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Posts posted by mighty6

  1. any issues about getting a cab at 0630hrs weekdays?

    Your side should be OK since it is near the Punggol Plaza (PP).

    My side is always a nightmare (along Punggol Central) and must call for a cab whenever we need one in the morning... Hmm... even throughout the day...

    Anyway, we drive, so only when we have to go overseas than we call for the cab.

    So have you pick an auspicious date to move in?

  2. I used to have this problem with my previous Daikin air-con i.e water drips from the blower. The problem I had was the drain / gutters inside the blower gets moldy and sticky if you don't clean it regulary, which the 3rd party air-con contractor did not clean it.

    However, after I switched to Daikin directly for regular maintenance, I don't have the problem anymore because they dismantle, the gutters (and also the internal "roller"), wash them thoroughly and then blow the pipe to clear any blockage. Though it cost more per visit, but the money is well spent.

    Hi Guys, just to share my experience.

    It dosn't just happen with Daikin Air-Cons (Anyway, mine is also Daikin). The problem is caused by blockage in the drain pipe due to molds and sludge, especially with our Humid Singapore and when you do not turn on your units regularly.

    Service man to the rescue may be the answer but costly right?, so I recommend a thorough service with chemical wash and all by qualified / legitimate sources once every 2 or 3 years depending on your usage.

    In between, every 3 to 6 months, simply remove the cover and spray the "solution" now available in FIX DIY shops, a product called CONCAIRE (they should pay me fees for helping them promote) to clean the fins / blades / tray and also help clear the pipes as well. for $50.00, I washed 6 Fan units by myself (No mess, it comes with a big bag to contain dirty water dripping out). It is simple as 1,2,3... try it!

    For very bad choke... Mr. Muscle Drainage solution to the rescue. I do not recommend pouring this directly onto the Air-Con tray. I used a long-nozzle spray to pump Mr. Muscle into the drain pipe and let it "burn through" before flush spraying with warm water. For a 5 years installation, I did that only once. Cheap and effective. Dun listen to the "Crap" of laying new pipes unless you have a Rat stuck in the pipe. HeeHee :unsure:

    Enjoy DIY and Save Save Save! :bangwall:

  3. hi mighty6,

    i would like too, but punggol's unit is a bit expensive compare to sk, so i think sk is more suit me:) fernvale is actually the quitest among all the *vale in sk.



    Hi Vibranze,

    So you have decided on Fernvale? As long as your family is happy and feel good about it, that is what matters most. Still neighbours separated merely by the TPE.

    Sorry, have no advise for you on wet market location.

    Someone from Seng Kang, please help to enlighten Vibranze.


    Oh yes Vibranze,

    Since Punggol have limited amenities, we do quite a fair bit of shopping at Seng Kang as well. Usually at RiverVale, Seng Kang Plaza or Mall? (yes, there is a wet market there... the place where HDB branch office is) and the Compass Point.

    Hope that helps... :bangwall:

  4. Hi Hanni06,

    Let us know once you settle in, will be glad to share info with you on our neighbourhood.

    It is really a nice quiet place with good Air. Being a relatively new town, not congested with complex people... except petty thefts here and there and still a lack of facilities (Real CC, Libraries, Cinemas, Parks...)

    I am residing at 190 for the past 5 years now...

    Hear from you soon...



  5. Hi all,

    I'm searching for a quiet, reliable, with negative ions, inverter sys 3 aircond. After follow up some threads here (mostly were started 2-3 years ago) and didn't manage to draw a conclusion. Can some kind souls can advise:-

    a) Is Negative ions great?? Seems only Panasonic and Mit Heavy Ind have it. But in terms of noise, realised that Mit Heavy's noise level at power is 52dB, which is quite high in compare to others, around 32dB

    b) How about Toshiba? Seems is quite popular. Is it realiable? Have negative ions?

    c) My previous home use Daikin. It was a leader in the past. Is this still the leader as reputable??

    d) How is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries ??

    Sorry I have too many question in my mind and just wanted to clear all these doubts at one go and appreicate any comments and advise please.

    Thanks and good day.

    AhChek (very old meh?)

    Theoreatically Negative Ions... GOOD! Practically, are we living in an Air-Tight space? So what good does all these features do for us? Answer pretty obvious. Nothing against technology nor brand specifics.

    As long as the buyer is happy and has satisfied his Psychological needs, that is what matters. :dancingqueen:

    In todays' context, who can lay claims that they are better ranked than others? Mine's a Daikin... in fact 2 invertors running with 6 fan units (3 X 12,000BTU) & (3 X 9,000BTU)

    Mitsubishi is also a reliable product... Happy Picking... :horse:

  6. its in the My Paper "Wo Bao" (English & Chinese newspaper), not in the Straits Times.

    Page 3.

    Hi All,

    I did not read the article mentioned, but based on what's described by donut, yes it is right... but pls also note that after all your rooms are cooled and when you have set your temp to 25deg (as recommended to save the world), the invertors do run at a lower speed compared to the non-invert thus there is really energy savings for sure in such cases.

    What is reported will stand true if you turn on all units and blast away... invertor or not, no savings to power consumption.

    Happy Cooling... Have you Inverted? :horse:

  7. Hi guys, can anyone tell me how to go to 10 stirling road? TIA

    10 Stirling Road? You mean Block 10? The Queens Condo comprise of a block 10... But if you are looking for the old block 10, sitting on the same plot, sorry they were gone since around 1980... why I know? Cos I stayed there when I was a little boy... that was my "kumpung"


  8. My colleague wheel air caps were stolen twice, on two consecutive days. My car was intentionally scratched, looks like key swirl marks. Yes, surveillance cameras is a good idea given that we are being charged good money for the lots.

    Must be expensive Air-Caps to be stolen twice within 2 days.

    I just can't imagine what these "sickos" are thinking when they do silly things like that. Especially scratching the paintwork of cars that cannot even bite them.

    Maybe HDB should start installing the cameras immediately (HEY, ANY HDB or URA CARPARKS Section personnel tuning in?) ... besides detering vandals, can double up to spot for Mas Salamat in an island wide search, presumed to be still at large.

    Haiz... I am now trying to catch the culprit by putting Brand new Caps and visiting the carpark more often... never know, I might just catch the Thief in the act... maybe on someone else's car. :horse:

  9. Hi Patrick & h4happy,

    Certainly hope so... the BTOs will still take quite a while and the plot near the Oasis LRT, planned for a commercial cum residential saw no bidders (I believe) 2 years back...

    The Driving range development is rather slow I must say...

    The worst part (not being negative), Punggol will probably not have any sizable community center built if based on the revised Master plan 2003... we only have a small CC office built near Punggol Plaza (PP)...

    Lack of events / activities at the community level for sure... But the consolation is that the RC at Oceanus is putting in their good effort to organize activities. So far 2 CNY celebrations and several other smaller scale ones.

    Patrick, any details to share on the waterway bids / work scope? Anything close to having what they promised before on having River Taxis, stretch of F & B, Recreational activities...

    Our Punggol Park is in Hougang... anyone have news that we can expect one to be built within Punggol?

    Just spoken to a neighboor few days ago... he felt too that it will be good if they can convert the plot opposite block 190 to a mini park cum pond since several land-leveling so far still did not eliminate the problem of "earth sinking" and water retention (close to flood) after a downpour.

    Just the other day when it rained heavily, the field looked like a sea and the sides along the pathway that cuts across the field produced 2 streams where water flows quickly towards the bus stop / main road, "flooding" the passage way in the process.


  10. BTU stands for British Thermal Unit.

    It is a unit of measurement and if you want to know the power, simply divide the BTU number by 3414 and you get the value in Kilo-Watt (Kw)

    9,000 BTU for standard bedrooms will be sufficient. As for living / dining you will need at least 12,000BTU per hall

    Hope the info helps... :P

  11. ???

    Hey Guys, any thefts to report???

    Can you beat this! :P

    After staying at Punggol for almost 5 years, some cranky fellow decided to remove all 4 of my wheel Air-Caps and left behind 2 different type of his/her caps... So I presumed it must be someone who rides a bike (bicycle or motorbikes are prime suspects)

    How I wished someone caught the culprit in the act... Haiz... It is not the $, but just don't feel good that something like this happened.

    Anyhow, very much more fortunate than someone in Punggol who lost 4 Tyres and the car was left only on jack-ups a couple of years ago.

    So it is better not to put on expensive rims... but think again... even cheap Air-Caps becoming targets of theft... so perhaps our carparts should be fitted with Surve...Cameras to deter...

    Such culprits need to be punished :sport-smiley-004:

  12. hi mighty6,

    where are you staying? punggol? punggol not consider ulu liao since govt put a lot of project down there, eg. punggol 21, etc.

    but i feel fernvale is not that ulu too, hehe, near fernvale lrt and jalan kayu:)



    Hi Vibranze,

    Yep. I have been staying at Punggol Central, 190 for almost 5 years now... Ya the so called Punggol 21 Master plan was amended in 2003 and all development are moving at a tortise pace.

    So you keen to move into Punggol? It is actually a very nice quite place

    Cheers, :P

  13. Guys,

    Plan to buy fernvale @ sk but until now still not sure if this will be my future house. What do you guys think about fernvale, read from this thread that fernvale is a bit ulu?



    Ulu is good! It makes your money worth. Wht not consider moving into Punggol... It is even more ulu and you get lots of peace and great air to breath.

    Happy house hunting :D

  14. Thanks Bluefly

    very good info

    me and my wife thinking of getting 2 9000BTU LGs for the living room (which is not big) since we do not think that the 2 ACs will be switched on often enough

    also we like the new Samsung Vivace aircon

    hope that it will not be 2 ex

    A penny for thought.

    Depending on the size of your living room (3 roomers, 4 or 5).

    If yours comes with Living & Dining Area, 2 X 9000BTU will not be able to cool the place down especially when you have guest. Straining on your system will also lead to clogging of the drain pipes, molding of the fan unit, condensation and shortening the life span of the entire system

    Let me share with you on my installation: Executive flat with 2 X 26,000BTU Daikin Inverters

    3 X 9,000BTU for the bedrooms (12,000BTU will be too cold for rooms)

    3 X 12,000BTU for Living / Dining area and study area since the study area can still get a fair share of cold air when I turn on both the Living / Dining rooms and after cooling them down.

    Enjoy making your decision :D

  15. OK. Already running the 42" and the picture quality is good I must say.

    Only setback is there are limited AV connections to other devices unlike my previous TV.

    Even have to use 2 SCART/RCA convertors (fully used), with 1 set as output. The S-Video is also utilised (direct connection to other players) and that leaves me with only 2 direct HDMI ports (1 to X-Box & 1 to DVD), VGAs and component connections

    Picture quality via free-to-Air is grainy, so will have to watch via SCART selection connected to SCV's RCA output. Sound is so-so even with selected sound-surround options and others... can't really tell the difference... So I output it to my Onkyo Amplifier / entertainment system to make the best of it.

    So now watching the F1 races will never be the same again... especially when the Ferraris won the race tonite :bleah:

  16. Actually, we were attracted to move to Punggol21 based on the previous Master Plan and the plot opposite 190 was meant to be a "reasonably sized" Community Centre and with many clubs scattered all around Punggol. That was the reason we took up the last batch of executive flats.

    The new-revised Master Plan 2003 changed it all and we only saw a pathetic CC built near to PP just not too long ago.

    You can view the Master Plan at URA, Maxwell Road

    Not sure how else it will work out... already 5 years (more for others in block 100s) and we only saw a Punggol Plaza (PP), a Temple, a Church, LRT & a couple of schools... The Driving Range is taking "forever" to be ready...

    All the other crap they talk about in the past about having River Taxi, entertainment belt along the river near the chinese temple and making Punggol to be like a little Venice shall remain a fantasy unless revived... which I have not heard of yet... Anyone with any clues on Punggol development???

    Yes, after the PM commented, lots of roadside trees and plants were installed

    Please comment. :dancingqueen:

  17. Thank you all for responding. :rolleyes:

    I think I also got a good deal over the weekend at Carefour. They managed to get me $1499 less 5% direct discount (only for last weekend) and less further 5% through "Everyday" card.

    Confirmed new stock with "Hard Screen" from LG, only available since 3 months ago.

    The former "Soft Screens" are from Taiwan.

    If you draw across the screen with your finger and you can see trail marks, then it is a soft screen.

    IT will arrive later this week at my house... If all OK, may consider getting smaller ones for all rooms.


  18. icic... so it is from China ar... hmm... generally, I don't really like or trust "Made in China" products... haiz... haha... no choice lor.... almost all products today are made in china one... so got to accept the fact... :D

    I am also attracted by the good prices. It is not made in China for sure. They are Korean parts assembled in Singapore. Just for information, most Japanese brands also use LCDs made in Korea.

    The latest full HD version seems a good deal at NTUC. 37" at $999 if you charge with the NTUC Plus card, else will be $1199. Just missed the offer on 42" sold at $1399 and now it is back to $1699

    The 37" really looks like a good deal, except; the sales person told me that one of the features indicated as PIP (something like picture to picture thing is not working... even the agent cannot offer an answer to it)

    They are on offer while stocks last only till end of this month.

    Hope info is helpful. :yamseng:
