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Posts posted by Yeoman

  1. Hi coco-mybibi, can let me know your shop as well?? Thanks.

    Hi All,

    Can I find out from those who have hack the wall between MBR and BR2, how you guys and gals provision your air-con system to the bedrooms, whether is still a system 3 of 9k btu each or system 2 of 13k + 9k btu or something else??


    Hi Zincy,

    I'm also combining my MBR and BR2.

    Initially we wanted to get a sys 4 for all the rooms and living room,

    however, the technicians from Naturalcool advised us to install a

    sys 3 instead.

    Meaning 1 big aircon(18VA) for the living and another big 1(18VA)

    for the combined mbr & BR2, the smaller one(10VA) of course will go to BR3.

    According to them, its more efficient. Most likely will get the latest

    model of starmex inverter with this combination :

    MXY-3A28VA / MSXY-GA10VA / 2 X MSXY-GD18VA


  2. Hi Sarah,

    I totally sympathize with your current situation.

    Like all firms, there's bound to be black sheeps among them.

    I had a total different experience altogether compared to your

    ID though both came from the same company.

    She is very patient and gives us plenty of suggestions and proposals

    till we are satisfied. She even drive us for tile selection etc and did

    not rush us though we spent many hours yet can't decide on the

    colours and design. Till now, we are still satisfied with her work..

    Perhaps you can demand to change to another ID from the company.

    See whether he/she can propose something that fits your budget or

    at least willing to listen and give better proposals.

    I'm totally aggrieved by the service provided by your current ID. If I were you,

    I will definitely complain about him to the company and demand for an explanation

    on the poor service!!

    Good luck!!

    Dear All

    We met a fren's cousin who is an ID w another firm, he came over to our flat. The experience is so diff from that we had w the guy from Cis*ern.

    This guys, he walk us thru area by area step by step. The other guy was in a hurry to get out, get home and quote u. Things we wan he din quote, things we don't he quoted. When ask him he said " No meh, i tot u said u wan to do ma, no meh?" He does not give advise even when the things we wan to do don't quite make sense. We don't reno flat like they do, so how do we know what we abt to do is feasible or worth doing or not? If we can figure all most of the things what we need is a contractor not an ID what!! There's so many IDs ard, the only diff is not jus on price, but also what kind of service attitude u displayed towards yr clients, be it a 20K, 30K or 80K paying customer.

    The guy we met on Fri night, when we tell him wat we wan to do, he adv us on the pro and cons of the things we wan to do. I had originally wanted to hack the study room wall, he suggested that we shld not waste $ on things that is ex and cannot see the value of the spending. Then he suggested using the budget we hv for hacking the study room wall to do something that will make impact to overall flat. When we catch no ball what he was talking, he brought out his laptop and show us pics to help us understand more. Eh, i dun noe if this is a SOP la, but i appreciate the fact that he does this. This way, it shows me his sincerity in doing our business, on the other hand, by showing us the pics, we felt tat he understand what we are saying and help us see better how it will look like when put into our flat.

    He also help us brainstorm how to lay our walk in wardrobe due to the layout of the room. That ID from cise*rn, he simply smack two rolls of wardrobe outside the toilet and tell us "Nah, this is yr walk in":P It's so no taste layout and design, make us feel that like as if we are sua gu who dun noe how to tell the diff between good and bad design. He present us of the problems we hv in the hse but offer no solutions or suggestion. He left us to figure out the solution ourself and then just kept adding the "we hv to do items ah boh yr whole hse dun look nice quotation". What is this man? :) In the end, the additional items we hv do cost $36K on top of the original package we sign. If we go with this ID, our reno cost is $55K!!

    We do not hv a big budget for reno, with things mostly costing more these days how many young couple can afford astronomical figure for reno w/o a bank loan? We are tryin to spend within our means. As I hv some health issues, if i bcome preggie, i wil hv to stop work. We dun wan to fall into the all buy w instalment or take a loan to pay for things we cannot afford. If we do that, we will not hv the liberty to consider the path of me not working when I am preggie. So the safer way out is to spend with what we can afford now. Debt free living is critical when i am preggie.

    We are now hopin that we can get out of the contract. We read the contract in details and found out there's a non cancellation policy. If we cancel the package, they reserve the right to demand for a 20% package price compensation lor. Don't know how to move forward from here also..... Now don't even dare to think of asking them to let us convert the $800 into buying products from them for fear they ask us compensate the 20% of package price.

    Any comments/suggestion from the ah jie and ah hia here?? !!

    For folks out there shopping for IDs, do not rush into signing any contract, shop around, read the forum for sound advise. Best of luck to those who are still looking for their IDs.

    It's not my intention to black mouth the ID but jus that i felt tat his service cld hv and shld hv been better than this, no matter what kind of budget we hv. End of day, we STILL PAY, don't we?


  3. Thanks for the reply.

    Yup, after much thought, think its better to leave it as it is in case problem

    arises in the future. :yamseng:

    my tiler did mention something like that to me too, saying that actually it's better to have bigger gap, if gap too thin, the cement might not last too long, but he also said that now new owner all prefer to have thinner gap, cos it look nicer.

    so i think it's still up to individual.

  4. Hi Home Lovers,

    My tiling works for my living room is almost done.

    However, I notice the gaps between every tile is

    bigger than that of my neighbor's..

    When I highlighted this to my ID, she mentioned that

    the spacing is actually an allowance for the tiles to expand

    and contract.

    She also mentioned that tiles that are too closely spaced

    will most likely face problems in the future based on her

    experience. I did some research on my own and what she

    said did have some truth. Any comments?

    Btw, good thing is she said she will redo all the tiling works

    if i insist. Hence now pondering whether to do it anot? !!


  5. One of the best places to get tiles from

    which one did you go to? the one in Defu lane or the one in balestier road?

    if you are going to the one in Defu, remember to look for Ian... she did a great job explaining all the different type of tiles they carry and how to go about selecting them

    alternatively, you can go to my blog to read up more :notti:

    I got my tiles from Hafary(balestier) too. Good service!

  6. Hi ppls..

    Can ask hw much is haulage fee then consider ok?? I got the quotation of $850.. But is it overprice???? Need advice on this..

    Thanks thanks...

    Mine is $700 excluding bedrooms as my bedrooms are doing laminates.

    Think depends on the contractor the town council hires..

  7. $300 for 3 consecutive months..get $30 cash (i think so..cant remember)

    however, eg if u fulfill 2 mths requirement of $300 already, your 3rd mth u short of a few dollars, u cant get the $30 cash and all your previous spending will not get anything (wasted). So u will be eager to spend more to hit the $300 per mth requirement

    in my opinion UOB one card is to encourage people to spend more..i stop using it after 3 months of experience :(

    best card in my opinion is....

    Citibank dividend card.

    just got $90+ cash for my previous 3 mths spending :)

    imho, different credit cards serve different purposes.

    Citibank dividend card is best for petrol followed by

    expenditure on food at 5% and 2% rebate respectively.


  8. Hi Pinkdewy

    I PM u the name of person we sign with. And yes, we end up with alot of top up! The top up was more ex than the package we sign initially. If i tell u here, later i kena sue until jia lat jia lat

    Vowsh, can use deposit to buy appliance thru them meh? $1100 to hack is ex ah...i tot norm leh

    Hi Sarah, I too think that hacking works for $1.1k is quite ex(never hack b4 just my

    personal opinion). You may want to request for another designer in Cisxxrn to requote

    you with your comfortable price.

    Sometimes its the designer who is the blacksheep.. but honestly speaking, this company

    is one of those "branded" and reputable ones hence charges will definitely be on the higher

    side. Can't compare with contractors pricing.

    Anyway, worse come to worse top up and get them to do up carpentry like wardrobe or

    cabinets instead of just hacking works. Must more worthwhile imho.


  9. how about plastering the side after all the hacking?

    Hi ahjane,

    This is normally settled by your ID or contactors workers.

    P.E is just a certification to confirm that the wall can be hacked

    thats all. The hacking and patching should be done by ur ID.

    But this lobang is really good, my ID earlier quoted me $700

    for PE..Look at the savings.. Power of forum is :deal:

    Many thanks agin to oh oh for the lobang again.

    My ID will be contacting him.


  10. Hi Hongss

    There is alway something small to start with. Take ur time to upgrade slowly and u will appreciate and learn along the way. :dancingqueen:

    U can consider this Samsung HTS or Pionner HTS, they fall within ur budget, but of course u have to compromise the sound quality too. :dancingqueen:


    any comments on the below HTS?


  11. waaah... chim leh... :dunno:

    Hi chrispy and pros in HTS,

    I'm urgently looking for a decent HTS for my new home.

    The L-Box and false ceiling will be up soon so need to decide

    on the HTS soon.

    My wife is quite keen on the Bose lifestyle 18 SIII. Being the entry

    level for the HTS with 5.1 speakers, price is already $3599.

    We did test out the system and find that its really good. It even

    comes with this new technology called the adaptiq where the sound

    will customise itself in any room. (pretty impressed)

    however, price is quite steep and i'm also wondering whether i can get

    similar effect with cheaper price at adelphi KEC.

    Being a noob in HTS, need advise from the pros. wat are the standard

    setup of a HTS, amplifier, av receiver, speakers, woofers?? really know


    If possible, please also let me know the pricing of any recommended

    setup. Thanks in advance :dunno:

  12. Hi coco,

    I take the package at 10888, u may see from their website... additional tops up are built-in wardrobe for 2 rooms, $1100x2, vanity top plus box up mirror with china granite top, ~$1900, Feature wall plus shoe cabinet, $~1600, window grills,$850, suspended tv console , $780, kitchen top change to china granite, cant remember how much... hee... i think it's abt all, cant remember the details... hee... total cost is abt 24k...

    wad abt urs?

    Hi Yeoman,

    Wow, ur reno quote is 47k? :deal: are u doing a lot of capentry ? guess ur reno must be very chio... hee.... must invite us to housewarming to look see look see ....

    Hi Mrs Png,

    I hope the effect will turn out nice.. think i'm one of the few who spent so much

    on reno.. Hope i didnt get "carrot head".. my wife quite fussy hence almost all

    the furnitures are custom made.

    Some of the more expensive items excluding kitchen cabinets are :

    - full ht shoe cabinet w feature wall (10ft),

    - living room tv featurewall and cabinet,

    -display cabinets,

    -WIW (pole system).

    -overlay mbr toilet wall/flr tiles,

    -raised platform at study,

    - full ht tv feature wall/cabinet @ mbr,

    - cushion seettee w storage @ mbr,

    - shelvings @ study,

    - full ht dresser cabinet.

    If you are wondering why our mbr is so big, we intend to hack the

    walls and combine bedrm2 with mbr. will have many lighting pts too

    and estimated cost for electrical works - 2.5k - 3k... :dunno:

    Hope there will be no more adjustments as my wife chosen a blink

    blink border for the toilet wall tiles and this involve additional cost..

    sure no prob, will invite neighbors to have a look once its done up..

    Think works will start this week. excited.. :dunno:

  13. Me also thinking of getting a 32" LCD. Any cheap and good recommendations (Sony / Samsung / etc)? :notti:

    Hi Ptro, so did u get anything for the fair?

    I gotten the 40" F80 series Full HD LCD Samsung Tv.

    Think its a good deal. !!

    ANyway, i'm ur neighbor from Blk 79B but staying

    on low floor. Think by the time u completed ur reno I have

    yet to start mine. :dunno:


  14. Hi Tris

    Ya we did a quote frm them b4...in our opinion not really cheap...coz they work only husband and wife if im not wrong so they charge for every labour charge and the overall quote is not cheap...they dun have a proper showroom or office so 'fear' is also one of the reason we didnt engage them...tats how we decide to engage our current designer...but bothof them are very very nice...we felt kinda bad turning them down...again its abt being ocmfortable wit the ppl we engage...

    Hi Liana79b, did yu went down to your unit today?

    I think I know where your unit is? near the lift lobby? !!

    went down with my wife today to see our IZD and electrician to confirm

    the points to add and shift. :)

    Saw some other 6 flr neighbours also starting work soon.

    Think there;s one 5 room neigbour already moved in..

  15. this PE is the one usual guy I work with. some ID wouldnt even get this price... market price for PE is @450-500. this guy " below-market"

    Wow great!! Thanks for the lobang and info oh oh.

    Really very much appreciated.


    Nope. Price do not differ based on surface area



    Thanks for sharing Darren.

    Think I will get this recommended PE then :(

  16. ya alister....how we envy you...u have a million dollar view and most importantly its soooo windy....

    anyway went to check on my reno...im impressed by my designer for now...hope it stays that way..wet works done flooring up...im soooo excited. most importantly im soo happy that he's honest abt some things and help me save cost and get cheaperPE fees and cheaper haulage fee...which i thought will be much more expensive as im hacking the L shape wall in the master bedroom...(hehe not really sure if anyone got cheaper rates mayb im just being naive)...

    seems like my neighbour opp yet to move in...*wonder who my neighbours are*

    Liana79B, how much are u charged for the PE fees? wow u are really fast, already started work..

    Think I got my keys earlier than u but I'm still discussing some details with my ID and yet to

    confirm my final layout. :notti:

    But I will start real soon :notti:

  17. :sport-smiley-004:

    My PE is only $300.

    you need to give him the floor plan with the wall to be hacked marked with XXXX.

    also, there a form from HDB for you to fill in your details and his "rubber stamp"

    heres the details: http://www.peb.gov.sg/peb/process/displayP...2987&pc=yes

    Engineer's Details for Registration No 2987

    Registration No 2987

    Name Boey Choong Fatt

    Field of Engineering CIVIL

    Employer CASE Consultants

    Company Address 118 Lorong 23 (Off Sims Ave), #06-02 SCN Industrial Building, Singapore 388402

    Company Phone Number 67421822

    Thanks oh oh.

    Did you source for this PE or is it recommended by your ID?

    Thanks for the lobang.

    Wondering does the price differ based on the surface area of walls

    to be hacked or wat? :sport-smiley-004:

    Will appreciate any other lobangs too for comparison. :bleah:

  18. Blk 79A

    sushibabe, sha08ron, justnoop, rickyer8, coco_mybibi, apple68, soudezne, poohnie23, HarryP, whiteboxer, Skywu, Shivan, Darkwing, cece, TPY, rachel79, euph0bear

    Blk 79B

    bonkitty, twotwobravo, jen t, carelinwen & craB, Slog, gui99, Redhat, janicezuzu, will&pet, REDCRYSTAL, joelex, rofffade, lcylim, Ptro, Liana79B, Yeoman

    Blk 79C

    doremi, humster / nancy, meowie49, Bethel, Derrick, Stardust, almonddust, M&M, strawberry_pear, Platonic1, joesphine, zanie98, gadgetman, nakazoru, sdale, Isabelle

    BLk 79D

    Yel, yingsan, droplets, Ikoice, pink_sea79, Zeester, Mario, Snuffleupagus, tension_z, rainbow04, alister, ms_white, shay_d, dino, xinni, tweakmax, aural, pregopia

    Blk 79E

    Mapleleaf, hobbes, axis, Happy, kiwy, Darry, Skyblueie, Ebing & Chrispy, marklim, jaCKY777, meepok, babymaro2003

  19. Can I add on a further question also related to Dong Tu?

    Should we be looking at the dates auspicious for me and my spouse

    according to our Bazi or looking at the general chinese calender

    for dates suitable for dongtu. eg 宜 - 动土。

    If its based on our bazi eg 1 mar very auspicious for us, but according

    to chinese calender is eg 忌- 动土。 can we still choose this date?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance. :yamseng:

    sorry, manage to find a similiar question in the forum and it

    said priority goes to the date which is best for both Bazi.

    Please correct me if i'm wrong.

