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Posts posted by beany0811

  1. progress update - end of week 7

    # carpentry is WIP - the workmanship of the guys have so far been so good... quite happy with what we've seen so far. full completion of carpentry should be done by next week :D

    # the marble floor is quite badly scratched in many areas tho :( a lot of rework to be done on that...

    # air-con blowers are up... we were also quite happy with the work fm hong tar - they took the trouble to change the water piping cos it was jutting out @ the toilet area - their guy sat there and changed the pipe joining so it would look neater

    fm the ugly water piping to mbr toilet...


    ... to a nice, neat and concealed one


    the damaged skirting was a result of the wall hacking earlier... didn't notice till today. ID will be sending his guys down to repair on monday

    our aircon - mitsubishi heavy industries


  2. Hi:

    I had forgotten the actual height but its definetly longer then 20cm.

    btw, what you mean by sauce rack, do you have any picture of it?

    Thanks :yamseng:

    hi blurer23, we managed to get the sauce racks we want ;)

    ID talked to the carpenters, and the configurations of the cabinets were changed so it could accomodate the pull-out basket.

    below is the pull out sauce rack, or basket


  3. its always very nice to see others' houses get built up, and how the transformations r... tt's why all of us r always on the lookout for updates to everyone's blogs.

    am sure ur place will turn out very nice ;)

  4. Oh not to mention my another furniture will be deliver to me tomorrow YEAH!!! Eg. Coffeetable, Bedside table & Book shelves

    do post pics of the furniture... fm unikhome rite? looking forward to seeing how they look :rolleyes:

  5. carpentry in progress

    rate @ which the guys work is rather amazing... first day of carpentry, and kitchen cabinets 80%

    display cabinet, 70%... wow

    thanks to forummers' advice, we did study the exposed parts of the carpentry; the plywood seems solid enough, and no broken pieces; all the blocks look solid and sturdy.

    since ID promised to change the defective blockwood pieces, gonna give him the benefit of the doubt until QC time.

    after we came back, realise forgot to bang on the inner walls of the storage areas to ascertain how hollow it sounded tho. that will be tomorrow, or the day after's job.

    workmanship seems OK for now; no chance to scrutinize yet... guess it's still early days. pretty happy with the rate of progress so far. if work carries on this pace, will be good.

    kitchen entrance


    kitchen cabinets in progress


    realise tt the areas under the top cabinets will look rather dark... gonna install some lightings...

    kitchen pipes boxed up


    opening... showing the pipes


    the hubby's display cabinet


  6. yup yup, i agree with you forkie. if you are paying premium prices, you should be gtg solid plywood for all these carpentry works, if you are going to stay very long at that place. no point gtg louya 'hollow wood'. it may 'tong' for the 1st few yrs, but definitely won't 'tong' over the next 4 or 5th year. i tink that hollow part of wood looks suspicious to me too.

    hey pinklady and forkie, thanks for the advice. we went up to the unit after work today intending to check the carpentry again... and amazingly, most of the basic structures were already up :o

    that suspicious looking piece of thing was nowhere to be found; so we could only go around studying the pieces that are already up, and still bare.

    so far so good. the plywood are solid enough, esp for the structures like shoe cabinet, wardrobe and kitchen cabinets.

    the hubby noticed some of the blockwood still being used for some drawers... will check with ID on that again.

  7. Sigh, ok, I just bought LeGrand regulators from Choo Chiang. Will update you guys if it works. But my electrician and Choo Chiang staff said it works.

    Stay tuned guys!

    hi DKCH, we bought one from Choo Chiang last sat too! I asked one staff. she said must check with the fan manufacturer. The manager whom we bought the LeGrand doorbell wasn't around for me to ask. He's pretty well-informed and not bad at product knowledge.

    but our installation won't happen until maybe a week or two later. We'll update too :)

  8. the offset for both toilets can be different - for our case, ID advise us to wait till tiling of the toilet done, then can take more accurate measurements. ours turn out to be 5" and 9"

    we also asked the guys from asia excel, where we bot our ma tong, they say generally for older flats the hole is further away fm the wall.

    all wcs apparently come in a certain no. of different offsets, then the plumber will measure and install the wc with the pan collar, according to the length fm ur wall to the centre of the pipe. the pan collar is supposed to be the factor for the most accurate offsetting and correct installation.

    eg: one of our toilet - think the ID gave us 9" offset, but the delivered one was 7.5" or something - the delivery guy told us it was OK - the plumber will use the pan collar and do some adjustments.

    so far so good, no problems with both the WC.

  9. Thanks to all for responding regarding the carpentry.

    I've spoken to my ID. He explained to me that those are just small vertical non-weight bearing compartments. So hubby is fine with it. :)

    Oh no! I realised how bo chup I was. When I went up, all the carpentry were up already. It just looks pretty and ready. I never seen my reno having these kind of 'raw' look. Oppies! Hope my cupboards still continue to stay strong. I am stuck in that house for at least 20years.

    Unless I buy private property, if not, no chance to move out of the house cos of the HDB levy =(

    Maybe I should start saving now for the next reno in 10years time =D

    don't worry about yours, circles. yours look very sturdy to us :)

  10. Hmm im not very sure. But so far non of my carpentry looks lidat.

    Supposed to be solid pcs of wood in layers completely.

    Hollow in between to me will feel like it is not "solid" ? I dont think i will accept such unless my ID give me a very convincing explanation on it.

    hi forkie, we feel the same way too. we've notified our ID to check his supplier's delivered products. so waiting for him to get back :unsure:

    we feel that owners really have to check when materials are delivered and alert their contractors and IDs as soon as possible. because sometimes, there is often a time lag if communication involving more than 2 parties are needed.

    Main contractor/IDs may not be aware of the quality of their suppliers' products but they're also responsible for ensuring that no poorer-than-agreed materials are used, upon delivery. it'll be too late if the fixtures are up and the laminates have been applied. rectification work is just a waste of time and money for all parties concerned.

  11. question about carpentry

    have you guys seen such work in your carpentry? stapling the pieces of plywood together but still leaving a gap


    the funny thing is that, on the right side of this carpentry picture shows some thin pieces of wood stuffed in between the 2 planks. is it ok for carpentry or is it some slipshod work to thicken the cabinet's profile?

    appreciate any advice :)

  12. national day surprise

    the hubby went up to the unit today, and surprise surprise, toilet doors and shower screens r up! :bath:

    we also checked with ID again on the materials used for carpentry; he will change all to plywood... that made the hubby pretty happy too

    hope everything will continue going well

    common toilet door


    common toilet shower screen


    mbr toilet screen/door


    mbr toilet shower screen


    the hubby reported tt water pressure is good :lol:


  13. Agree the scratches on the floor tiles very obvious. Hope to see that your ID can remove them. Your floor tiles also bright and shiny :good: .

    we hope they can be removed too... @ first the wife din like the look of the marble; found them quite dated. but it kinda grows on you, i think.

    so now, marble must be flawless! heh

  14. wow, in 10 days, ur carpentry is all up, and u guys have moved in and unloaded all ur stuff... i can see all the pics pasted on ur fridge :lol:

    must be happy to have a spanking new place.

    saw that u have lots of chicken s/s stuff... must have cost a bomb. we bot some ktichen stuff, and bill is already $500 plus

    enjoy ur new place... pics look good. i like ur wardrobes designs. they are all very nice :thumbs up:

  15. hi everybody, another question from me.

    We've received the carpentry stuff yesterday. but we're wondering what kind of material is used, as shown in the picture below:


    Appreciate if anyone can enlighten us. Thanks :)

  16. just can't resist posting the pic of the wrong gate sent... we initially didn't even realise the gate had been changed.

    just seems abit funny... that such a design was sent and installed... it has stars, moon and leaves on it :wacko:

    (sorry, but no offense to anyone, esp if anyone has installed this design)

