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Posts posted by thingstodo

  1. FSM price is very different one from each others.

    You need to know what is your expectation when you hire FSM.

    Basic requirements: FSM should able to "point out" few incident (at least 3) happen to house owner/family (in this case is you). Then FSM should able to advise you to position important furniture in your house, how to the design should be. FSM should able advise you what will happen to your house, after move in.

    Real FSM should not advise buy items that selling from its own shop.

    very good! just the "should able to "point out" few incident (at least 3) happen to house owner/family" may not suitable for all FSM as some don't practise in certain area. otherwise it lures a chance to blather.

  2. hello again :)

    "孤星命" may be a term to describe one has no partner, or even has distant relationship to his/her parents and kins. Different study groups may have different names for the kind.

    In short, people have no corresponding “star(s)” in their eight characters and general lucks, or those star(s) are being pressed or crashed by other star(s) are of the kind.

    Do you agree?

  3. Dear both,

    Very interesting to see your discussions. Thanks for the sharing. Can I take part in as well? as the atmosphere is open, maybe it’s no harm have more voices.

    Fengshui’s been carried forward for more than 3 thousand years since it’s originally created. Lots modern things like magnetic, radio, computer etc didn’t exist in ancient times, and vice versa. Fengshui theory is being updated, even slowly, to fit modern society.

    But if it’s still useful for modern life, or even worthy to think about? I would say yes, only when Fengshui is being measured in a scientific, logical and modern way. Which means, if I firmly believe it when you told me I will get rich once I put a frog statue (金钱蛙) here and there, I am crazy.

    Fengshui is nothing but only about the harmonized environment containing human, that’s you and me, and the surroundings. Straight forward examples, 1. would you live next to casket? 2. A big mirror directly face your bed, so every morning the first thing when you get up to see is your or your partner’s own face. How do you feel?

    To Mr. bepgof’s:

    1. Gregorian year and not other calender years? Why not involve mm/dd/tt?

    The year recording way when Fengshui was created was lunar, before calendar year recording appeared. Yyyy mm/dd/tt all can be converted into traditional Chinese way. Like today 12th Feb 2015 08:00am, it’s 乙未 戊寅 己未 戊辰 and every letters of them has a meaning in Fengshui way, if you want.

    2. 0-9, why not other numerical systems like 0-1, 0-8, 0-15.....

    八卦,Ba KUA (not Bee Cheng Hiang that one) normally understood to have 8 segments but actually the middle segment represent 0,5 which means when we need to consider numbers 5, 10, 15, 20 etc, it falls in the middle. The 8 segments represents 1~9 individually so Ba KUA covers all numbers. 1, 11, 111, 21 is taken as “1” and so on.

    3. Don't you know this calculation method ends up a same person with completely different direction when he is in northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere?

    The environment when Fengshui originally created was in northern hemisphere. There are ongoing studies and practices on Fengshui applications in southern hemisphere. You may want to discuss more on specific cases.

    4. What has the yyyy relates to only residential direction, what about his schools, his working building.....??

    In short here, the yyyy normally and mainly represents the grand king, 太岁. So every year is different and direction has impact on human depending you his/her location.

    5. Too many to be questioned about

    Allow me save typing here…
