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Everything posted by explorers

  1. hi neighbour! which blk are u @?
  2. drawing from the experience of the serangoon garden 'fiasco', they don't dare to inform early liao...
  3. hihi... can join facebook group as well... "Blk 89 - 91 Tanglin Halt Residents" i've also yet to taste the peanut pancake... dono where the exact location is...
  4. we had went thru the exact same situation as u... the same consideration went thru our head... in the end, we're still 'struggling' with the ID boss... all i can conclude is it's really dependant on the person in charge of ur project... n in turn, the only word left is 'luck'... best of luck to u!
  5. it's always the case... contractors & hdb pointing fingers... i too kana from the contractor trying to reason his poor workmanship... unfortunately i lost the battle since i didn't hv a kind 3rd party to speak up... lucky for u, they agreed to rectify... i hv to live with the ugly end product... btw, there's a grp created in facebook for TH neighbours... "Blk 89 - 91 Tanglin Halt Residents" cya if u've got facebook! signing off, explorers' wife...
  6. i 1st wrote an email with a photo of the 'other-than-clear-water-in' toilet bowl to mr teo (think different hdb officer in charge of different blks) abt the backflow prob... abt a few days later, i received a call from the contractor to say they'll arrange for another date to replace the toilet bowl... didn't even come down to see the bowl before deciding on changing... after waiting for some time (remembered not very long thou), the contractor called to arrange for appt to change... and since the change, we didn't see anything unusual in the bowl nw... *hope it stays that way...
  7. welcome fellow neighbour!! happy reno....
  8. just received call from peter for appointment to change the common toilet bowl (funny we don't hv the same problem with the mbr toilet). so i really wonder if the change of brand will help @ all?? btw, i asked if the changed toilet bowl is dual flush, he said no...
  9. me did the same... showerscreen for mbr toilet and shower curtain for common toilet. hdb contractor, peter just called me to say he'll arrange for a date to change toilet bowl... i wonder when it'll be... gg to be messy again. sohzai, i can't remember exactly who wanted the door. will try to relay message in facebook...
  10. hi sohzai, remember some new neighbours asking for doors... but not sure if ur door will fit... anybody here joined the facebook tanglin halt group?
  11. oh talk abt the bubble.... i hv lotsa them!! ask contractor, they say its during the building of the flats, ask hdb, and they say its the contractor's poor workmanship... another classic eg of ding dong-ing... not to mention, i also hv the stupid showerhead problem... why old flats don't hv these kind of problems...?!
  12. we saw a few guys but dono who's who... pai seh to say hi lei... if wanto talk abt hdb defects, i think the list just goes on... my mbr wall got a hairline crack! even before we moved in!! i know if we report to hdb, they sure push it back to my contractor. and there we are, like ping pong ball, gets hit back and fro...
  13. only managed to catch a glimpse of the mp when he's @ a floor below when we returned... was out buying stuff.... haiz.. not fated after all...
  14. any idea which fl our MP will be visiting?? i'll be home bz unpacking/cleaning...
  15. we got it for $399... but think its smaller than what u got.. hw abt u?
  16. hihi... using my FH's acct to post... we've got the same coffee table but think ours smaller... so did u also get from home2be? we also got the same tv... hehe..
  17. thanks... i've added comment to his blog, nw waiting for his reply......
  18. hi K@nG, u mean replacement for 1 door already over $1k?!
  19. shd be able to laminate on existing door... anybody has done that before? what's the rate?
  20. thanks for the clarification. any idea how much per door to laminate and if price includes the strip?
  21. will laminating the door prevent warping? that is if it hasn't happen yet.
  22. does anybody know what is the cost for laminating the doors? any additional cost for adding aluminium (if not wrong) strip to the door?
  23. hi... i m from tanglin halt blk 89.... hdb keep flying kite for my cement screeding too.... who can i call to check... tks?