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Posts posted by Yeoman

  1. ANy recommendation of english ones?

    Best if easy to understand.

    Read one in borders, seems informative.

    The title is Basic Science Of Feng Shui by

    Vincent Koh. Looks like a text book.

    Its more on flying star method.

    Any comments on that book. Quite keen

    to get it. Chinese ones are usually harder to

    understand and normally does not come with

    much examples or pics to illustrate.


    Sori, MaCe - these authors are very 'commercialised.' Try this classics from WanLi at Beach Road tel: 6298 5739


    there are quite a few versions around - some come with annotations but it is a good read and applicable to modern text.


    I am new to this forum. Chance upon it and thru Google's Fengshui weekly alert. Am from Singapore and recently renovated my house. Been studying and researching Fengshui last 15 years.


    Thanks for the recommendations. Will go and have a look on the

    books recommended.

  2. If your flat is facing Toa Payoh central, then it's south. If it's facing Toa Payoh Lor 3, then it's north. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Yeah bro, your are right. I read from books and forums that the house

    facing direction is not just based solely on the location of your main door.

    Many people made that mistake.

    Not sure for other blks, but for blk 79B, our living room and bedroom

    windows all face the same direction to HDBHub so confirm is face south

    sit north. Definitely not based on the main door facing direction.

    Any comments from anyone? Above is just my experience and opinion

    Dun shoot me. :P


    Just hear fr the fsm. I'm also confused. Apparently, they look at your main door's facing. All my window may be facing HDB hub (South) but it was a north facing according to them as my main door is facing the other direction.

    Bro, there's some confusion here on the facing direction..I also can't tell which is rite and wrong.

    But from my research and readings, think its not based on the main door facing.. You can clarify

    again with your fsm.

    I asked Mace from renotalk and he said the same thing. Mace is an active participant in the

    geomancy/fengshui forum in renotalk.


  3. Hi Neighbors,

    To those who got a fsm to audit your home, can you confirm

    whether our location is face south sit north? Especially for

    those Blk 79B neighbors.

    Will be meeting my fsm tomorrow morning to go thru his audit

    findings and recommendations. Hope my WIW won't be affected

    as its one of the dream item my wifey wants. :sport-smiley-004:


  4. Finally the wait is over. Will be getting my keys later in the morning at 10am :) Happy Valentine to everyone.

    Congrats. I got mine yesterday at 10am too.

    Very excited and happy of my unit though its

    low floor. Luckily the big trees in front of Blk 79

    did not block my view..

    Anyway Happy Valentines Dear Neighbors~~

  5. Hi Jacky777

    Thanx again and again for ur advise....i requested a quote from the designer for doing the glass door and the little wall at the side (just to get it in line- dunno wat its called) ... and it will cost abt $1100...i find it very ex and dunno if cld outsource instead...would realy love a glass door to the kitchen --- so kinda confused now..if anyone got any contact which can be done at cheaper rate pls let me know...

    Hi Liana79B,

    You may feel better as I was quoted around $1500 for the "little wall"(tempered glass) at the side

    and a glass sliding door. AGreed that glass door will look good for the kitchen. Makes the overall

    room bigger~~ :dancingqueen:

  6. haha, dis is sooo important, yet we missed out. :bleah:

    Let mi compile e list:

    1. Buy fire protection (cover structural only) - $7+

    2. Buy fire protection (personal belongings/furniture etc) $70/yr

    3. Sign up with SP services for water, gas & electricity

    4. Collect keys

    5. Buy padlock

    6. Go to HDB branch (just opp hdb hub) apply for cement screed and pass them the padlock keys only.

    7. Clear letterbox (junk mails, cables, 'tap-head').

    8. Clear junk mails at front main gate, under the door.

    9. Open Door Ceremony.

    10. Check defects.

    11. Submit defects list.

    Pls update if e sequence is wrong or any step is being overlooked. :bleah:

    Below is e link to geomancy net, FYI & necessary actions ->



    Thanks for updating the list neighbors of Blk 79.

    Btw, anyone has some standard sop for opening of the

    door for the first time? will be collecting keys soon and will

    head straight to my house for the first time so need to know

    what to do.. Thanks for sharing~~

  7. Yo gadgetman,

    Your living room looks nice. May i know how much did you pay for

    your renovation? if not convenient to post here, can you pm me.

    Thanks. Dun wana get "tock" by my ID.. my quotation so far already

    $45k... :rofl:

    Hope to visit some of my neighbours hse too over the weekend.

    anyone organising any "open house" . :rofl:

  8. Hi all,

    Just wana share with you on my status after submitting

    the loan letter.

    Emailed HDB and reply came in and said that the loan application is

    still in process. Called the OIC and he mentioned that the

    loan dept is pretty jammed up as Blk79A and 79B are all

    processing their loans now.. This is despite the fact that I have submitted

    my loan letter for more than a month!! :rofl:

    My oic said he will try to expedite the case for me.

    Hope to get my keys after CNY.. :rofl:

  9. Hi Yeoman,

    Is yours 5rm? My quote is around 40k plus excluding those you mentioned too. I have alot of carpentry work and glass works and that's why the quote is high. I find the pricing is reasonable based on so many items in my quote. The best part is I get to see the 3d graphics before I signed up.

    hi coco, mine is 4rm 90sqm. I did a fair bit of carpentry,

    feature wall, wardrobes, walk in wardrobe,false ceilings etc so

    I think the price is quite fair.. But definitely cheaper if i get

    contractors instead..my wifey just dun trust contractors so

    have to pay a premium for an ID. Hope they do a gd job for us..

  10. welcome yeoman!

    me 79B too!

    wonder who is my neighbour... only know that opp neighbour started reno too (saw the number padlock :D ).. and the other corner still quiet. Perhaps hunting ID & contractor out there...

    Hi Icylim,

    Glad to find another 79B neighbour.Have u got ur keys?

    I'm still waiting for them...already send the loan letter to them for 1mth +

    Me also wondering who will be my neighbour. Door to door neigbour,

    so hope will have no conflicts.. My unit is on the side nearer to the carpark.

    Can "jiaga" my car when I open my front door. ;)

    hi alistar,

    sorry to hear your frustrations with your contractor..

    But <30k with quite a bit of carpentry and feature wall

    etc seems to be pretty cheap.

    Hope things get better for you man. !!

  11. thanks vowsh! Glad to hear that.

    Can you share more on the positioning of stove & sink? Read somewhere that they must be adjacent to each other.

    hi, I'm also curious on the stove and sink part.

    Read somewhere that as long not facing each other

    is ok. side by side or 90 degrees to each other should

    be ok rite? any comments anyone?

  12. Haha... Yes correct... their work & design is good.. But pricing wise... is steeper indeed... But hopefully they will do a great job for us, despite we prepared to pay so much... Thinking of going down to sgin up with them this wk.. but they said no hurry la... since i havent got the keys...

    Hmm.. my ID initially is a lady by the name of J*lian.. BUT..... we are not very pleased with her ways of handling customers.. she will not return our calls, she will just sms to say she is not feeling well.. Ok.. we believe her that she not feeling well for one or two times.. it's fine with us.. cux we do fall sick at times.. we are not superhumans.. Untill 1 day... her husband called us up... said that she is pregnant.. Ok..it's a gd news for them.. and we are happy for her also...

    So now our job is being handled by her husband.. which again another problem arising... haiz.... We seen their 1st drawings (not drawn by him of course.. cux he is the GM over there), we are alright with it, so he said why not u go back 1st, see anything u not comfortable with it, u let me know.. we will amend, but when we want to tell them we want to tell him abt the changes, despite no. of calls made to him, he can come back to us after 2 months later... OMG.... Really quite pissed off ... :furious::bangwall: We knw he is GM la.. but our flat will be coming soon.. but we only seen the drawings, not even the 3D drawings yet.. He said he will let us see the 3D drawings de lor... Headache....

    We are wondering can we put out hse renovations in his good hands or not... thou we already wanted to sign up with them...

    Hi Redwyrm...

    We only managed to get lower floor, but at least still very very near to Sky garden slightly above us... haha... How bt you? :furious:

    Hopefully we could get the keys after CNY... now we shall busy with the CNY celebrations... haha... :dunno:

    Sorry to hear abt ur bad experience. U shd really request for flora then.hehe

    The GM dun seem to be interested in ur business.. tell u no hurry somemore..

    I haven't got my keys too and yet almost signed the dotted line yesterday..

    Hope you get good service soon ~~

  13. Hi Shivan... : )

    Oh.. mine is 5rm .. Started to search for ID liao... might be signing up with Ci*****.. which we tried to keep it to our budget as close as possible... So me and HTB hope it will be a good job done by them...

    We visited some ID firms, but don't feel comfortable with their designs and their attitude... one of them is m*** e*******... no good comments abt them.. maybe we met a not so gd designer... but nvm la... now i shall wait.... for the letter to come... hee... :D

    Hi Soudezne... Wow... So happy for you... :dancingqueen::)

    I think I must call them or email them to check whether have they sent out my letter... haha... :) Hopefully mine also will be coming to me soon... hee...

    Hi Krismas,

    If my guess is correct, is your ID located near Potong Pasir

    mrt?hehe. Must say their work & design is good but pricing wise

    on a steeper side.. Guess have to pay a premium for a gd job done.

    Btw who is your ID? I'm on the verge of signing too as we are very

    happy with the proposal etc. You may be able to knock some discounts

    off if mention my name.hehe. Intro one fwen to sign up with them +

    myself too.


  14. Congrats sushi. hmm, I sent my HL letter for about 2-3 weeks but no reply at all..

    Perhaps I should email them as well.. anyone have their email address?

    Just for sharing, I engage Ciseern as my ID..

    Must say their price is on the steeper side..

    Did a fair bit of carpentry and the quotation

    excluding electrical pts, lights, curtains, haulage,PE

    etc is already 44k..

    Now stressing whom should I get the loan from.. :)

    Think excluding the electrical appliances, my total reno fees

    may come up to 55k or more... :dancingqueen:

  15. Hi Yeoman Welcome!! We are fm 79B too.....

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

    Liana79B, I realise we stay pretty close to each other after looking at your signature.

    not just the same blk..Most prob sharing the same corridor as well. :notti:

