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Posts posted by friends78

  1. Just an update on my wardrobe. I called up their customer service. Yes, as usual they blamed it on the environment. When I asked y only wardrobe is affected and nothing to the study desk and 3 tier drawer which are currently placed side by side in the same room, bought and delivered at the same time, no answer from the CSO. She said she will call me back but no call since then. Before she put down the call, she informed that there's no warranty for their wardrobes... I wonder if she's hinting that no hope liao and my $699 is gone... With the moulds, I don't really dare to place clothes in it except some bags and docs so it's a white elephant now... Anyway, I have submitted a complaint thru CASE online two days back... Let see how it goes... If the companyhad returned my call and admitted there's problem with their wardrobes.I don't think I will go to CASE... What I can't take it is they blame my house for causing it!!!!!

  2. Thanks friends78.

    Can I know if Henry provides advise on things like color selection on tiles, design of kitchen cabinet, tv console, etc.

    as a new home owner, of the of te biggest problems is tat we have too many ideas.

    hence, sometimes all the difference ideas comes together resulting in a "rojak" house.

    I need someone to advise me on what color goes well with another color, etc.

    Yes to the colour selection on tiles and in fact he will accompany you so that he can tell u whether u need to top up on the spot. For carpentry (kitchen cabinets, TV console, shoe cabinet wardrobe), he did provide the 3Ds which will more or less will show the designs. As for the colour of the carpentry, u will then decide during the selection of the laminates. He did not come along when I shopped for my furniture, lightings and sanitary wares. He is so busy..don't think he can spare the time too..In any case, he is the uncle type leh... I think I trust my judgement and my bro's better. Lol! Anyway, if u didn't go to his 'recommended' shops, also don't think he will follow... :sport-smiley-004:

  3. Sorry to barge in. Currently looking at sofa threads to source one for my inlaws and read about all the arguments, theories and debates. Not trying to rude but as a reader, wld appreciate the competitors to respect that this is EL thread and start a new thread to comment your thots. The last few pages of comments r hardly beneficial to the readers. U guys have made your stand and we consumers will think it thru before making our purchase. To be honest, I'm only interested in hearing from EL's customers on the products, after sales service and experiences. The rest from the competitors (with the exception of samtheman) doesn't really matter and it's kind of childish. Sorry if I offend anyone of u guys but it's kind of frustrating as a reader to keep clicking pages of the threads to see competitiors arguing and arguing.

  4. Your place is so nicely done! I luv it very much! Especially the Living room and Toilet. The living room has two rows of perfectly arranged symmetrical carpentry and sofa. Reminds me of a condo's showroom. The space in between is ideal when u have a little one. Place a big playmat for baby to play around and u guys can sit and relax and at the same time keeping an eye. Your toilet has space for three to brush teeth together. Ha! Ha! Another dream corner for mummy like me. Bro, your hard work has paid off! Great work by your ID!

  5. Such an interesting thread to read early this morning.. Decided to read it cos saw the last poster was 'knownothing'. Someone I'm know. Then saw adi's comments. Another friend I known. They are real people I trusted cos we met. The greatest takeaway to be in this forum is to make friends. One particularly whom I still contact her almost daily to gossip and rant if I'm unhappy. And another who will drop her work immediately to reply when I emailed her to check on FS matters cos she sensed the urgency. All these little things that my forum friends do for me have no $$ involved. We shared ideas, comments, views cos we been thru it and don't want others to bang wall and become great friends with those we clicked. It's as simple as that. No $$ involved.

    Saw something interesting u wrote 'Some of them have their renovations completed years ago and they still come back and recommend a particular renovator. To be honest, I find it hard to believe that there are no personal / commercial interests in play for this group of people.' Think u have slapped yourself hard. U have this kind of mentality cos u came in with the agenda; commercial interests. So please stop saying that u are trying to help people... improving the reno industry.

    I wonder what will you do if a reno company suddenly offers u a higher commission so that his company's video can stand out from others? Will u start to hide all the good videos or claim that the reno companies not free for meetup, no response etc and only present all the 'Cannot Make It' videos to compare with the reno company who offers a higher conmmission? Sorry to say that as long as referral fees is involved, you will never be a fair party.

    Also, please act like a real person. I realised that you have been asking for reno contacts and now u claimed that your reno was completed a mth ago?

    By the way, I won't be posting after this reply cos I don't want to 'bump up your thread' to let u have the opportunity to claim about you being 'wei da' to help new owners. :unsure:

  6. I wanted the Samsung fridge u mentioned initially and like u, was convinced by Everjoint to buy Hitachi instead. The excuse given by them was Samsung spolit more easily. Think Hitachi must have given them very high margin. Realized that many of my friends and my neighbour also using Samsung. Theirs r still good and working well after so many years and quieter as compared to mine -___-"

    The shop owner mentioned the panel outside the fridge for the child lock etc spoils easily. He has already gotten a few complaints over the years on the older models with similar panel infront. And if it is spoilt, the whole fridge has to be sent to Samsung to repair. That's too troublesome.

    The rubber from the water dispenser will harden and water will taste funny subsequently.

    So i went for Hitachi, Japanese brand with long years of reputation in Fridge and Washer.

  7. Adi, I cldn't believe there's such shamless people around. I also super angry after reading it. Think it were to happen to me, I will self invite myself to the shamless guy's hse and make loud comments like 'wah... U copied my hse huh? Y don't replicate everything... The switch here look funny leh... '

    Another type of people I cannot stand r those who told IDs that they didn't take up their service cos they don't like the designs and concept. But real reason is due to price. Then they will go to another ID who can do it at a cheaper price and replicate the design which they claimed that is not to their liking! Come on, just be truthful loh. I can't understand why it is so hard to tell the ID that it's due to $$$ that he can't engage his service. Stealing one's idea is also another form of theft.

  8. Fully agreed. Also If really like the design and the rapport with the ID, GST shdn't be the deciding factor.

    Hi, the really big companies, maybe some are public listed, will need to charge GST. Law says you gotta charge GST if your revenue reaches $1 million bucks. The medium to small ones usually don't charge GST. So the no GST thing become sort of a selling point...

    Since most IDs in Singapore are not that big, so, yeah, most IDs don't charge GST.

    But to be honest, those who don't charge GST would probably make up by rising price into your quotation. After all, no free lunch right?

    Hope it helps

  9. Yes, have been using my microwave quite frequently. As I don't cook, the microwave is my best friend for all the instant products. Quite good. Come with steam and grill function.


    Nice kitchen you have got. Love your island and full of envy..,,

    Have you tried your Panasonic microwave? Is it the one with steam and grill function?

  10. Thks. Yes, the doors r from Henry too. In fact, I didn't outsource anything. Everything including the windows grilles are from my contractor. Price for the bedroom doors shd be less than $300 each.

    Hi Friends78, very nice house deco there! :)

    May I know if your veneer doors were included int he quote as well? Or this is a separate item you got directly from supplier? Able to share the contact and how much is it?


  11. Decided to bend the principle slightly and put the "face" down, why?

    Realised i'm really "behind time" after getting a personal android smartphone last mnth. Has been using the co's "dumb" mobile handset for 11 yrs or so. After some study, decided to get Samsung galaxy S2 instead of BlackBerry, Iphone4, or Nokia, because of the OS. If you pay attention to the developement, you will know why. Lengthy words, not to discuss here.

    Really, the handset makes everything "on the go" - no go, will be left behind. After re-read the "Who moved my cheese?" by Spencer Johnson like a lightning strike me -has to make some changes to life. Believed, the young working professional know what I meant.

    Will be back to school(SIMGE) again next January, 2 yr part time. Submitted application & all docs liao. Expected to be the "oldest" student in the class, just to fulfill a dream I have some 18 yrs ago.

    Perceived have climbed to almost top of the coporate ladder, have wife, 2 children aged 16 & 14, have car, has one fully redeemed 5rm, and one FH condo under construction, what else I "want"?

    Now jogging/chinup/push up/situp hard, hope to reduce at least 1 inch "fat" at waist when school starts. Also, will take up an archery course soon, to shape the mind to stay determined & focused.

    Wish me all the best lah! I boh paiseh! I shall declare I'm back!

    Finally... :sport-smiley-004: looking forward to your post! Welcome back! :thumbs up:

    Bepgof Bro,

    I go set up a Facebook Fan Club for you to showcase your face, pride and integrity, then we all go and click "LIKE" Bepgof ok! :yamseng:

    Don't leave us again. We will miss you.

    Yeah! Good idea!

  12. has pm u aledi... :D

    y open concept kitchen no good? i dream to have one but my kitchen is small..too bad.. haha..

    Thks. Mae jie said in term of FS, open concept kitchen will result leak of wealth. So I'm still thinking whether to go for look or my pocket well-being. Ha. Ha.

  13. Hi hi!!

    Sold! But COV only 36K. LOL!!' initially someone offered 38K but I accept the lower COV from a young couple's who been searching for a flat for quite a while. And they just married and desperatly need a house of their own. So I agreed to let go $36K COV. They came 3 times to view my flat and I can feel their sincerity. Agent initially ask me to hold on cos there are still buyer's waiting to view my flat but dunno why I just want to sell to this young couple's. LOL..

    That is so sweet and nice of u... The buyers are indeed blessed to have met u. Most of them I met when I'm searching for my house were those 'No money no talk' type...

  14. img20110826182309.jpgimg20110827175133.jpg

    "bamboo pole hanger before and after"

    haha. thanks a million to metalbone. he did the washing all by his own! :sport-smiley-003: it is soooo much different now...no longer yellowish... :sport-smiley-004:

    then hor...i'm responsible to put the plants, on the light and take the picture...haha :sport-smiley-018:

    So Metalbone stood up on the ladder to wash it? Wow... must be very tiring! Your hubby is so good and hardworking! If mine, he sure will say: "U clean one side, I clean one side!" :furious:

  15. this has became one of our favorite spots. a big thank to henry for selecting a nice n matching laminate which we were skeptical n worried before reno. haha :drunk:

    I realised that Henry has this bad habit. He likes to influence his 'likes' to owners... :unsure: He did the same thing to my Master bedroom wall, floor tiles and some of the laminates. Heng the after-effect is nice or we can combine to 8| him!

  16. i think we get used to it liao. it's exactly like what u have mentioned. we totally have no time to look at the grilles but busy with other stuffs now..haha

    met up with henry yest. he explained to us patiently and reason out y it's protruding out. we kind of accepting it and decided to keep this too.....happy ending~~~ :dancingqueen:

    So u will get an LV bag instead from the savings right? Prada also not bad too! :dancingqueen:
