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Posts posted by pbtgal

  1. haha...ya...part of it is the drama lah :P

    I wanted and uncle quoted me too...but end of the day, Hubby says NO...so i took them out. No regret...i should have insisted cos my ceilieng is quite high too, it won't ook too suffocating with that L box :(

    Luckily we decided to install L-box cos my ID say my ceiling oso high, with false ceiling, it kind of bring the ceiling lower and she will not charge xtra for our built-in cabinet. 1 thing noted for IH's quotation for wardrobe is the 2nd highest i have gathered :o but they won over some other matters :P .

  2. everything's looking so neat!!!

    well, i regretted not doing the other 2 common bedrooms with L box :(

    the grilles...simpler, better as the design will be more lasting ;)

    Hi F4,

    ur thread already 70+ pages, hard to follow. Yes, simple designs long lasting. Seen many beautiful homes here with this design and get inspired. Initially L-box & false ceilings not in our mind. However, again get inspired by the beautiful homes here decided to splurgh once & for all all as we intend to live long here.

    Actually we wanted to get ceiling lights with dimmer, however, afraid the condude casing will make the whole flat look messy so decided to install down & cove lights.

  3. its nice to have downlights and cove lights thru the house - minimises wiring casing; but we had to give tt up; cost of the downlights + false ceilings/L-boxes were abit too :o for us.

    but ur place will be looking good

    Yes, maintenance for downlights & fluroscent tubes is lowest except the cove area. However, a high px tag for the L-box & false ceilings. The downside no fanciful nice lights to display :P .

  4. yeah, we were initially gg to do a laminate vanity top, but was worried the plywood would warp over the long run; so had it changed to this. low wall is also a recent addition, cos ID commented tt one single piece of glass would not be enuff to form the fixed shower screen panel; so no choice, have this wall added.

    So u not going to have a shower screen? Both my bathrooms oso have low wall with glass on top. Not installed the glass yet but anxious to see the outcome.

  5. mbr toilet concrete top + sink


    Notice u did a low wall cum concrete top in the mbr. Concrete will be very sturdy and long lasting :good: . U going to do a glass above the low wall to separate shower & basin areas?

    Look like the progress for your house is :thumbs up: .

  6. hahaha ya i m the kopi o man. when i was young, we couldnt afford milk, instead my mum feed me with kopi o. Thats why i got addicted. Is true, I cant sleep without drinking kopi o. Most of my frens told me that they cant drink not more than one cup in a day, if not cant sleep at all. My blood shld be in black color instead of red.

    My contractors also curious, why do i place a tap at the living area. I ask them to guess, their reply is must be wine bar lah!!! When i told them is meant for kopi o, their face no expression at all!!! I wonder why!!!

    The reason why i placed it at the living area coz i m a heavy Kopi o drinker!!! 5 to 7 cups for a day is not an issue for me. Also, i m super lazy guy to bring my cup all the way to the kitchen to wash it everytime i refill, lolz

    Gone were those poor old days. Now u have a nice place to live in. Enjoy! Wow, salute to you, 5-7 cups of copi-o per day. I love copi (but not O) but limit myself to 2 to 3 cups per day. Also addicted to the aroma the coffee brings :P . Think u r the 1st person we encounter to do a sink juz for copi cups, tat's why the contractors go :o .

  7. waaaa...realised u have A LOT of downlights wor...

    i also think the dining lights not bright enough...

    Yah is like alot alot downlights.

    Practically is like everywhere are downlights :X

    Must be pretty ex hor o_O

    No use simple conventional ceiling lights ah ?

    Ya, whole house downlights & cove lights. Conventional lights only @ foyer & entrance. Yes, cost of lightings considered high for down & cove lights. Think will be between $1.5k to $2k. Cant tell exact amt yet cos' still adding some cove lightings.

  8. Dining lights & ceiling fan:


    Hb commented not bright enuff. ID will help us think of a solution - to add lighting points or :dunno:

    Cozy area:


    There will be some amendments needed to be done. We realised that some of the switch points were too low. For safety reason (i have a curious 3 year old boy at home), ID will ask the electrician to make adjustments. Due to a mis-comm by me, bedroom 2 was painted with the wrong colour.

    So far, the reno is progressing well and within schedule :sport-smiley-018: .

  9. hahaha, bunk into her rented unit?! Her aircon burned down the other day leh... :P Don't know if she has a new one already :D

    Oh, forgot to check wif her. Hopefully ok now.

    Grilles @ Master bedroom:


    Bedroom 2 lights & grilles:



    Paint used is White Ice.

    Bedroom 3:



    Due to a mis-comm by myself, paint should be light blue (cant remember what's the name) but was painted white. ID will ask painter to re-paint.

  10. Long time never update. Work done (but not complete) so far: Painting, window grilles for living, bedrooms & kitchen and lightings & ceiling fans installed.

    Foyer light:


    Entrance light & DB Box:


    Will ask ID to adjust the DB box lower.

    Grilles, lights & ceiling fan @ living room:


    Downlights @ dry kitchen:


    Downlights @ wet kitchen:


  11. Hi sohck

    from ur pics, cant tell ur kitchen laminate looks kind of old cos it does look white to our naked eyes :P . Ur toilet basin does seem a little out, can the plumber re-do if not will become a big eye sore for u leh.

  12. Hope to see your review soon, so I can don't expect too much from Lynn.

    Hi Takomi

    will share when the reno is over. However, 1 thing i muz say is hb & myself quite satisfied wif their workmanship so far and not much chasing her needed unlike some IDs/contractors need a button to be pushed. Next week will be more exciting, lightings, bathroom accessories and carpentry will be up.

    The rest shall keep till end of reno cos still some more days b4 HO. Anyway, have u seen her 3D drawings?
