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Posts posted by Pinklady

  1. now also not late, haben start reno yet... hehe, my T-blog not popular lah... not like Kopi, havent even take keys already touch 20 pages.

    eh, not good life ley... me sometimes work on wkend and PH or ever try past midnight or latest 4am.

    wow how come need to work on wkends? so cham huh. btw, the blum system is nice leh. your living room lights how much huh? the round round one? fantastic

  2. Charemme, tink im simply too late to welcome u. but i oso thou ur reno is completed too. btw, your choice of kitchen cabinets colour is simply nice. Why u all so good life, so early knock off 1? poor me, still at office. btw, your T-Blog very popular lei :D

  3. Wulu areas like woodlands etc is also no hope. Those units we viewed these weeks (2nd floor to 4th floor) are also asking for 30K-50K cov when we viewed them :unsure:

    **Eyes wide open**! really! i thou the friendly Mr Mah says cheaper options can be available, if you choose further away from town, how's that for that certain Mr Mah? i thou all along woodlands suppossed to be slightly cheaper leh... :o

  4. MM & Charemme, u all so cute! i had a good laugh at your replies, indeed true true u do have to sacrifice a lot in order to have a lot of kids. but the thing is, even if sacrifice also dunno can make it or not. back to the same q which has been argued to death, inflation is forever higher than the freezed dead salary. then how? that's why many young couples choose to only have 1, or none at all.

    btw, i do agree that certain HDB newer towns reno looks better than mine! :P:D:lol::rolleyes::bleah:

  5. tell u all, if u wait further more it will confirm burn a bigger hole in your wallet, loan, CPF and piggy banks. the reasons why? becoz our friendly gov says they need to have more influx of foreigners to make up for the short fall of pple. next yr and next next yr, when the 2 IRs open, do u all think demand will go up? some pple who have converted to PRs will simply buy a flat, and pay for the COV.

    So in my opinion, i don't think it will go down. will only go up somemore

  6. Hi Everyone,

    Finally there is sale release from HDB.We have been waited for months already.The procedure this time is a bit different.Have to choose the area before ballot.So went to view some units in the area we wanted.Some of the units the door have been splash by paint.The previous owner must have borrowed from loanshark and run away.Wonder if we happen to buy those unit,will the loanshark come and harras us?Some of the flats in this sales the price is quite high though.Can't decide which area to choose..........

    IF I AM u, even if offer the flat to me free i also wouldn't want a loan shark flat......

  7. Sounds like my wife... haha...

    That depends if you want to have a family with simple living means or stay a couple with means to enjoy life a little if you're an average income (4+K total) family...

    I know of someone with 5 children and survives... it's all about what to spend on...

    how to survive with 5 children? unless the couple is earning more than 10k per mth per person lor.

    Babies are so ex to maintain nowadays


    When i meet up with the paint contractor, i specifically told him i wanted ICI DULUX ALL. He usually uses Nippon n show me the book. But I still prefer ICI so he told me no problem. I also told him I have chosen ICI DULUX all because of my children... cus in case they draw my walls, i can wash it..

    BUT!! This is the paint they gave me:


    this paint is an economical paint - as cheap as $22 for 7 litres.

    This paint cannot even be found in their catalog book because it is very CHEAP!

    The thing is, the paint model is written on the paint jug -- my guess is that, the paint colour has got different series. Happens that DULUX ALL colours also have economical version. So if u going to paint your house, CHECK THE PAINT THEY GAVE U!!


    My cousin who is also a painter, told me, all the walls must apply with white base before applying new paint, else colour WILL NOT BE NICE! sometimes, if the existing colour is too dark, even have to paint 3-4times before painting the new layer.

    I vvvvvvvvvvvvv regret not letting my cousin do it for me! at least i know and seen his work is good!... haiz!!!!!!!!

    so watch out!! insist on painting white base before painting the new one!!!!!!!!!!

    I told Ah Soon, he delay my time, I tolerate.. BUT I REALLY CAN'T TOLERATE PEOPLE WHO IS OUT TO CHEAT

    Words can't describe how angry i am now!!

    wah really huh, but did your contractor Ah Soon knows about this matter?

  9. Yes yes coffee shop die die must have bak chor mee, chai peng, zhi char and chicken rice else cannot survive de

    dun help me advert leh hehehehe :D

    huh, no western food and fish soup huh? these 2 items r very nice leh

  10. Does it really improve their skin and coat by alot?? I got 2 dogs ley, one of it got genetic skin prob.

    There is a period of time, i even try aromatherapy on him!

    yeah yeah over a period of time their fur and skin got improved. my dog has been drinking the water for about close to 2 yrs. i also drink, cook and also can have a lot of purposes for that.

  11. just realized that our kitchen flooring tiles and my common toilet wall tiles are similiar! my common toilet wall tiles is everything white in colour with the round round 'popped' in. whereas yours is the 'popped' out. happy for ya, since you so fast going to HO liao! u excited or not, going to stay at new house?

  12. maybe your kitchen wall tiles is the same as my wall tiles, toilet, becoz my is also white tiles with patterns on it, but cannot see clearly, when taken with the camera. so any new progress u wana update over here?

  13. Thanks Pinklady, so far I only purchase bed and tv. The rest of the furniture havent buy yet....I really taking my own sweet time..haha :D

    huh u not excited huh, i very very early go and bought my stuff last time. becos i simply cannot wait. which furniture shop have u went oredi? of course choosing the styles and pattern very exciting but when u r paying, your heart very pain! :D

  14. We did ask for many quotes.....abt 8-10 then shortlisted 3.... Very tiring.....

    thinking of going to another one in the shortlisted list lo....some of the quotes we get are from contractors too...but their price not very much less.... maybe bcoz we are doing all the basic things only... ID and contractor won't make much difference?

    from the shortlisted ID/ contractor, their quotation are all around the same region. Now we only choose whose design is better and who is easier to work with.

    Actually most of the time, you would have to liaise to contractors directly, be it arranging for payment, tiles or toilet accessories, choosing of tiles. for ID you get him/her to liaise with them. so its your call. contractor won't provide for designs, but ID will provide, including 3D, colour co-ordination, space planning etc.

    So you have a better idea to choose ID or contactor?
