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Posts posted by aubrey

  1. @ fannie

    yes i think goodrich should be better and liasing with them direct should be even better! but i KS i have not chosen anything so tv is still in box in my room, my tiny tv is in place where the tv console is. i will ask whats the "warranty" like for them. :)

    @ rondy

    yup there's lots i spotted after living in. so i have wrote it down on tape and stuck it wherever. lots to touch up on, but its the small stuff.

    @ joseeng

    yea it's **** tiring but im loving it. there's ups and downs but i am quite lucky to play a part in creating my dream home with my mom! :)

    @ simon

    i should think that the tile company would have informed the contractor/ID about all these. they polished your tiles in that case?

  2. yea this thread is to help all potential clients of uncle understand what to expect from uncle and to be a realist when working with him. he has so many projects now, we gotta be fair to him. as much as it is "his problem" to take on so many projects, whats done is done so lets move on beyond that and help uncle to help us. LingEr, no offence and please do share your views with us. mostly uncle does more for HDB before this period so i guess it is a learning process for him too.

    :D are u renovating soon? i can point u to some of the other helpful IDs I have spoken to in my time of sourcing around if u need more to discuss with. :)

  3. hahaha ya! oh please rmb to ask for black rubber edgings for the bi fold so u wont see the mould on it so easily! that is what i requested for after seeing someone's tblog about this tip.. i like my bi fold doors! even my neighbours commented its the good kind, solid feel to it. :D

  4. fannie, forgot to update u on my bi fold door! i quite like it! the quality is good as compared to the one in the rented apartment. mechanism is nice and smooth. its top hung but still with some sort of track at the bottom. but its easy to operate. but oh well, for now your kids are young. so think with good care it will last. :D dont worry, go ahead for the bi fold. i like mine lots!

  5. fannie, i know about the wax issue, both SL and LSH has informed me. its to protect the floor during the reno. or at least that's what they said. about the cleaning, i did not ask. too happy choosing tiles so forgot to ask. :P i suppose uncle has not polished for you? wow my choice of tiles needs me to magic clean it everyday!! :( lucky both me and mom have short hair, cannot imagine us having long hair. think after 1 year we can sell wigs.

    rondy: not too sure.. uncle just said that one cannot acid wash. im fine as long as its clean like u said! technically we've moved back due to time constraint. other than that, i think its still not an official HO since missing a number of items. for the wallpaper, they got this other guy to handle it from their old guy who was giving smallboy problems. similar to what u said about the air bubbles. i'll love to see them do it!

    for the doorway, i asked uncle and he said do wrongly. but in the hustle bustle i didnt ask him what is to be done. and ya, i kinda forgot about it till now. :S i got to write it down and ask him how now.

  6. yup rondy, he said the ones in my kitchen is good for acid wash. they've done it for me. just pending the polishing cos some tiles, u can still feel the wax on it. i have to admit its my first reno and there's lots i dont know. but if he wants to polish then ok pls polish. if not maybe i can suggest what u said. now have to point out the parts that needs touching up (u pointed a few out that day! thanks! uncle changed all the chipped tiles for me on that same day)

    yup im in my 20s.. 23 to be exact. :P

  7. one point about the saliva pouring from all ah soon customers.. that's prolly bcos he does have so many customers now! a handful is from the forum if i am not wrong.

    yowetan, appreciate your concern, i've moved in. hiccups and all, i've to move on from it. the thread here is neutral ground, u post your view i post mine. im upfront about my unhappiness faced and i have already said its due to the sub-cons that uncle uses. given a choice, he wouldnt want to use ppl who gives him problems too. sub-cons do go around, so we all have to be careful.

    if u can deal with uncle's style, then by all means, get someone else that is better for u. i can tell u that i cant afford to pay the ID fee that is quoted into the final price, so i rather go with a contractor and "pay my dues". i dont believe in cheap & good & painless & fuss free. so hope it does clarify.

    lingEr, i do apologise if i am "scaring you off" with my input here. from my post i am definitely not out to chew off someone's head. just wanted to know the exact definition or the source of emotions that leads to one saying over-rated. which yowetan has pointed out.

    i just feel that some choice of words were bad and i reacted to that, not you. all inputs are welcome like i said. dont take it personally. i was addressing a myriad of points stated from some here.

  8. do i hear discussion about the laminates? i need some help with mine also.. more on my blog, dont wanna steal your space. ivy, just let me know when is a good time and see how it goes. yes! meet the MP session with uncle soon, i like that!

  9. i have no internet at home!!! have yet to call starhub to shift my internet back to my address. anyway, too tired to blog about my progress. we've moved back in. funny how moving in seems to bring more things than moving out. rd 2 of clearing stuff begins now. so far only rondy, blue diamond + friend and familyof4 have seen my place.

    i will post live in pictures too once we're settled. uncle still owes me things! e.g: my polish for tiles was supposed to be done on sun but no one came to do it. uncle is unreachable on sun and i had to call elder goh. elder goh made a few calls for me but only manage to get the indian workers in to help mop but it doesnt help!the tiles still feel.. weird. that layer of wax is still there. quite disappointed to not have it waxed on sunday since my house is empty and it will be quick and easy. now that i have moved back in, all my stuff is on the floor, as well as my furn. dont like this arrangement of moving my things around the house while they polish since there's chances of scratching things or spoiling things while moving.

    one more thing... elder goh let me speak to uncle soon while he was at my place on sun. i explained the situation and uncle said monday to polish. so i took another day off again but the polish ppl did not come!! for what reason i dont know why uncle just said cannot. -_- imagine the disappointment. oh well, at least i made use of the day by going to royal fanco to purchase my bathroom accessories and a 3 tier spice rack. came back to open the door and supervise the guys installing the mentioned items and also to fix up my kitchen sink (yup, on sun, all unwashed plates went into a plastic container first).

    met up with ah di (new carpenter!) to discuss my remaining carpentry. very very excited about it. uncle has told ah di about the fiasco with the previous carpenter and i believe this guy should have been QC-ed by uncle.

    anyways, uncle admitted the issue of my tv console that was due to miscomm between jason and the previous carpenter (ah mei). he asked if i can accept it and was honest to tell me that he can tear it down and do another but he has to bear the cost. i told him i'll accept it. he said he will offer me some discount off the tv console. poor uncle. but uncle is smart! he told me to give him the price that I want to knock off. wa im in a precarious situation now. think i will throw the ball back into his court.

    think thats it for now. if i can i will post pics. hope i can catch up on work today.

    rondy: i think im going for wallpaper although uncle asked if i want to laminate it. i'll use that as my last option. prefer wall paper due to wide variety of choices design-wise. worry about the rest later! :P

  10. storm no worries about using my space! :D i'll be moving now, will update later. just one hiccup. uncle said ytd that his workers will come today to polish the tiles that cant be done with acid wash. now elder goh says no workers today and we are stuck! (yet again..) he told us to extend the rent, but its highly impossible given that the owner has kindly agreed to let us extend from 28 till 31. so hope we can get someone to help out, wont mind paying them rather than paying rent.

    looks like i may have to extend my leave till tmr. still pending some works to be up.

  11. errr uncle is like the weather, never too predictable. so u will never know if he turns up with his gang to tear up your place. elder goh is in charge of those works. he is coming to my place later so i will check with him for you and PM u. :]

  12. can someone define overrated for me? seems like overrated here means "a lot of ah soon customers". so i guess mr yeak is the next to be overrated huh? everyone is entitled to their views and for those who think uncle is overrated, so... whats the point here? i think its clear enough that we, as ah soon's customers, given disclaimers on uncle. which those who said uncle is overrated has understood. they have to rightly pointed out that uncle's works requires lots of proj mgmt, a lot of supervision on owner's parts etc. how do they know? from the existing customers right?

    if mr yeak's customers brand themselves as yeakers, why can't ah soon's customers start a fan club for him? (calling outselves sooners sounds funny to me) i think that somehow along the way all this is taken out of proportion and blown up. FYI i placed the title "superstar" just for fun. its not meant to be serious. its just me to say these things. so please dont take superstar out of context and say that i am idolizing him. far from it in fact.

    our tblogs are his customers' testimonies, you wont find these honest to goodness comments on any other websites. testimonials mostly contains nice words written of a single person.

    so to all potential uncle ah soon customers, even if u want to consider using ah soon, sorry to say but he is up to his neck with jobs and have started to reject. as much as u are choosing him, he is also choosing jobs now based on his schedule. if he can fits. which is what everyone is advocating anyway, be it uncle's customers of bystanders.

  13. busy like u said. its chaotic as usual. my mom has to an shen then uncle said there's "polishing" to be done for my floors. not sure if its happening. i want it to happen before they move things in for us. found a couple more of tiles that cuts my leg. and after turning on the water in my bathroom, realised that it is quite slippery. not sure if they can use their anti slippery chemicals on it.

    and uncle is not picking up calls. he really goes to indo/msia like clockwork every sun..

  14. hi hi hi thanks for dropping by! i think your kids are so adorable!!! sorry i hogged uncle for way too long today but u know how its like when u catch him there, gotta really speak to him if not its a lost cause.

  15. hi all, thanks for the input. i think i will just go to royal fanco and check them out. way nearer to me anyway. ytd was really crazy. went to balastier by bus (was with a friend to be fair) then took another bus to tampines ikea (omg that bus ride was 1 hour plus! i thought 1 hour plus rides were extinct!) bottomline is, i can do it since im still young. when im 30.. will think about it again. this is like the last lap of the reno, i must buck up!

    i have ppl telling me to get HT for the entertainment value, some that says the HT must be good for best performance but dunno if the LG one is good or not. decisions decisions....

    for those who are coming, my place is near sculpture square/SMU/SAM/diagonal from iluma & just look out for a traffic coloured block (green/red/yellow)


  16. the usuals for me now

    check tiling for any chipping or major unleveled tiles esp for floor

    plaster work and painting work done satisfactorily

    check carpentry work to ensure no funny laminate peeling or wooden block chipped or worse, like mine, cracked.

    any stains u cant remove (more for when u moved it)

    any weird placements of your stuff

    tt's all. u coming tmr?

  17. hi lawry! oh my i missed u much in RT! ya some unhappiness due to the carpentry. i think i have closed my eyes to a bunch of it, just not my tv console. i want to suan zhang with him for that. i wont force him into a corner but he has to tell me how come my tv console turned out like tt. i think its miscomm between jason and him. but he is definitely not like ah wei, who bothers to talk to the owner direct. for us, we hardly spoke. plus for some reason my carpentry is quite rush so uncle used him.

    i cant help but feel the same as growler. he is cutting corners wherever he can and that is annoying. i think i shall cut corners with my payment sum too. not like im paying him any lesser. :/

    anyways, update for today. i was out from 4pm onwards to search for my bathroom accessories, spice racks (ppl do u have any lobangs on where to buy???) and went to ikea to buy some small items as well as a new chair for my study table! :D i lugged it all home by myself! *feels good about achieving much today*

    talking about bathroom accessories, can anyone advice if buying from asia excel or rayal fanco is better in terms of price? need to keep everything low now.

    the update on work progress is:

    - s/s backing for kitchen is done by jason himself ytd. but the backing slid down to the table top and luckily i got home in time to see it and to DIY the rectification works myself.

    - granite top was delivered ytd and the same master tiler came over to help cut it for my kitchen. not exactly what i called superb workmanship, just passable as i believe it is not easy since its heavy like crazy.

    - ah tan came today to finish up my electricity works. i have to go buy my own switches for those that i want to replace. i will try to clean it with lighter fluid and fix it myself to see if the switches are stiff still. if so, i will just pop by jalan besar to buy it myself.

    - bad news of the day: my franke sink is scratched! its a string of small scratches. so heartpain. i dont know what to do with the scratches. :( my fujioh hood has also obtained a single scratch. quite pissed with all these scratches popping out since i like to take care of my things. :bangwall:

    - general cleaning was done today also by jason himself. not a job well done since i believe there is no acid wash. its not acceptable as the wax on the tiles are still there!! how can it be? for kitchen tiles at least need to clean up the wall tiles, floor not so bad. my grout for the wall tiles are yellowish for some. not acceptable too! my mom helped with the cleaning and after reaching home i went to clean it too. painstakingly cleaned the fridge area and WM area since once it's placed there, i wont be able to clean it easily again. have to feed back to uncle about it.

    - elder goh did not come today to an shen. apparently pushed back to sunday. was having minor tension with my mom as moving back on sunday is another rush job again. but she said have to since we need to move the shen back home before we can move back. dunno what to say. plus my auntie and cousins are coming again, dont even know where to let them bunk in at. -_-

    P.S: tmr for all who are coming, do try to come from 1 - 4pm cos i intend to go out in the evening to get whatever loose ends i need and tie it up b4 i go back to work on monday. but if really cannot i will just have to take leave again or something. oh and please just come as u are and dont need to buy me anything. my house and rented unit is a mess so i wont have place to put anything so pls! come as u are!!

    what's pending:

    - my window grilles (not very important)

    - my iron gate (impt to me! feel naked without it)

    - my bookcase & study table (still can delay a little..)

    - wallpaper for my tv console is bottle necked till rectifications kick in. good on one hand since i have not settled on wallpaper. need to choose and decide soon

    - mounting of tv (boo! was looking forward to watching tv on the new plasma)

    - to choose between a 22" LCD TV or a 5.1 home theater system from LG as free gift for buying the TV. any input from anyone on this? all opinions are once again, deeply appreciated. :]

    ok me out! need to sleep. so tired.
