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Cartoon Wayne

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Posts posted by Cartoon Wayne

  1. Really love your selections of roman and roller blinds :seeya:

    Actually with the help of the curtain maker... But i think they are quite ex...

    your house should be completing soon... hehe... the living room is nicely done...

    the color combination very soothing...

    =) not alot of people dare to use this type of tiles.

    I saw the kartell lamp.. very nice.. wife would kill me if i got it though.. expensive.. lol...

    =) not alot of people dare to use this type of tiles.

    I saw the kartell lamp.. very nice.. wife would kill me if i got it though.. expensive.. lol...

    Nvm, you buy already and wrap it up...

    Give it to your wife as Xmas gift... i think this way your wife wont kill you....

    ACtually i regret to use white tile in my living room i should change all to drak grey tile...

    My wife and I love the dark colour tile... :dunno: !! :)

  2. thx wayne, sure hope the actual carpentery is as nice as the pix, considering the amt i've got to pay. can't wait for the keys collection!

    I think the price is ok.. importantly, is their workmanship and material use?? Hope you will have a smooth reno progress.. I spend quite alot on the reno and funishing stuff... now burn a very very big big hole...

  3. wow... really nice lamp :dunno:

    out of my budget too :(

    Thx.. I waited 4 mth b4 i buy this lamp.. wait for budget to loose... coz i spend a big amt on reno liao...

    Somemore now got sales so can buy... wait till you move in and got sales den consider to buy.

    btw i just saw your 3d perspective... very very impressive hope to see more of your house pic...

    !! :seeya::)

  4. Beauty is to the eye of beholder - sounds a bit 'old fashion' but it is true.

    My personel opinion is that if the painting is something you really like and have a special 'feeling' for it and if it can make your day then it is worth every single cents.

    Definitely you have should also balance the affordability before buying. Guess life is all about enjoying every moments.

    Just my 2 cents..

    agree!:thumbs up: just out of curiousity, how much will you pay for this painting...

    Anyway i love it so much...


  5. I like the long stretch of lights at the ceiling, what is that call?

    Is it expensive to have this in the ceiling?

    actually is a recess of the falling ceiling and place flouscent tube inside the recess area.. if you see my t-blog you notice i did a L-shape recess which i use 7 tube of light...

    Not power saving... hehehe but i like the design... :notti:

  6. nice nice, makes me wanna to remake my room too :) :)

    hehe... i read your blog.. your house look nice too... :(

    May i ask your bedside tables and the one holding your precious moment, where did you get it?

    Did you ID custome make it?

    Coz i was intending to get ID to make it, but might be a bit expensive.

    My ID did it for mi.. the one put precious moment is inside the package... but the side table is FOC, i pester him very long den he argee to do it for mi....

  7. ok. thanks a lot for the info.

    shall be calling them up soon.

    needa do a measurement of my HSS first.

    hope i can use their readymade measurement.

    I just did mine.. it was recommend by my friend, i went to their house and saw their good workmanship storage rack, maybe you can consider.. I did mine and i very satisfied with it... It look solid...

    you can call William 98524730... i did a L-shape cost me 150 onli..

  8. jus trying to collate before proceeding with some "noise" to the necessary authorities, in particular for those who drive....

    in the MSCP (multi storey car park blk 88), how many have had your vehicles vandalised or have heard of vehicles being vandalised with or without theft involved?

    i personally have heard at least 3 cases and am beginning to get worried to leave my vehicle in the MSCP overnight when i finally move in.....

    i even had a thought of laying trap to catch the culprit involved but may need quite alot of effort and persistence manz.

    Pray hard my car didnt get scratch or vandalised....

  9. yeah our place also greyish... black abit.. but we budget.. so can't get alot of things that we want.. lol

    Your house is nicely done.. i think slowly add on those thing that you need.. I also slowly get our items in.. (One item per month)... Haha... By the time i get everything in i moving out liao. LoL
