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Posts posted by cher

  1. Wah.. Ur island with the light is nice! Ur reno quite long liao leh, did ur ID say when it'll be completed? :)

    thnx 4 the compliments. bar stools juz arrive last sat....

    yah lor. xcluding phs, it took 2mnths+ leh. urs started abt the same time as mine & u r already staying in liao. sigh...

    we told him tat we wil b shifting in tis wkend. actually can shift in last wkend but we dun want cos nt completed yet...

  2. Wah painting tml ah? cool! So will u still be able to shift in end of the mth?

    dun know leh. think shd b able bah....

    double rainbow as seen fr living rm :)


    installation of false ceiling in living area


    false ceiling in living completed. awaiting plastering


    2 flr traps in mbr toilet's shower area


    close-up view of the flr trap


    glad tat id take note of little little dtls 2 make our reno a 'special' one :D

  3. Is Crestial bathroom stuff branded? it sure look ex to me leh. how much u got all that?

    we saw the Crestial stuff @ Alexis showflat. its showrm is @ UE sq - Ferrara. think their stuff is mid-range & above. we got all for $800+...

    Wah ya I have to agree that the Crestial stuff look nice...

    yah lor. betta than those common brands. they also hv a swarovski crystal range.

    Wah ya I have to agree that the Crestial stuff look nice...

    yah lor. betta than those common brands. they also hv a swarovski crystal range.

    Ooo! Congrates! Finally can continue with ur reno. :dancingqueen:

    yah lor. 2molo starting 2 paint liao. & install lightings in mid wk...

    2day juz went lumiere 2 buy lightings...


  4. The Crestial bathroom stuff looks great.. where u got from huh? Wow... u went to the crowded Alexis showflat... :P

    *sigh*, my id say cannot conceal pipes in toilet... dun want to do for me. :(

    hee...went there see see look look, hope to get more reno ideas

    btw, their units are all having open concept kitchen

    did your ID tell you why cannot conceal? concealing pipes require lots more work though...

  5. finally got the waiver on last fri. ;)

    false ceiling almost complete when hubby went over last evening.

    bought Crestial bathroom stuff(basin mixer, shower/bath mixer, wash basin, angle valve, hand spray, paper holder, shower head holder etc) on sat. dun hv pics for most of the stuff. 1st saw this brand's stuff @ Alexis showflat a few wks ago.

    bought Bellari sink on sun. recommended by a fellow forumer...


  6. progress as @ 21.02.09

    backing for feature wall in living


    steel brackets installed for false ceiling @ common toilet


    view from the kitchen. have erected a partition on left side of foyer to kitchen


    view from the living. have erected a low partition for custom made bench. above the bench will be full height tinted mirror which separated the proposed WIW and dining area


    other than the above, no other progress for these few days. cos pending approval from hdb for waiver of false ceilings, cos clearance height less than the required 2400mm.


  7. reno progress as @ 19.02.09

    yes!!! living area walls are plastered! :dribble:


    close view of recess skirting plastered. quite untidy, not yet touch up


    next, common toilet: floor tiles ok liao ! :sport-smiley-018:


    now come to my daughter's bedroom, all walls fully plastered and parquet floor done!


    the other bedroom too!!!


    just only a day and the workers have completed about 60% of plastering. tmr they will continue to do up kitchen area, master bedroom and balcony. false ceilings are expected to commence work next week. yes!!!can't wait to see.... :dancingqueen:

  8. Sorry to keep you all waiting. :D

    3d drawings.

    After numerous discussion, this will be the final design.


    The victorian range.


    Wifey does not like the red colour.


    hi, i think the printing proposed for top cabinets is too loud and confusing

  9. WAH.. then must make the room especially BABY safe with anti slam stuff!! no grilles? then cannot open the windows when BB is alone? mm

    no no no la. last night I tabao food.. after eating about 2 hours later start to go toilet. Went toilet 5 times in ONE NIGHT and twice more this morning.. food poisoning... URGH

    wa, what food so poisonous huh? :unsure:

  10. the haze has got another victim i supposed..

    MC only means a northward spiral of your postings numbers.. :D

    hi xebay

    well, we didn't want a conventional design.. as i said in my first few posting, this is a very bold thing to do and can cuts both way. Especially, thinking about the resale value provided of cos if we are ever going to sell. We just felt that there are too many similar houses out there and we were quite upset with designers who simply cut and paste from each other.. we wanted originality yet not too overdone.. it was hard to balance frankly and we are still having arguments around some part of it..

    totally agreed. we cannot accept piece meal designs some ID/contractors proposed, especially my hubby, who is exceptionally particular on wkmanship and detail plannings. tat explains y in d end we r spending a bomb on our new hse. :help:

    btw, ur hse vvvvvv swee!!! :dribble::dribble:

    hw much is ur reno gng to cost u huh?

  11. reno progress as @ 17.02.09

    view from master bedrm : master bath :good:


    concealed pipings for bath mixer tiled up :sport-smiley-018:


    concrete bases for kitchen cabinets & breakfast counter


    cutting on floor tiles for tempered glass partition at floyer


    satisfied with the progress so far. all floor and wall tiles can be completed by tmr. another group of workers will come to fix up false ceiling in living/dining area, kitchen, master bedroom, WIW and both bathroom. :dancingqueen:

  12. Our Neighbours...

    One day when we visited our place when it was still early days during the reno, our neighbour pop out and say hi.. very nice man look to be in his late 50s... he started greeting us and tell us many stories about the neighbourhood.. after awhile, he started telling us the dos and donts to stay there..

    Both myself and wtb listen intensely like a young couple (not so young la) receiving words of wisdom..

    He went on and on about which neighbours are not in good terms with who and who.. and why we shouldnt park at certain part of the road, blah blah.. gosh.. so many rules to follow?? in my mind i was thinking why so many things to say one... neighbour help each other can liao mah.. anyway that was the first meeting..

    after that everytime i go there, he will serve us drinks... he even went to our half baked house and give us a few pointers here and there.. I was really trying to be polite as the reno really inconvenients him quite abit, his being the adjacent house and some adjacent walls are affected..

    Anyway, the relationship was really on a very amicable basis. Me and WTB were still thinking what a nice neighbourhood...........Until one day, he was very upset when he saw us.. after realising that we are shifting the entrance of our house.. he says we disturbed the peace of how cars are parked now.. as mine is a corner unit and at the end of the road, many household parks their car right infront of my unit.. anyway. tough to explain but our change in entrance did cause abit of changed in the norm..

    me and wtb was like oh.. "did we created some animosity before we even move in... " and the truth fact is "YES" we did..

    Recently, my contractor and PE was telling me that the authorities started asking alot of questions on our project.. and it was not common that they asked all these questions as those are not the norm.. we were even asked to cut out a piece of our structure for testing!!! My contractor and PE says, someone must have complained to the authority and they have no choice but to take action.. what the ****... all finger points to my immediate neighbour.. he is obviously still very upset with the gate changed!!!! He says now all the cars have to use his gate as the turning point rather than mine!!! :furious:

    Anyway, for CNY, I sent them a hamper just to try to make peace..

    i dont know what else i can do to such a bossy neighbour.. everything i did was with proper authorization....

    forgive my rattling.. but what to do?? :dunno:

    what a great start to our new life... :curse:

    hmz.. not on sales, we bot them at GWC few months ago.. got sales ar.......... ????????? where? what products? I need a few more chairs..

    i received the email in early feb:

    think the sales is @ Kartell Flagship Store

    The Centrepoint Level 5 Unit 14

    176 Orchard Road

    t. + 65 6238 7323

    e. singapore@kartellflag.com

    the magazine rack is @ $188. think the rest is 1st item @ 20% disc, the subsequent kartell items @ 40%. think u can call & enquire...

