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Posts posted by Stagger

  1. Hi, anyone have experience with Lynn from Ideal House? She was the one responded to my online enquiry. Can pm me. Thanks.

    Looks like there are more and more new names coming out. Probably they are expanding fast.

    It doesn't really matter who is the ID, as long as the standard is maintained and the contractors they engaged is within the standard, I think it should be fine. Most importantly, the service attitude, creativeness and responsibility level of that particular ID must be there. Cheers.

  2. Just to update:

    After writing in to Institue of Estate Agents in Dec 08 to find out what could be done about my situation, they replied saying that they couldn't do anything because the housing agents involved were not IEA registered. However they advised that the housing agents here were at fault and that I should try going to Small Claims Tribunal.

    So filled in all the necessary forms required for Small Claims. I just claimed the full commission paid to ERA ($5k). My claim was accepted, told to turn up for appt in court at end Feb.

    I just received a phonecall from ERA saying that they want to meet this week to refund me what I am claiming and ask me to withdraw the claim made to Small Claims Tribunal.

    So all's not lost. At least I'm going to get back $5k. Phew.

    wow at least we know that Small Claims is doing their job to protect consumers' interest! Congrats, finally an end to all the inconvenience that had caused to you!

  3. We have spoke to D@n from Fuse b4. He seems a nice chap with brilliant and creative ideas. Was actually recommended by a fren.

    Yes have to agree that his design is rather unique & nice...was actually looking forward to getting the drawings from him after he promised to get back by a wk. Fuse was actually in our final shortlist. But sadly nothing materialised. Had an unpleasant experience with them.

    My reviews on Fuse (D@n):

    Design Concept = :good:

    Customer Follow-up = :jawdrop:

    Wow I saw your renoblog...nicely renovated & quite amazing. Do you mind sharing how much you spent for the reno? What's the full name for A&D? Are they good?

  4. My house is completed by Benedict. I have created my reno-blog.

    For those who are interested, can go to this link: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18742

    Congratz for those who had chosen Benedict. Hope everyone has the same pleasant renovation experience as mine. =)

    that's really nice :good: but why isn't there feature wall for your TVs? Do you mind sharing your quotation with me? I just went for my 1st appt on 20 Jan...completion in March...

    thks in advance!

  5. ya last time my reno was much above my budget also...impt that u understand why the cost is like that so u can see if you are comfortable paying or some things u can do without.

    it was good that i can communicate well with my ID so i was sure about what i was getting...as long as you talk things out, things can be worked out one :)

    Thanks for the advice, no matter how I'll not dispense them from my list base on the quotation. I must meet them again for further discussion.

  6. Maybe u can void those need and not want items? or nego 1st and c the outcome before deciding. :)

    Intra is relatively higher side coy.. there are others more expensive but also quite a few there are cheaper.. it boils down to their services and attitudes..

    That's true, I'll be meeting the ID again and hopefully they can adjust it to stay within my budget..I've got another quote from Ideal House for 38K+ for the same request...so you could understand why my jaws dropped..

  7. I received a sms today during lunch time to say that the quotation is ready. Was quite surprised + happy to know that the quotation is ready. ID warned that the quotation is above my budget, was thinking how high it would be and thought that somehow it will be due to negotiation and perhaps I can take away with certain things to stay within budget.

    My jaws dropped after seeing the quotation, it was amost 55k which is 15k above my budget...real expensive leh.

    Somehow, I'll still need to meet her up again to see the perspective drawings and for further discussion.

    Headache now..

  8. It will be really bad if any parties back out after exercising the OTP. Not only on the legal part, the party backing out may need to pay for the seller and buyer's agent fees. This is what they may have to pay if they back out:

    1. Buyer + Seller's agent commission (abt 2%+1%)

    2. Bank penalty charges (if Buyer is taking up bank loan) Buyer would have signed the loan approval prior to exercising the OTP

    3. Back out for buyer - pays the diff if seller sold his flat for a lesser price than the initial agreed amount with the buyer

    4. Back out for seller - pays the diff if buyer purchased a similiar flat eslewhere but at a higher price

    this is my understanding...

  9. Another related question. Is it advisable to sign on an ID/Contractor before the first appointment since there is also a risk that your seller might decide not to sell.

    It depends, you may speak to your ID about the scenario. If the transaction didn't really go thru, you still need to perform reno on another purchase right?

    My opinion is that it is really risky if you adopt the above:

    1. Who knows if the ID decided to close their business (by the time you get another new house + all those waiting time)

    2. If the new house that you purchased have already well renovated? (probably u lose some deposit)

    3. The ID may mark up the quotation given reasons that the floor area is now different, different designs for diff flat etc. (Don't forget you already signed with him and he knows that you are already one leg inside)

    Just my 2 cts worth....

  10. i had been using the link you had post..


    some appear in newspaper don't appear there

    and some house post. When u call. The agent say SOLD.

    Post that day. SOLD that day?

    Is it too fast?

    Yeah that's quite true, those agents sometime post nice pictures to attract you from calling. But no harm if they take you to see other units..tell them your requirement. Ultimately, you are the final decision maker whether you want to buy the house or not...Happy searching! :)

  11. hi ahwee, thanks for the detailed explanation. At least now i gained some knowledge. I didnt signed on the last page but only beside the amount that I placed deposit.

    I just took back my chq and all those documents I signed alreadY! The deal is off. Haiz, waste of our time. Now back to square one.. must buy newspaper again. :bangwall:

    Smart move, just fyi I paid only $200 for the initial OTP and the remaining $1.8K for exercising the Option. My buying price is $2K COV and therefore my cash committment is fulfilled at least on the seller part. But I need to pay 5% cash for the purchase as I'm taking the bank loan.

    Don't get conned by the agents that you need to pay certain high amount to secure the deal. It is always beneficial for the buyers as they get to refuse the deal within the 14 days "cool down" period after they sign the OTP, just that that buyer may have to forgo their initial deposit.

    Actually no need to buy newspaper, there are many website that advertise property. Just one sample link below for your reference:


    happy searching...

  12. no no it will be lucky if the valuation is above the agree price for my case so I dun have to pay COV and my agree price is cheaper than valuation but still lucky 4k COV only

    By the way the 1st deposit when the seller signed th OTP need not to be 1k.... but 1k should be the max. Usually both agent will push for high deposit cos scare u give up later

    Tommy is right, I faced the same problem when I purchase my flat (still waiting for my 1st appt). The seller wanted to sell me his flat @ $344K (val) + $18K (COV) but his valuation has already expired. I like the flat very much but the seller just wouldn't give in, insisting for $362K but at the same time, he refuse to do up a valuation report first and wanted me to pay $2K for the OTP. In the end, I told them at most I will pay for the valuation report (abt $200). After much negotiation, we all agreed.

    My plan was if the valuation turn out to be lesser than the original valuation amt of $344K, I can just forgo the $200. But luckily, it turn out to be $360K and I just need to pay $2K for COV...quite lucky I would say.

  13. Yes I really agree that nowadays those housing agents are unethical. Is it because it is so market competitive that they resort into seeing $$$ only instead of looking into the consumer's actual need? They don't even bother to advise us on the forseeable implication. Basically, they just want to close the deal asap and get their cheque deposited into their bank.

    Few months ago, I was thinking of upgrading and since my cousin is working in PropNex as a housing agent, I thought why not I support her by giving her the job to sell my house and get me a new one. I called her up, arranged for a meeting. Since she's new in this line, her manager actually tagged along. When we met, I was asked by the manager (Mr. C) of hers to sign an exclusive. I told him NO straight on his face. Since I'm asking my own cousin to help me on the housing matter, I will definitely not involved other agents. So, few weeks or months down the road, my cousin managed to find me a flat. I signed the OTP and was advised by her how I should go abt, getting the bank loan and whatever process that is needed. After exercising the OTP, my cousin called me to say that her manager has submitted my application as his own deal and therefore, she will not get any commission. I asked her how could that be, she said that because I didn't sign the exclusive, it means that my transaction is opened for any agents. I wanted to make complaints to the mgt but she told me that's no use. I told her that the seller's agent (also from PN) was contacted by her and he should recognise that she is actually the buyer's agent and not Mr. C. She told me that both Mr C and the seller's agent, who is a director are friends and that they actually collaborated and processed the transaction without her knowledge. On the other side, I have always thought that Mr. C and my cousin belongs to the same team and I wasn't suspicious at all when I sign the documents with Mr. C.

    Even agents are scheming against agents and worst still, the manager who is supposed to help their associates achieve target, con them off their commission. So how could you trust them? At the end of the day, they still get their commission after completing their surface services leaving those unsurfaced problem to their buyer/seller.

  14. my in-law's condo's toilet is in dire straits and in need of a reno. Anyone knows or can recommend good reno company or contractor who is willing to reno 1 toilet only?

    My current block has just completed the upgrading project for all the toilets and is currently doing for the next block. Perhaps I can catch hold one of their foreman and ask? No promise but of cos no harm asking. Will let PM you if there's good news.
