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Cartoon Wayne

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Posts posted by Cartoon Wayne

  1. Thanks Wayne, easy on the black toilets.. lol.. difficult to clean.. and easily stained with white marks..

    Strongly Agree, my wife and I had hard time cleaning the white potion of the carpentry and flooring....

    Lucky most of our stuff are in black...

  2. Hi all busy with my hse deco and my office, so didnt post much this week.. Finally my starhub cable is activate....

    Our Simple Living room design to share with ppl that doing their hse reno...


    Living Room Day and Night Curtain


    Matching Coffee Table



  3. hi sharpion,

    good day to you bro!!

    we've been really really buzy with many things nowsaday all for our new nest....ever since the carpentry is up, near completion and handing over (maybe in a week or so). all i can say that we are VERY VERY VERY pleased with the workmanship (A+++) and unexpected design touches to some areas. current status is touch-up n touch-up period. dave have been very responsive to all aspect during the work process. he has also been helping us in sourcing for the correct materials and giving ideas in making our new nest to the best he can. he would often ask (us) "u all like the design or not" from time to time, which i personnally think that it is a very good way in understanding the client's needs. we learnt to understand him more thru lots of conversations that in order to get our job done, he had in fact go the extra miles (regardless of scolding or demanding from his suppliers) to give us things that we need for our home.

    i do hope we share the same feeling about this man who make us what we call a "quality designed home".

    every penny is really worth the spending. cheers to all INTRA fans out there..

    Cool and congrat, finally reno done..

    I finish mine at end of nov, now start to deco my house...

    Dave is good, i realli feel that my money well spend.. I just went intra yesterday to collect my wall clock

    Their carpentry solid!:thumbs up::P:):)

  4. heh, when i first saw him, this is the words i said, "so you are the ah beng boss of intra everyone talks about!" i dun tink he is that beng actually la, in fact, i feel he quite refined esp. in what he wear etc. (if u look closely la)

    i also paid 50/50 with him...like jule says, try talking to him if u feel its too siong :help:

    good luck for your reno project!

    ha...u never see dave yet ah? actually i got picture of him but he will burn my house down if i post it here..lol u can't miss him one la, he always wears those colourful shirts - next time ask angeline to intro to u la.

    haha, ya agree, his hair style quite cute especially in the morning when he just wake up that time. i guess sure got some ppl cannot click with him one...but as you say, you know him more you find he is really a nice guy - crack a lot of jokes one...his design is really good - now that my house is 99% complete, can really see what he say is good.

    Yah he quite branded person.. gucci here gucci there and carry his new apple iphone.. He have alot of jokes to share, he alway like to say" go ask god!!".... Nice workign with him on my reno...

  5. your house was really :~ and :good:

    Your House also very very nice... Like the bar counter and your tv feature wall wow! wow! :help::help::help:

    wayne..how much did u spend on ur lightings? Notice that you have quite a fair bit of cove lighting and downlights..

    u tink if i buy those ikea table meant for kitchen (which can be kept away), can be used for ironing? My washing area has an extra recess area..tot dun waste it..hehe

    I spend about 1.2K on lighting, for the about 7 tube of fluoscent white light, coz mi about (77 bucks - my dad friends lobang)

    yah you can... since you have space to mount the table top, but muz have a very thick layer of cushion cloth, if not your top surface laminate will peel off, coz laminate cant take too much heat...

  6. must must must take a trip to daiso liao

    don't why when i'm there don't see anything like this leh :help:

    must keep my eyes peeled :help:

    hihi, you go to DIY section, vivo city have more things... i spend sometime there to find too.. Daiso alway in a mess...

    nice idea man! we also have a door like that, will consider doing something like that too...only we are not as artistic as you so quite scared...

    Actually we are not very artistic too, just that when my wife shop, i will just gather idea by observing glass window or door of those shops..

  7. really peifu peifu :bangwall::paint:

    learnt another tip here, think you should post this in MaCe's t-blog, the money saving one?

    for pple who can't afford WinK decals :bangwall:

    Sure... yah i initially wanted to buy winkplay but i think the is too high with our simple design.. so we decided to do this way... and the effect is ok adn acceptable.. and i can change our design more frequent and wont feel heart pain... :bleah:

  8. cool to find someone doing B&W hehe. i did my whole flat B&W with glass :bleah: keep things simple :bangwall:

    hihihi... yah wife and I love B&W and minimalistic concept to keep thing simple... Therefore alot of thing wil be in black grey and white, all using clean and clear line.. little abit of wood colour to make it more minialisticc interior...

    thanks for the tips :bow: :bow:

    now how about sharing the $2 and 2hr tip to decorate a glass door?

    looks very nice and professionally done :wub:

    We had the design in mind, and we went daiso to purchase a big piece of window sticker for $2

    Cut out the square design and stick them onto the glass door

    We actually scare it will go crook, so we measure the distance and stick masking tape to align the sitcker..

    how to stick the sticker just simply follow the instruction mention on the packaging.


  9. ya, was abit worried when he told us that. but he said that is his common practice and even told us to go ask those ppl whom he did the reno for.

    but hor, 50 - 50% payment, abit shiong for us leh. nvm, will wait for his design and see how ba....

    hehe, so funny, the way u call him "lao beng"......

    btw, saw ur blog....... nicely done..... i like the waist height iron top....... great idea..... :dribble:

    If you engage him as your ID, you will know it yourself... talk so loud sometime will shout, walk like ah beng with some hair standing.. Sometime you will like him and sometime maybe piss by his attitude... but overall he is good, some act cute... i can say he is confident with his design and if you get to know him better, he is actually a nice and patient guy..

    Hope to see your reno design soon...

  10. can check with you if the 'iron top' is a particular material? if i tell my contractor that will he know? really very good idea :notti: !!
    Your home is very very nice, saw the waist top ironing board, may i ask what is the material used to cover the top?? Money well-spent indeed.. Very great design from Intradesign again.. I like so many of their designs. :bangwall:

    Actually the ironing top that you all see are just laminate which cant use for ironing purpose, my ID actually provide us an additional wooden top cover which wrap with cushion and cloth so that ironing can be done..

    I will post up the photo with the top cover shortly cause the carpenter just deliver the top cover...

  11. My bills had been making me very stressed; 1st bill $50+, 2nd bill is $300+ and now 3rd bill is $200+.

    Wifey also becoming very paranoid - go around the flat to switch off appliances and even try to unplug the tv and home theatre. She would have flicked the main switch if I had not reminded her about the food in the fridge...


    But did notice the 3rd bill says 'estimate' also; hmmz, so exactly how long more to see the actual consumption ah??

    hi hi.., pub on come take reading every two month, so normally you will receive estimeted bill every alternate mth.. so if the following month you use more than estimate, you will pay the outstanding amt, if you use lesser on the estimated mth they actually will refund you the money...

    mi oso worry about my bill.... i just shift in, so next mth bill will receive impact liao...


  12. the waist height ironing top storage is such a good idea :P

    makes me wanna get one too

    how how how :good::bow:

    Actually my parent stay with us, as my old hse have a similar ironing top storage, so we decided to do a similar one to ease my mum and my wife ironing job...

    Spam for neighbour :P



    your place looks really nice! i particularly like the way the L shape false ceiling is done. can i check with you, is that inverted light cove or a ceiling with those transparent cover (with lights running inside)? i can't really tell from the photos. the shoe cabinet looks great too!

    may i whats the reno damage? :dribble:


    is a inverted light cove, using 7tubes x 40mm white lights...

    we spend about 35K on reno excluding electricity, lighting, cooker and hood, sink and aircon...

    Quite ex but worth the money coz good workmanship (personal feeling)

  13. any body keeping arowana? can catch them and feed the fish :dancingqueen:

    its up to inidividual preferences as which type to use lor. for me case is i've a bath tub and i want a conceal look so went for storage heater. it take just 5 ons to heat up whole tank so quite okie.

    btw, what's everyone average electrical and water bill? mine is around $160.00 :dancingqueen::dancingqueen::dancingqueen:

    Cool to have bathtub, Yah you are right alot of time is personal preference, I just shift in so my bill not very accurate, mine now around 60 plus..

  14. :P you meant the toilet bowl they use is "for trying out" our block is prototype meh? the price we paying is not prototype price leh. :jawdrop:

    hi i using ariston water heater and its super hot if turn full. think the issue is with the time it takes for the water to travel from the pipe to the destination. for common toilet not too bad but for master toilet take a while longer.

    so now will on the shower den use the cold water to wash clothes etc. my neighbour is using instant water heater and was told that the water temperature is quite inconsistent cos its due to the water passing through the heater.

    Yah Sakae, my hse instant water heater abit inconsistent initially, i insert an addition black rubber washer with smaller lobang at the inlet pipe to slow down the water flow, the water temp become more consistent.. I think storage heater is still better den gas heater...

  15. There's also lots of Millipedes at the void deck. Getting more and more these few days, prpbably due to the rain. Those which are stepped dead attracted lots of ants too...

    Dunno if HDB is doing anything...

    The gas heater is kind of useless... thinking of changing to instant heater...

    Need to wait so long for the water to heat up (to "bathable" temperature, not bathtub temperature) I've tried the other day and let the water run under a pail, the pail water was 3/4 filled before the water is hot enough...

    If i get the citygas people to come, will it actually helps?

    Hi I realli think it will add on to your bill... I think the distance from the heater to the tap is quite a distance so the water inside the pipe at this area cant be heat up so the water have to run awhile to get the hot water.

    For mi i using instant heater, it heat up very fast but sometime the water is not hot enuff too...

  16. Hi Ah Kiat and Wendily, thanks.... I finish my reno already, just tat i now in the stage where my house is in a mess... still unpacking and arrange our stuff in the house.. i spending time to sort out all my photo..

    Some recap of my initial reno stage...

    My L-Shape recess falling ceiling and L-shape Flooring


    Living Room Colour..


    My Wardrobe room colour...


    My Parent Room Colour...


  17. first to spam :) !!

    the cabinets near the door very nice

    very refreshing to see something asymmetrical !! :dribble:

    Thx.. i give my ID my requirement that it should be simple, not bulky and i need more shelfing space. He propose to us, we accept it immediately, cause we like it.. hehe...
