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Maria Rainrow

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Posts posted by Maria Rainrow

  1. The past ten years have been full of changes and technological advancements, and as we enter 2020 and beyond, the pace will not slow down. The architectural visualization itself has undergone a transformation, from plan sketches to 3D drawings to realistic rendering. As technology continues to advance, we hope it will play a central role in improving these visualization standards.

    In this article, we will explore what is architectural visualization, what it looked like in the past, and most importantly, its development prospects in the next ten years.

    What is architectural visualization?

    The architecture visualization service is a key part of the design process, because it usually provides customers with a visual representation of the finished product before the construction begins. In essence, this is the universal language between the client and the designer.

    Visualization is certainly not a new concept in architecture. From ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the Renaissance, architects used various methods and tools to describe their architectural plans. Although technology and tools have evolved over the centuries, visualization is always flat. However, in the 15th century, Italian Fillipo Brunelleschi (considered the founder of Renaissance architecture) pioneered the use of linear perspective to add depth and space to architectural visualization.

    Throughout the 20th century, architects used this as a basis and used technological development to produce more and more realistic design works. Over the past few decades, tremendous advances in technology have allowed architects to present their works in new ways and faster than ever before.

    All this begs the question: What will the new decade bring to architectural visualization?

    Architecture visualization in 2020 and beyond

    There is no doubt that sketching still occupies an important position in architectural visualization and the entire architectural profession. The complexity of the project is increasing, and there are many stakeholders who need a comprehensive understanding of the design. As we enter a new decade, it is safe to say that we can expect technology to take center stage in achieving this goal.https://www.madpainter.net/

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  2. 3D rendering now has many irreplaceable advantages, so it has become an indispensable part of many projects. The first is the possibility of visualizing ideas before they become reality. This is very useful for any architect because they can see potential problems and fix them before they actually happen.
    Before the project starts, the design can be visualized.
    As we mentioned earlier, before spending a dollar, 3D rendering can help architects and investors understand how the design looks in real life. Today's exterior rendering can recreate the environment and realize future designs in it, making it look like a complete actual building.
    It is easier to find problems.
    3D rendering can help prevent such problems and detect various problems before construction occurs. All design defects can be changed in time to ensure that the final design is the best version. This method can save a lot of time, money and trouble for each participant.
    3D rendering is affordable.
    3D rendering is a cost-effective way to provide investors with realistic designs of their projects. Even if they don't like the original design and want to make changes, artists can quickly implement them in existing files and then make a second opinion.
    3D rendering can help market design
    Marketing is an important part of selling any architectural design, and there is nothing better than 3D rendering to complete the transaction. Today’s market is a ruthless place where everyone will do their best to gain an advantage.
    in conclusion
    Taking all factors into consideration, it is clear that 3D rendering  will change the rules of the game in the architectural world. Although not long ago, architects had to draw multiple designs by hand, but now they can use high-end software to quickly come up with realistic designs. All changes can be made anytime and anywhere, making the whole process faster and easier to manage.
    We just need to wait and see, but what is certain is that 3D rendering will still be one of the important factors in architecture in the future.
    Now that there are more and more studios and companies that provide 3D rendering services, we still need to combine the company background and past cases to choose a company that we like and reliable.
    If you need it, you can contact us. We have a professional and experienced team to provide you with satisfactory rendering services at a reasonable price.https://www.madpainter.net/

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  3. 1. Provide the right materials

    Few people will get project information from builders, architects and other contractors, especially when there are many different people involved in real estate development and you don't know who to contact. However, in order to ensure the success of 3D projects, ensuring the safety of these materials is 100% essential. Different 3d visualization studios often have different requirements on the required materials, but usually, they will require the following:

     Architectural floor plan-The engineering drawings drawn by the architect are to explain exactly how the building was constructed and how it will look when completed.

    Contractor’s Plan/Schedule – Other plans, construction schedules and specifications are equally important to the process, including:

    FFE-detailed information on the correct style of interior finishes, furniture, appliances and fixtures.

    Lighting-lighting design and luminaire specifications to ensure the correct location of the lighting and to ensure that the 3D model matches the design chosen by the interior designer.

    Landscape material-The landscape design and type of vegetation can be arranged on the ground of the building.

    Reference material-3D rendering studio doesn't mind the reader and needs guidance in many aspects at the beginning of any project.

     2. Effective feedback

    When working with a 3D rendering company, providing clear feedback is absolutely crucial. When providing feedback, it is your job to be as concise and clear as possible. If you want to maximize the chance of 3D architectural rendering in your mind, please pay attention to this.

     3. Determine the correct rendering company

    This sounds obvious, but the most important step to ensure the success of the project is to find a 3D rendering company that provides high-quality 3D rendering services. This is easier said than done.

     4. Timetable

    One of the main questions that real estate developers and real estate marketing agencies ask 3D rendering companies is how long the turnaround time is. To be honest, this is largely up to you, which means that if you want to complete the task within a tight deadline, it is vital to provide timely and detailed feedback. If it takes a few days to select the desired view, and the feedback takes 3 days or more to complete, then the studio will not be able to complete the project within 10 working days.

     Just as a solid real estate marketing strategy takes some time to prepare, high-quality realistic rendering cannot be done overnight, so don’t expect the studio to provide perfect 4k rendering the day after you provide it .

     As seen in this article, both rendering companies and marketing agencies can do something to deliver high-quality 3D content. If all parties play a role, future problems will be minimized and cooperation is more likely to succeed.



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