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Posts posted by howlupjac

  1. Is this just 1 light only? If you are handy with tools, you can swap with another light to see if there is a problem with the ballast, then you will be able to isolate the problem - installation or ballast


    Yes its just one light. But its a downlight affixed on a false ceiling at the foyer. and its just one of its kind in the house. Can't test it out and taking it down will mean have to cut it out from the false ceiling...thats why I am in a dilema... :dunno:

    Now really regret having done so much false ceiling at home :curse:

  2. sorry side track a bit...I got a pblm with my lights...think the ballast fused again for the 2nd time

    Actually when the first time they were fixing it up, the ballast fused then the light shop says this ballast shouldn't fused so easily...can last 10-20yrs one....says is the electrical guys fault...but they change a new ballast for me ultimately due to goodwill....now after few mths moving in....fused again.....what should i do leh ???

    Should i take down the whole light bring back to the light shop or call my ID to get the electrical guys to come look at it.


  3. I going to apply for the starhub home phone line because it is totally free till 31st December 2010 for all Starhub Cable and Online users. No incoming or outgoing charge, no monthly charge, no equipment charge and no installation charge. Where else to get free stuffs?

    Hehe... except starhub i guess :notti:

    Free Home Phone Line by Starhub

    Hey you still gotta buy the modem mah. unless they got promo give you free lor. And do check on the "activation fee" cos i got charged for that.

    I have been using their digital voice phone. no complains so far except that you gotta remember on and off the electricity when going out or coming back home after work. Else, its draining electricity if you on the modem 24x7.

  4. ya ... green in color!! i am never going back there again!!! :furious::furious:

    on the other hand, the service at kimage is very good.. and the price i think cheaper... you all might wanna consider... :)

    I think now after your marketing/publicity campaign for them, even if they put the towkay and friends's photos on their glass door to market themselves also no use liao lor...haha.. :notti::notti:

    So many hair salons in tpy central..i think even every 2 months go cut once, only take one year to patronise all of them.....anyone got any recommendations which is good other than kimage??

  5. in the first place if next time their prices can start to vary like stock market within 10 mins, means they are not organised and each have their own pricing to start with then negotiate later on. Dunno if they are commission paid ah... Hehe...

    I think De Elements was from Ogilvy Building at Robinson Road previously. With their reno like got plumbing pipes in orange color?

    Dunno if its them or not ah... but it should be beside the Taka Jewellery right?

    Just cool it and dun ever go there again ah, if thats their attitude very soon they will start to move again and maybe even start to shrink. Good luck to their business etiquette.


    If i am not wrong i think the pipes were orange color, they just did a reno and changed the pipes to green :unsure:

  6. Not sure if anyone else like me is disturbed by loud noises at night (my unit is low-floor)? Last night there were 2 men at the rubbish/sand area where there is a debris container. They were hitting tiles into pieces, donno for wat. So loud, past 10pm. :furious:

    At least yours is like 10pm plus. 2 weeks before there is a bugger who did MIC TEST AT 5.30AM !!!!

    it goes *mic test mic test 1 2 3 4...mic test mic test 1 2 3 4....*

    It finally stopped until 1 helpful uncle scream across from dunno which floor to ask them to stop talking.

    High floor also got disadvantage 1 :dunno::bangwall::bangwall:

  7. if i get the coffeeshop correct, the same stall's hokkien mee is shiok too... :notti:

    But i got tried the orh lua...not so nice...the carrot cake fried by the woman, the char kway teow is by the man.

    no wonder that day got 1 ah pek tarbao 1 pak of $6 fried hokkien mee :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:

  8. wahhha..thanks for telling that I am not the only one who chance upon the lift for high floors landing on a "it won't stop for no particular reason" floor.

    It was first day of the lunar 7th month and my friends and I were going out for supper at 2.30am.

    For no reason the lift stopped at 16th flr :o

    At least now i am not afraid to go to 16th flr :notti:

  9. Did you send this to email: 75_bsec@pap.org.sg ? I wonder if he has anyone to screen this email queue and filter the messages...siGhz...

    I read again the mission statement of BTP TC

    [Our Mission Statement:

    "Our mission is to provide a clean, green, well maintained and healthy environment for the residents, through close co-operation with the residents, grassroots organisations and related government agencies."]

    Are they in line with their mission????


    It has been more than a week since my feedback to the BTPTC... seems like they need to custom order & mix the paint from China and headhunt the most professional painters from India. Not forgetting the exquisite hand-crafted camel-hair paint brushes from Tibet!

    More photos of vandalism.


    To: Mr Town Council Boss

    Cc: Mr Bigger Boss Wong, Mr Big Boss Ng

    I'm offering my amateur painting services to help out the BTPTC if you do not have the proper resources to do the job promptly, even after collecting the substantial S&C fees from the residents. There is no need to benchmark and pay me the salary of the top professionals in the private sector. Just supply me with the necessary tools and I will gladly help out the TC in these dire times for free.

    Yes, for free and I'm not even asking for any abalone porridge.

    You know where to find me.

  10. - my reno had started, kinda dissappointed. Contractor is fast but done e wrong 'thing'.

    - he did e conventional / standard way of doing e works whereas mine is special request.

    - dunoe wana dismantle & redo e whole false ceiling anot? haiz... :dunno:


    Congrats you finally started your reno ! Best of luck and do flood them with your knowledge so they won't puray puray with you :notti::notti:

  11. Hi Jacky,

    Pics remind me of my younger & kiddy days in TP.. Tot curved blk in 1st pic is Blk 157@Lor 1 cos facing junction, din know Lor5.. Those Pt Blks 191, 193.. (os old NTUC, near Courts) used to house SEA? Games sportsmen who took part @opp Stadium. When Games over, sold2 locals (my relative stayed there for decades b4 their recent move).

    Miss da library Fountain, da Garden... Now, I DO remember tat Silver Stream/River aircon food place(wah, so long ago oredi)! Used to hv meals there w relatives/ frequent my fave mutton soup, haha! dunno where it moved to.

    Thanx for bringin us down memory lane!! :sport-smiley-003: & oso Congratz on ur commencement of reno!

    Hi Hana

    As per my hubby (a tpy kid) the mutton soup is the one at the basement foodcourt in HDB Hub. Taste still as nice :good:

    Hey Jacky

    Its really nice to see the collated photos...really brings back the memories of my first MRT ride organised by my primary school when MRT was first launched, my first class outing to TPY KFC after we has our inter-school games in TPY sports complex....i believe the TPY Park is also a very famous place in TPY....most of our parents who took their wedding day photo at the Toa Payoh park (I see the same spot, same bridge, same pond...same banyang tree in my parents, my husband's parents, my classmates parents' wedding photos :notti::notti:

  12. This is gd info. Can know roughly what's the damage? :thumbs up:

    I got my racks from them as well. depending on the size and shape of your storeroom, they will measure your storeroom and will recommend to you what is suitable. Mine cost $180. two 5-tier side-by side rack.

    Hope it helps

  13. hmmm ... 40+ per mth.... for how long?? I think you better call the company to double confirm. :D

    He didn't say how long or contract term...but only say it will increase your phone bill by $1++ per day cos they need to create / link your phone number to the CID number....so its machiam like a monthly subscription fee...if you interested in the brochure I can pass to you this evening :D

    Hi jac,

    yes the installation is free, but the service is payable and i think there is a contract of 36 months which cannot be broken once signed. And the whole load of crap about being sent here because of high crime rates is rubbish ah, its all sales talk ah. Actually, i personally think that with the ADT alarm system we are trying to let our "thieves" know which unit to target and try their luck.

    I have tried their service at my friends place before and the police came about 30 mins lata. Heres the procedure of their call system.

    Step 1: Alarm gets activated after 1-2mins of break-in.

    Step 2: ADT receives the signal and starts to call you 3 times with intervals before activating the police. (false activation will resort in warnings from the police to ADT)

    Step 3: Police gets activated and rolls themselves down. (U can imagine how long they will take)

    Step 4: Thieves only need max of 10-15mins to get what they need and runs.

    So the morale of the story is "How long will our Mr Police officer take to reach our homes?"

    Hehe.... enjoy.... :notti:

    Hey...thanks for the info. My husband not interested leh....he says the logo only attract more bees to eye on the unit...but of cos i think if there are elderly at home then its good lor cos one button can attract ambulance.

    Anyway i keep asking them who is the "they" who sent him here he just say is "they" so i guess the they is Tyco Sales Department lor hahaha ;)

  14. Hey I got someone from tyco knocking on my door on Sat to ask me to install a "FOC", fully subsidised ADT alarm system...the mass installation is on Tue and Wed.

    Anyone signed up for it?? He claim "they send him here cos of the recent high crime rates in our neighbourhood".

    But I keep peeping at the invoices and found there are payment to be made. ard $40+ per month.

  15. Was very shocked when I heard about the murder case when driving to work this a.m. Safety and security is definitely an issue in 79 now. So many break-in case and now a murder case (dunno whether it's a break-in though).

    For those that are going to finish renovation works, especially when u have already some valuable items to yr unit, pls be careful. I understand that there have still been several break-in case and these people always strike after the units were cleaned up after reno and some items already there such as fridge/oven etc. Seems like there are people monitoring the reno process! My contractor told me that some workers (who look like cleaners) will pop by to look at the unit and asked if they wanted to throw away some rubbish at the unit. Hence immediately after my contractor cleaned up the place, he asked me to lock up the gate and main door, instead of just lock up the chain lock. Luckily I did that and the next day I noticed that someone had meddled with my chain lock!

    Saw that someone mentioned about Meet-The-MP session. Do you think it's useful for us to gather and feedback our concern to our dear MP before other unfortunate things happen there again?

    Just some of my input, I do notice that the new neighbours who bought Tv, fridge, washing machines, fans, lights, etc etc just discard the boxes at the lift lobby. This is really serve as some "guidelines" to those who have evil intention that there items for them to prey on, on that floor.

    Hope these people will seriously do their fair share to bring those boxes downstairs to the disposal area. I mean the big rubbish collection area and not the small rubbish bin in front of the lift lobby. I think a gentle reminder to the delivery guys helps.

  16. Hi howlupjac,

    BOTH. the bill was 100+, then after the rebate this mth, dropped to 90+

    My bill came. the amount water + electricity + gas told up to $100+...but i only gotta pay $50+. Same as last month...electricity alone already $70+

    looks like I gotta switch on less lights :dunno:

  17. Hey howlupjac,

    - u r rite.

    - 'tina' & 'tarpin' r contractors' slang.

    - 'thinner' is stronger, works better s a paint removal.

    - turpentine is less stronger, works s a paint mixer.

    - 2 remove paint stain, use 'thinner' lah.

    - depends on e severity of e paint stain, u can scrape it off by finger nail or scraper.

    - scraper can use 2 scrape off paint & white plaster stain on any smooth surface, such s tile flooring & glass panel.

    - scraper beli useful, got few sizes in terms of width, get e medium 1 wil do. Hardware shop got sell, few dollars only.



    - tot there r quite a nos. of motorbike lots at e upper decks?

    - nobody wil snatch ur favourite lot at e upper decks but its kinda secluded.


    Hi Jacky

    Cos my ID ask me to use Tar pin to clean the paint stains, then we we went to the pain shop there are tar pin and Tina..dunno which to use lor...My metal gate also got paint splashes, which report to the building services centre, they claim they did the clean up...like real only...Dunno if I scrap will the paint on the gate drop or not. Carpentry pple told me before cannot use too many times to clean else will spoil the glossy laminate on carpentry also. SigHz

    Scrapper buy liao..but dun dare to use cos scare will scar the door...every scratch is every cent lost.

    motor lot - siGhz..this is the dunno how many complaints I receive from my guests who drive

    "Why HDB sunday no free parking de"

    "Why don't have floor level lifts de. i gotta carry my baby pram down the steps"

    "Why your block so stupid de...MSCP not linked to your block de"

    "Why the design so stupid de...gotta take 3 lifts before reaching your storey..why didn't you take block B,C,D instead"

    "Why I need to make so many rounds before I find one secluded corner to park my bike? Only ard 60++ lots in the whole MSCP???"

    Aiyo, when you hear so many "why....de" you also a bit sian right ??

    Anyway just a word of advice to you guys who have guest who drive, you can advice them to park at blk 85's MSCP (sorry arh...selfish singaporean advice) cos your guest will have to walk a long way to put coupon if they intend to stay long at your flat for blk A and E residents...then somemore Sunday NO FREE PARKING...the other side is free...WHY LIKE THAT DE??? :dunno::bangwall::jawdrop:

    *btw i wrote to HDB to complain deck 2A, 3A, 4A are quite dark during day time cos we are quite blocked on both sides. If suay suay one day kenna robber dun know i can even see the robber's face or not.

  18. - wat's wrong wif ur kitchen cabinet laminates?

    - glue & stain can b removed by 'thinner'.

    - 'thinner' can b purchase at DIY shop, cloth where 2 find, u shd noe lah.

    - mayb u wana try out mildly 1st, then more 'thinner' if necessary.

    Jacky, like to check should I use "Thinner" - pronouce as "Tina" or "Turpentine" - pronouce as "Tar Pin" ??? I got paint stains on my bedroom door and metal gate

    Tks :)

  19. tension_z,

    mine is $150 for 4 room and only 2 person living. I find my bill also quite high...

    - aircon only 4 times in a month about 7 hrs per round

    - Plasma TV about 3 hours per day

    - Computer almost on from day to night

    - 1 tower fan on 24 hours

    - washing machine once a week

    - fridge everyday

    - storage heater about 40 mins per day

    - wine chiller on 24 hours every day

    Wahha almost same as mine leh. bill comes up to $150+ leh for last month

    - TV about 4-5 hours per day

    - Starhub digital setup box on 24hrs everyday

    - Digital Voice Modem on 24hrs everyday

    - 1 tower fan on for ard 4 -5 hours

    - 1 wall fan on for ard 8hrs everyday

    - washing machine every alternate day

    - fridge (2 tick for energy saving) 24hrs everyday

    - storage heater about 20 mins per day

    - Water dispenser on 24hrs everyday

    - sometimes forgot to off my foyer light (the ultimate was 10hrs for 1 of the night)

    We were so suprised when we saw the giro deduction amount. How could we have consumed so much water and electricity :jawdrop::dunno::bangwall:

  20. Hi all neighbours, would like to check on something. For the rectification of original hse defects by HDB, what's the procedure if we r reporting to the centre at 79C? Heard they have been extended to Sep.

    Same day report, same day rectify? (i doubt so...lol) What's the pt of leaving the keys with them? Owners need not be there when they come down?

    Tks all :thumbs up:

    I suggest you don't leave the key with them. get a cheap padlock and pass them the key. you don't want your keys to be duplicated by evil minded pple. Well unless you intend to change the gate and main door lock. Usually, (at least for my case) they took a few trips to rectify the different kind of defects

    Hope it helps
