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Posts posted by annie

  1. Hi all,

    Due to our whole family suffering from dust allergies, we are thinking of not using curtains for our windows but the large two panel blinds, the type found in some hotels. It is like two panels for one window and each panel is made up of a large piece of starched cloth with a plastic stick at end of panel to pull the blind open/close. I need the starched cloth to be slightly thick to block out afternoon light. Anyone knows where I can get nice and cheap ones from?? :)

  2. Hi wondering if anyone knows of a place to do acrylic type of window grills? I know in S'pore the common thing is to use wrought iron / aluminium grills but in places like Hong Kong, there is a new trend using plastic/acrylic strips to put across windows as they are subtle looking and do not obscure view outside. They look incredibly nice. Anyone can advice where I can get these from?

  3. Hi Padi, sent a message to you. Can I ask the code/brand of your green wall in dining room? I really love that colour. Want to choose this colour for my dining room to complement my teak furniture but am worried the colour will "give me headache" after some time.

    To all, I am in the process of renovation and repainting our apt. I am thinking of below colours. What do you all think? Anyone used these colours for yourselves? Even better if you can upload some pictures to share:

    (1) Main colour: Morning Dew

    (2) Dining Room One Wall: considering "Seaweed" all-in-1 (Padi, wondering if this is the colour you used!)

    (3) Master Bedroom: Mocha Delight (1 wall) and Natural Linen (3 walls)

    (4) Daughter's bedroom: Princess Veil (2 walls) but not sure of other colour for remaining 2 walls. Any suggestions? eg yellow or orange?

    I am very bad with colours so any advice would be appreciated! BTW, our apt is very bright and gets afternoon sun.

    Many thx, Annie
