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Posts posted by hopeless2212

  1. For workaholic staying in EM, do you have a weekly schedule on your household chores? I've yet to move in and already starting to worry on the chores that we need to do. Can share a bit of your tips? :P

    I think we r the more lazy type.. lol.. as there r only me and hubby staying in the EM, we spent most of our time downstairs.. so we will sweep and mop the floor every 2-3 days for lower lvl.. whereas for the upper floor.. it is once a week.. ( only up there to bathe, change and slp )

    Toilets.. i will wash the MBR and downstairs toilet once 4-5 days... the guest toilet.. depending.. sometimes once every 10 days.. hubby been doing the laundry so far.. so not so bad..

    there is no weekly schedule.. ^^ .. i think i kinda applied my mom's rule ( my parents staying in Em too ) .. clean when u feel and see the place is getting dirty .. :) ..

  2. It's ok no hurry no hurry better take care of your health 1st

    Based on your tone, I'm sure that you like the roof installation result :D

    Glad that everything is swee swee for your house now :D

    Hehe.. the roof ar.. hmm.. is not wat i expected.. lol.. but.. still...

    Firstly.. though it is abt $250 more expensive than wat wellmax charged us.. but the material used is better.. the polycarbonate is thicker than wellmax.. and the panels used looks more classy too..and the workmanship is much much better.. :) .. but the colour.. hmm.. we wanted grey initially.. but no stock.. and we dun wanna wait.. so we took the teh-o colour.. wahahhaha.. it is like light brown.. looks oki .. cos it kinda matches our furnitures.. the whole place dun look so dark as we tot it would.. yet not too bright either.. my conclusion.. is just nice.. ;) .. heng ar.. wahahahahah

    I m glad that everything is over now too.. can enjoy staying there.. now just doing some decorations in the house to make it look swee swee..

    Overall, our reno and choice of furnitures achieved wat we wanted.. simple yet cosy.. hehe... just that it is a bit empty now.. hehehhe..

    wait for the pics!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Get black tinted glass de, sure will look chio

    Btw Hopeless, can do me a favour ? Since I will be fixing a polycarbonate roof for my new place too, could you take a pic on the 2nd floor for me to take a look. I wants to see how it looks like when view from your bedroom windows. Hope it's not too much to ask :P

    Thanks in advance :)

    np.. consider it done^^ once it is up and pretty le.. i take for u lah.. :)

  4. Hubby was telling me he meet poh during one of those days last week and they talked about the roof thingy...hope to see the final completion pics :)

    Lol.. not so fast lah.. tomolo then he s coming down to show us the colours and material.. Desmond recommend us to chose colours like grey.. so it won't be so bright .. :) .. which is true oso.. looking at the previous roof.. the whole house really really look sibei green.. wahahahaha.. hopefully will be done up soon too!! Haven't arrange the furnitures in the living room due to the roof.. hehe.. everything looks so bare!!! lol..

  5. Yah I understand, since it's new i guess will try to make an effort to protect it in the beginning :)

    So did the roofing guy mentioned when he's going down ?

    got a quote today from the guy which F4's contractor recommended... we r still awaiting for another quote.. then hopefully.. we can close the case within this week.. soon.. soon.. our nest will be completed.. ^^.. really can't wait.. :)

  6. Wah if your balcony is a fishing pond then you can charge ppl to go your place and fish fish le hahahaha :P

    Yah i know these few days have been raining heavily !! so do you mop everyday ? if i were you i think i will curse and swear le hahaha

    Mop everyday? bo lah.. i use the hard bristle broom and sweep the rain water to the drainage.. then use the mop to mop us excess lo.. the rest.. i return it back to the sky.. wahahahahaha... evaporate on it's own...^^good thing is.. if there is sun, the balcony is very very sunny.. so it dries up on its own easily.. :)

  7. huh ? you separate your clothes into 3 diff sect then you did not leave any space for his clothes ah ? sigh.....I pity Poh hahahaha

    Anyway congrats that your house everything swee swee le so how's your roof ? is it done already ?

    got lah.. i left him some shelves and 1 small hanging portion.. lol.. he said he dun need so much space ^^

    Roof not yet le.. still waiting for quotation... in the mean time.. transform my balcony to fishing pond.. wahahahaha.. been raining past few days.. no joke ^^

  8. Think the person want to carrot my wife lah. Haha.

    Anyway, called Ah Hock, he will come over one of these days to get measurements.

    Btw, what's the difference between wrought aluminium and just plain aluminium?

    eh.. no idea le.. mine is iron.. not aluminium i think.. i think aluminium is lighter? i m not sure.. better ask the experts.. hehehehhe

  9. what's poh's reaction when he saw your garbage bags?

    no reaction.. hehe.. cos i paranoid.. think the clothes will de dirty during transportation.. so i m doing washing.. ironing.. hanging them simultaneously.. he haven't really c the extend .. i separated the clothes into 3 different sections of the wardrobes.. wahahhahahaha.. ^^.. smart mah? lol

  10. same as mine....my relatives also can't believe my EA cost 38K esp when they saw the workmanship....just have to say so far still very happy with the house after staying in for more than 2 months...

    I'm gonna bother Yeak again...my sis gonna do her house reno next year....

    SO whe you gonna have party for us??!! :dribble:

    not yet le.. now still in the stage of moving in.. packing and unpacking stage.. i already bought over 5 garbage bags of clothes and 1 garbage bag of bags.. hehe.. once ready le.. then we invite u guys over lah.. steady.. ^^

  11. Updates :

    Handover house by yeak abt 1 week ago le... paid him the last payment oso.. total damage : $ 40390 .. would say is a pretty good deal :) .. that day poh's family came up to sit sit.. they said our renovation would caused min 60K.. lol.. none of them believe it to be only 40k .. ^^ ..

    Conclusion abt yeak.. i would say he is extremely responsible.. last week when he came to finalize the last payment with me, he notices 1 small piece of wall got lobang at the corner.. is our own doing when we moving furnitures.. lol.. but he insist on me calling him when eveything is done..so he can come to touch up everything again.. he has already done so much touch up that i oso paiseh.. and majority of it is our own doing.. like dirty walls.. paints came off ( poh was using strong double-side tape) to paste the door bell to the wall.. then i don't like the position.. so he gotto peel it off and reposition it again.. wahahaha..

  12. Eh LSS and everyone else, thanks for the contacts. Will try and contact them and compare.

    My wife got someone to get a quote, and apparently, just for the front door aluminium grille, already SGD1100.

    Almost fainted...

    huh.. so ex?? i rmb the last time yeak quote us the iron wronght gate at $450... maybe cos u wanted aluminium? u can try F4's contact.. imho, no point getting from wellmax.. cos it is cheap.. cos now we realised, their workmanship is real lousy.. and we kinda regretted getting them.. for the gate.. the paint is super thin.. accidentally kena the door keys hor.. and the paint scrapped off liao.. poh was talking abt lacquaring it himself to make it thicker.. then the window grilles... from far.. looks oki.. but when we try to close it and latched them.. most of the wndows and grtilles in the house is out of alignment.. causing the latches to be a little out of place or in syn.. and scrapping each other.. then 1 of our MBR window grille latch already came off le.. poh went to hardware shop to buy a replacement..n so now 1 of it is silver in colour.. and the rest is white..lol.. really nitemare workmanship.. not to mention, our utility room window/grilles the bottom track part facing outside hor.. already "out of shape" .. machiam like got "waves" .. will take pics to show u.. wahhahahha.. i c le oso gao wei.. ^^ .. just trying to ignore it lo..

  13. One bad experience can tarnish the image of a company. After reading hopeless2212's plight, I am not sure whether do I still want to consider getting Wellmax Metal Works to do my grilles...

    reminds me of a quote somewhere in this forum "cheap no good, good not cheap" :P

    Hmmm... i think there is better options ard.. do look ard b4 commiting.. and wellmax took the roof back 1 week ago le.. haiz.. now our house "roofless" .. somemore these few days.. kept having heavy rain.. balcony flooded.. lol.. think can keep fishes there..

  14. New updates...

    Yeak has finished wif renovations.. touch ups.. everything few days ago le.. so far.. very satisfied wif everything.. :) ..

    Laundry systems r oso installed...

    Bed frame etc is oso done..

    Wellmax came to take back the roof yesterday liaoz.. zz.. very sway... after they took the roof back.. heavy rain last nite.. resulted in a flood in our balcony when we woke up this morning.. and splashes in our living room.. cos we dun have balcony doors.. wahahaahaha.. managed to clean up everything.. the roof contractor that F4 intro.. came today to measure.. and he said will get back to poh on mon or tues wif their quotations.. hopefully is within our budget.. arboh really dunno wat is going to happen... :( .. haiz..
