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Posts posted by Chadil

  1. Another question...I was told there are 2 methods for installation of door frames and window frames. One window company told me that it is okay for all the openings for windows to be plaster smooth first because, they will just wall plug into the wall and then leave a 10mm gap between the frame and the plastered wall. This gap will be filled with industrial silicon. He went ahead to tell me to get my plaster people to plaster all areas first while he fabricate the window and door frames.

    My contractor advised otherwise. He told me that window frames and door frames have to be installed first before plastering smooth coz window frames will have to be installed with a 20mm or 25mm gap from the perimeter wall. Then they would do grouting as in putting the cement in between this 20mm or 25mm gap. Only this will allow better water tightness. He told me he cannot plaster until all my window frames are up. Who's correct? I have to make a decision to plaster first or windows first and both parties told me opposite stuffs. Can someone advise me on this? Thank u so much in advance.

  2. Twolambs,

    thank you very much, I will contact him tomorrow.


    Thank you for your recommendations. I have approached Fascina as well as Best view. Have both their quotations. Their quotations are asorbitant, infact, Fascina's quotation is the highest so far. It is twice of what my contractor quote me. I showed the quotation to my neighbour and she thought the price was ridiculous as she had done her UPVC windows (patent from Germany; Fascina's is from Italy) for much less than what was quoted to me. As my budget will not allow for these 2, I will just stick to simple windows frame with Aluminium.

  3. Hi all, my A & A works has reached the stage where we have to install the windows and doors...does anyone has any contacts for them? Previously, it was included in the works by my ID firm. Later he told us that the quotation is not valid coz he cannot do it at such a cost and if we want him to do it, it will be 15% more. This is eventhough the quotation he gave us was on 12 Sep and valid for a month. I believe he was trying to get more money for mistakes that he made and had to rectify. Such as wrongly building the front boundary wall and had to tear it down and rebuild

    Anyway, his workers worksmanship is really lousy. while building a wall, his workers put a canvas in between bricks, yes, the bricks are built on top of part of the canvas sheet with that part trapped in the wall. All he did was cut away the exposed portion. I am worried about how reliable this wall is especially the part with the canvas sheet. Wouldn't that part of the wall be not properly cemented? Anyway, his foreman played both sides, he told us that our neighbour requested for the canvas sheet to be up so as not to allow any dirt or dust to fly into their area (this wall is in between neighbour and us.), which i thought was a totally fine request. Then the foreman told the ID firm guy which we have been dealing with that we request for the canvas sheet to be there. And that we also want the canvas sheet to be tucked into the bricks?????? Who on earth will make such a request??? But anyway, we have a few groups of contractors working for us, so I may replace them if any more blunders come up.

    Hope someone can help me with the windows and doors contact. Thank you very much.

  4. Mr. Chong,

    Thank you for your advice. I am still a little lost as to what I should I do. Do I shift the toilet bowl away or let it stay? According to the FSM, he told us that brown is wood. He indicated in a number of sectors: favorable element: Wood (Avoid green, use brown).

    Now that it is confirmed that SW is earth,then, he was lying to me thinking I am totally ignorant about fengshui. He is rather well known and host his own website which is rather impressive and comprehensive. We have even spent a bomb building dorma windows (must get PE to design and submit to BCA) which he told us that we need. Now I am skeptical of his "diagnosis". He said it was okay to put toilet at the Devil's gate (NE) but in his website, he advised another not to locate toilets there as toilets are too yin. He also told us that we should keep main door position at SW. But he put in his website that SW is the devil's back door.


    I can understand about your confusion.

    When you mentioned about "death" sector and colors, usually your fsm was using BaZhai You Xing. In this case the recommended sectors should be N/S/E/SE and your house belongs to N facing in this method. This type of splitting people into east/west group method is quite commonly used by fsm.

    Seems like you have some understanding of feng shui from reading and is comparing with what your fsm recommended. Between the both, I don't think I can comment further.

    As for * issue, it is liken to 'Qian' gua. For colors, you can consider white, gold, silver, brown and certain yellow. Actually no such thing as totally adhering to the appropriate colors. You can use different shades of white or muted colors. Painting a room should make you feel comfortable when you use or rest in it. A room by itself can have a combination of colors. Consideration must also be given to the different furnitures placed inside. Thus may contribute to a usage of possible different colors to balance.

    Colors is just a small part to the feng shui in your home. More importantly are the interior arrangements and the exterior.

    Yes, SW is earth. Brown can be taken as earth color. Wood is green.

  5. There are photos taken during the whole process. There was also agreement to use our roofer. In black and white, we have evidence of invoice which is shows that the contract is between my neighbour and the roofer, we are not involved at all. Anyway with regards to water seepage, we opened up the roof access and took photos. There was no wetness or water accumulation. This means that the water stains were previously there already and he was hoping for more free rides. I called up SLA about encroachment issues and was told that we are entitled to remove anything into our area without replacing them as they were in our area. "Your neighbour is not unreasonable to hold u responsible for everything, and he dun have to replace his flashings." Yoongf, he had to replace his own flashings and not us according to the SLA officer. Whatever my contractor had done was only in my area, not in his area so that contractor is not liable to rectify too.

    Also, I have found a lawyer, a contact from my friend. Will be meeting him today later.

    Whoops, sorry, not SLA officer, it's SISV's. They have some kind od mediation center for such issues.

  6. Firstly.. whatever u did on your neighbour's property, "help" him remove flashing etc.. was there any black and white? Normally the contractor wld have asked for a black and white, or rather.. the SOP is to get black and white to indicate that thet works were initiated by the neighbour. This is to make sure the additional works does not form part of your scope, and if any problem, BCA will not consider this as your problem.

    If dun have.. then anything done.. and any damages... is considered as part of your works, and your contractor is liable to rectify.

    But I have to say.. my view is that the neighbour is not being unreasonable. Inter Terr.. with shared boundary wall,.. overlapping to prevent water seepage is normal practice. But what transpired between the neighbour and the contractor.. that is human nature.. so cannot comment.

    Your neighbour is not unreasonable to hold u responsible for everything, and he dun have to replace his flashings. His argument is simple.. before u came along, life was peaceful. When u started your works.. things start to leak.

    I tink best course now is .. ur contractor shd take steps to mitigate further damage to your neighbour, whatever damage done need to fix.

    There are photos taken during the whole process. There was also agreement to use our roofer. In black and white, we have evidence of invoice which is shows that the contract is between my neighbour and the roofer, we are not involved at all. Anyway with regards to water seepage, we opened up the roof access and took photos. There was no wetness or water accumulation. This means that the water stains were previously there already and he was hoping for more free rides. I called up SLA about encroachment issues and was told that we are entitled to remove anything into our area without replacing them as they were in our area. "Your neighbour is not unreasonable to hold u responsible for everything, and he dun have to replace his flashings." Yoongf, he had to replace his own flashings and not us according to the SLA officer. Whatever my contractor had done was only in my area, not in his area so that contractor is not liable to rectify too.

    Also, I have found a lawyer, a contact from my friend. Will be meeting him today later.

  7. Dear all,

    I bought a single storey interterrace and to my left is also this single storey. Its roof hangs out by more than a brick's width over the entire side of my house. When we approached the old couple next door, the guy actually told us, "But we were here first!" Though old but very childish. They went on to sought our assistance to remove the part of the roof (flashbonding) encroaching into our area. Initally, they approached their roofer who wanted to charge them exorbitantly. They then request for our roofer to do the cutting back at a much cheaper rate. We thought that since they were neighbours, we obliged. We intro the roofer and that's about it. However, the lazy roofer removed only the back part (less than a third of the total encroachment)! We help our neighbour by requesting our contractor to remove the area protruding into our land without charging him a single cent. In fact, in the end, they also did not pay a single cent to our roofer for his work. On top of that, they came over to our place and ordered our workers to help them remove some fencings which they do not need anymore.

    Because our contractor helped him to remove the rest of the encroaching roof, our neighbours hold us responsible for every single thing. By right, his next step should be to find someone to replace his flashings. Our roofer did not continue as they did not pay him. Infact, we let the roofer go without installing our roof as he had attitude problems. The roofer informed my neighbour that he was no longer working for us. Instead of solving his own problem, our neighbour waited for 2 months for us to get a new roofer so as to get a free ride. They told us that since our contractor removed his flashbondings which was into our area, it was our responsibility to ensure new ones are installed on their roof. My current roofer would be willing to do it but he needs to charge my neighbour. My neighbours told us that they would not need to pay a single cent coz our contractor removed the flashings. Also while waiting for the "free ride", our neighbours claimed that due to the removed flashings and unreliability of the canvas sheet temporarily covering the removed areas, there was water leakage and there were water stains in their false ceilings. They would expect us to replace them free of charge. The lady of the house even threathened us,"Want me to call BCA or not." We dun understand how BCA can get us as we had already applied for proper permit.

    I am prepared to go to court. Can anyone recommend a good lawyer, experienced in this area?

    Many thanks.

  8. Dear Mr. Chong, I spent a bomb (to me that's quite it) for a FSM to assist us in planning the floor plan of my new house. We are reconstructing the place. In the * sector, he told us that our toilet bowl there is excellent coz according to my husband's personal direction, that is the direction of "Death". Thus, the toilet bowl will suppress the negative energy there. In Lilian too's book, it was mentioned upteen times the importance of maintaining the * sector eventhough it is not a good direction for the head of the household as this is the Patriach direction. Is my FSM wrong? Even for that sector, he did not specify the colours that we can use there. He just mentioned to refer to the colours given in either North or West. The colours given in these 2 sectors are different and even clash (eg, good to use white in North area but in West white is a no-no). Is he contradicting himself? Also some of the advice he gave was unsure, eg. on site, he said that despite yellow cannot be used in the living room, photos with yellow background are okay to be placed there. I emailed him for confirmation of items we went through onsite, he emailed back singing a totally different tune...saying that it makes sense that if yellow was to be avoided, then anything with yellow background is not allowed....

    Most puzzling was this: when my husband asked if brown roof tiles is okay for a Southwest house. He told my husband okay. When my husband told me this. I was just curious...I thought Southwest is Earth? Having brown (wood) maybe is not so ideal? So I called him. He told me that brown is okay if we have no choice of other colour tiles. And that it's okay because Southwest is Metal not Earth and that it was too complicated for me to understand. I am very confused. Can you plaese help me with this? Especially the * issue. Thank you very much in advance.
