :D

    About time we 2-roomers show them, what 'small space' really is. hahahaha..

    Facing that 'small space' problem right now!!! My new sofa swallows up half of my living room. :( My place is looking tinier and tinier...

    In other news, my cat and I are moving in this weekend and spending the next 3 days lazing at home! :D

  5. I like the colour of the tiles. I like the ledge so that I can place items on it.

    I mentioned before, I can see my neighbour's bathroom if I open my window and it is true T_T so he/she can also see me if I open my bathroom window. Probably will install blind here which I have never thought before... more $$

    Kitchen is OMG!!! Even if I dont cook, I am now having headache on how can I put in all the necessary items for kitchen... And the width at the far end is only 50+mm where normal cabinet is 60mm. Carpentry can be customised but I need to get a smaller sink to fit into it... >_< If I put the usual sink and stove, I am only left with about 2 ft of counter top to place rice cooker + kettle + water jug + toaster oven / microwave oven + air fryer... how is that possible?? headache...

    This corner is just nice for a small washing machine. However, see the access panel? this is the access to repair piping in case it choke. There is also a similar panel on top, hence no in-built carpentry on top is allowed here.

    This is taken from the corridor. No intention of installing window grille but I am not so sure now. I think thief can easily access the unit from this direction. But I am at level 14... how?

    Where does that little path in the kitchen on the left of the laundry poles lead to, @mmoh? :huh:

    As for window grilles, as long as you keep your windows secured when you're out, it should be fine...I think?

    My neighbour can look into my bedroom from his kitchen - directly at my bed since I'll be sleeping facing that window - even better right? :blink: Luckily for me, my previous owner already put some kinda awning for privacy hee. If you're thinking of saving cost, can consider getting those big bamboo blinds from Daiso - waterproof and still can let air in. :D

  6. MsBunny! I keep checking on your blog but no update since 7 Sep! :deal:

    Hahaha. So busy packing and arranging (and what-nots) that I don't have time to properly update ahhhh. I'm at my place every night after work and on weekends doing one thing or another.

    Everytime something happens, I tell myself I need to blog about this and then when I get home (parents' place) at close to midnight, Grandpa Zhou is already there waiting for me lol.

  7. Hi everyone! Long time no chat! Haha.

    Been a mad couple of weeks for me... (If anyone is wondering, no, I've not moved into my place yet! Lol) I couldn't meet my own 'deadline' cuz of the sheer amount of work that's involved in moving. Didn't realise I had that much clothes. Or books. Or things hahaha. My new deadline is mid November now...

    Anyways! Congrats @mmoh!!! Finally gonna get your own little space! Can't wait to see more of it hee. :D

  8. @Msbunny

    Oi....no hor....I dun create mess de....in fact I hardly at home....morning go work....go gym after work on Mon, Tues & Wed, Fri and weekend stay out....so only Thurs am at home.

    Wow, schedule so packed! You'll have to leave days for household chores in the future when you get your own place in 2018! :P

    Nice bright bto flat!! i like!!!


    Wah, really a lot of light... But looks like quite a low level unit to me? :unsure:

    What's everyone's take on this? Do y'all prefer higher/lower floors?

    The toilet window is the old fashioned slats kind.

    I wonder, with the bombshelter door in the kitchen, will it make the kitchen even smaller?

    Good leh... With the bomb shelter door near the kitchen, means you can also store dry food stuff and kitchen appliances in there, no need all squeeze into the already small kitchen.

  9. Omg, apparently we all suffer the same issues! My mum has absolutely no concept of privacy as well. Exactly the same behaviour as your mums, @kyooko and @oktopussy! I've 'educated' her to the point of actually attempting to knock before she comes into my room now. But she tends to forget more often than not.

    She has also asked for a set of my keys but I'm still thinking long and hard on whether to let her have it. I don't want her to just show up unannounced every other night...

    @kyooko, I feel the same way as you - like I'll be able to appreciate my mum more from a distance lol.

    @BunniBoi, your mum bth the mess you make at home izzit? Hahaha.

  10. @mmoh

    I'm relatively close to my parents too but I still want my own space to escape my mum, her nagging and her hoarding stash hahaha. So I opted to buy a place that's about 5 bus stops away from my parents, still within easy access but yet a short distance away and closer to the MRT. :)

    Plus the fact that I should be in a hurry lah... I've already had my place since Jan this year leh! My friends all say my reno must be the longest one in history lol. Keep asking me when I'm moving!

  11. @kyooko

    Thanks! Hehe. Me too actually - feels like I've been wanting my own little space since forever. But time goes by in a hurry when you're busy, your place will be ready in no time! :)


    Yes I am... But cuz I've already taken a couple of days of leave from work during that period (to prepare for the move and settle in after that) and my bosses are touchy when it comes to moving resources around... Plus if I let myself hang out with Mr P too much, I may very well not move in till next year lol. I work better under pressure... Just that I like to whine while I'm at it. Hahaha.

  12. Amusing read, this:

    And quite accurate for me too! (Scorpio haha) :D

    I posted no. 3 before! And still love no. 3!

    I've also seen and loved the concept behind #3 but on second thought, I do wonder whether the pull-out wardrobe would work after it's full of clothes... Might take a fair bit of effort to pull it out, you think?

    Its only 64sqm. It is in Taman Jurong area. I think i only have an extra common room and bathroom niah...

    Oh well... i just don't have as much luck as you guys!

    Wah! If I'd known there were newer 3-rooms there, I may have searched a lil harder! :bangwall:(My impression of Taman Jurong were all old flats lol)

  13. Mine is a 3rm resale flat. However, it is really small as compared to other resale flats in the market, especially my living and kitchen.

    That is why i posted some pictures here, to give anyone some ideas on how to save some space.

    How small is small @Troublemaker? :o How many m2?

    Btw. which area is your place at? I'm quite curious about the newer 3-room flats... When I was looking for my place, all the ones in the West I viewed were like 20 years old at least. So I wonder where all the newer 3-rooms are. Haha.

  14. Salute u for your DIY projects. Read your blog and salute again! :sport-smiley-003: power girl!

    I know the sense of satisfaction but lao niang me too lazy hahaha....off topic abit. many years ago I want to make myself a patch blanket. shapes and fabrics all cut and only managed to patch up 2 pieces and i left it there for the longest time. :no: tsk tsk tsk...

    Thanks! :D I enjoy diy and craft... (When I have enough time and don't feel lazy hahaha)

    I don't start until I've had enough tea with Mr P (for procrastination) cuz I'm a perfectionist and won't stop till I get it all right.

    I am thinking of putting an island in my kitchen too. But I think, would have to be one of those movable table counter kind, like this:

    I thought of doing that with carpentry initially leh! But bearing in mind my budget, I decided to only go with 1 nice-to-have for each area of the house and the island was not it for the kitchen, so I had to strike it off my wishlist with a tiny tear in my eye boohoo. :(

  15. Am I too ambitious ar? :help:

    I know its a long way ahead and new ideas/designs may surface but for now this is what I would like to have.

    Interestingly, there are 2 pictures in your plan that I have on Pinterest for inspiration when I was doing my own space planning! I think we may have very similar ideas hehe.

    Looking forward to more of your ideas! You may want to get more exact measurements cuz sometimes the space looks bigger on paper... Like how I wanted an island in my kitchen - it looked feasible on the floor plan but when I got my keys and was looking at the space, I realise it was close to impossible and I had to scrape the idea. :( That's one of the few things on my wishlist that I didn't manage to fulfill.

  16. Hello MsBunny! Great to meet HDB Cat owners here :)

    Please show us your DIY progress, cross reference mah. BTW do you cat proof your windows and gate?

    I'm looking for those clear plastic/acrylic panels for my current place but not sure where.

    Yep! I removed all the window grilles but put up some diy insect mesh to cat-proof my windows. Will get to my gate once my reno has been completed. :) mmoh has helped to share my blog which I update semi-regularly with my reno progress. (Thanks @mmoh!)

    For acrylic panels, perhaps you can try art/craft shops like Art Friend?

    As for the cat wall, I intend for that to be my feature wall. Getting excited just thinking about it. Like what I mentioned to my friend the other day, my place is like one giant art project! :D Can't wait to start on deco once my reno is done!
